Attention's Like a Fire

Who Do You Love?

Everyone was comfortably in their beds, except me.

I decided to stay up a little late to watch re-runs of cartoons. Settling into the couch, I flicked through the channels, and munched on pretzels.

Yup…this is the American dream. Being a lazy bastard, watching TV, pigging out and being famous to some extent.

The door to the bunks opened and I turned to see my brother in baggy black pants and a holey white shirt. Looking at him, I smiled.


He shuffled his feet and looked down, uncharacteristically nervous.

“Nothing much…um…I actually need to talk to you about something important.”

Hearing the serious tone, I switched off the TV and turned to my brother.

“Okay…tell away.”

“Today, I told Frank I liked someone. Someone in the band. And…I didn’t tell him who, but Frankie told me I should confess to this guy…but…I wanted to let you know before I tell him. I want you to know who it is.”

Frowning slightly I replied, “I think I already have an idea of who it is…”

I mean, really? You kiss him onstage nearly every other show; I think it’s very obvious with that reasoning and with you flirting all the time…

Gerard turned a deep red, “Y-You do?”

I sighed, “I think the entire damn world knows. You’re always looking at him and stuff.”

My brother flushed even more, “I tried not to make it so obvious…”

“Really? I couldn’t tell by the sparkly eyes you were making at him.”

“So…you think he would want to maybe…go out with me?”

As much as it breaks my heart to say it…

“Yeah, Gee. I definitely think Frank would give you a chance.”

Gerard looked up, startled, “Frank?!”

Looking confused, I slowly spoke, hoping he would remember the love of his life again.

“Yes, Gerard, remember? Frank, the one you want to confess your undying love to?”

“I wasn’t talking about Frank, idiot! I’m in love with Ray!” he hissed the words out lowly, so no one in the room next to us would awaken.

My mouth was opened in a perfectly round ‘o’ as I finally came to terms with what my brother said.

“So…you don’t have any feelings for Frank?”

Gerard vehemently shook his head.

“ like Ray…”

Bashfully, Gerard nodded.

“Well, then…like Frank told you, even if he doesn’t want to get with you, he would understand. Nothing would change; we’d all still be friends, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Gerard smiled gratefully and pulled me into a fierce hug, “Thanks so much, little bro. I feel a lot better. Tomorrow is a big day. I think I’ll confess.”

I grinned back, “Go get ‘im, lover boy. But right now, go to sleep!”

Gerard pouted, “What about you? How come my wittle brother doesn’t have to go to his bed? I think you need some sleep. After all, your girlfriend is coming soon.”

I growled and threw a pillow at him, “She is not my girlfriend!”

Giggling, he went to his bunk.

Instead of turning on the TV again, I decided to mull over what had happened.

Gerard…doesn’t like Frank. But how does Frank feel? I mean, he already told Frank he liked someone, and he was all for Gerard confessing. So, that can mean a lot of things. It could mean Frank’s just a good, supportive friend. It could also mean Frank knew, or thought Gerard meant someone else, and despite the fact that it hurt him, he still supported Gerard.

And lastly, it could mean…

Frank thought Gerard was talking about him, and was happy that Gerard returned his feelings. And if that were the case, he could get hurt when he found out the truth.

“And if that’s the case…things aren’t going to go well…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yup, that's a surprise to shock you all. The actual choice to make Gerard like Ray was decided pretty early on in the fic-making process, so I've been anticipating the revealing of this. I wanted a different pairing, and there aren't many of these.

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