Attention's Like a Fire

The Talk.

“I…can we please leave?”

Frank shook his head again, “No fucking way. You’ve screwed around enough; it’s time to fess up.”

I bit my lip, and looked around nervously.

“Okay, so…it’s someone…someone’s been on my mind. It’s kind of a nuisance, but it’s no problem! Can we leave now?”

Ignoring the last question, Frank continued on with the interrogation, “What do you mean someone has been on your mind? Is someone bothering you, Mikey? ‘Cause if anyone is, tell me, and I’ll kick their ass.”

“Well, it’s kind of two people…but kind of different reasons…”

Yeah, Gerard, because he’s always rubbing with you onstage, and you, because I fucking love you, asshole.

“Well, who are they?”

I fidgeted on the uncomfortable chair, it was itchy, and the back was digging into my spine.

“It doesn’t fucking matter, okay?! Just forget it!”

I got off the chair and stomped over to the door. Grabbing the handle, I turned the knob before getting my wrist caught in Frank’s firm grip.

“Listen, I’m worried, alright? Can’t you be a little fucking nicer? I don’t want anyone jostling you, but seriously, if those fuckers bother you anymore, tell me.”

His face was hard and so fucking close to mine. His breath tickled my nose, and I restrained myself from wrinkling it, because that would show that he was effecting me, and that would blow everything.

I released a shaky breath, hoping he wouldn’t notice and nodded.

“Alright. I got it…”

I opened the door, and walked out to the bus. As soon as we got on Frank automatically jumped on Gerard, giggling. Gerard simply smiled up at the small man on his back. They were acting as their usual flirty selves.

Hey, Frank…those guys are fucking around with me again. Do you think you could beat them up?

Too bad I couldn’t say that out loud.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the shortness of the chapter, and the late update. I had a hard to coming up with how I would continue the conversation from where it left off, and I was busy with schoolwork.