Status: currently writing! thanks for reading :)

Running From Lions

I'll Paint You Wings

The next day Alex was sitting in the usual spot at school. He was tired from the long night he had spent with the boys practicing. It had been a good night though, a normal night, for once. The only thing out of place was the feelings Alex would get when Jack laid his eyes on him. The boys shared something between them, and no one quite knew what it was.
Alex was sitting alone at the usual spot at school. It was only 8:20AM and the rest of the gang would show up eventually. He was scribbling down lyrics into a notebook, lyrics inspired by the previous events that had taken place. He sighed heavily as he closed the notebook shut, tired of helplessly dreaming of what might happen between him and Jack.
“Something wrong?” A female voice came from behind. Alex turned his head to see Cassadee standing in front of him with a big smile on her face. She was dressed in dark navy skinny jeans and a yellow
V-neck top. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she looked happy to be at school so early in the morning.
“Not much Cass, just been thinking about stuff. How are you this morning?” He asked. Cassadee strode forward and plunked herself down beside the younger boy.
“Good” She nodded “really good, did you guys have a good band practice last night?”
Alex nodded, thinking about the previous night.
“It was great” he said. Cassadee looked him in his eyes.
“Alex, I know that we haven’t spoken that much this year but… are you sure things are okay? I mean I know you had a rough year last year, but are things better?” She bit her lip, nervous from the words that had left her lips. Cassadee and Alex had never been extremely close with one-another, but just close enough so that Alex could trust her.
“I think so.” He replied, “To be perfectly honest, I’ve just got a lot going on. Tay isn’t on my mind so much anymore… but.” Alex paused and took a moment to think. “Never mind” He said, cutting the sentence short. Cassadee raised her eyebrows at the boy.
“Well you know you can always talk to me if you need to.” She offered. “Really Alex, I promise.” Alex looked up and smiled at the girl “Thanks Cass” he said “means a lot to me.” He nodded.
Just then Zack and Rian approached the table.
“Riiii!” Cassadee smiled at her boyfriend as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Hi pretty.” He laughed and kissed her on the forehead as she stuck his tongue out at him. Alex high fived the two boys.
“Hey guys” He said happily. The two boys nodded at their best friend and sat around the table. Alex couldn’t help but wonder where Jack was, it was already 8:40! He was never late for school, especially not on the first official day. He tried to shrug the thought off and converse with his friends. They chatted away, talking about what they would do for their next band practice, Cassadee asked questions about their new songs and Alex was happy to answer, he was always very open about his music.

Awhile later the bell had rung and it was time for the group of friends to head off to their classes. Alex had English first period with Cassadee, it was unfortunate that Zack wasn’t in their English class, he had it the same period but with a different teacher. The friends said their goodbyes and ventured off to class. While walking, Alex texted Jack: “Hey man, where you at?”
After a few minutes with no response, Alex shoved his phone in his pocket and walked with Cassadee to their classroom. He tried to forget about Jack for now, and concentrate on school, but It was so difficult with the thoughts of his best friend that raced through his head. It wasn’t normal not seeing him every day! As him and Cassadee reached the classroom she pulled him aside.
“Alex you don’t look well.” She said to him with steady eyes.
“Cass…” He trailed off.
“No really Alexander, What’s wrong with you?” She gave him a sad expression. Alex just sighed.
“Do you know where Jack is?” He said quietly. Cassadee’s eyebrows rose at the younger boy and she put her hand to his shoulder.
“No…” She said “is something wrong with him!?” She had a look of worry on her face.
“I dunno,” Alex said. He felt like he was being overdramatic but how could he not? After what had happened yesterday, what if Jack thought things through and realized how weird Alex was acting, what if he figured it all out? “He’s just… not here.” He said. Cassadee gave the boy a sad look, she didn’t know what to say to make Alex feel better so she offered him a warm hug.
“It’ll be okay” She whispered while their arms were embracing one-another. They pulled apart and Alex nodded, “Thanks” he said. Cassadee just smiled and they walked into class together, arms linked.

By the end of the day Alex was anxious and just could not concentrate, Jack still hadn’t replied to his text and he was tired of not being around his best friend, he missed him, and more than anything else, he was worried. He decided it would be best for him to see if he was home, it wouldn’t be weird right? They were best friends after all… and Jack had yet to find out about the feelings that Alex was keeping buried deep inside. After history class with Rian and Zack, he said goodbye to his friends and made his way off down the street, anxious to find out what was happening with Jack. When he came to the big white Victorian house, he hesitated to knock on the door, what would Jack think? Alex put his palm to his head, trying to calm down.
“Why do I have these fucking feelings!?” He almost yelled. He had never once cared about Jack this much, never cared about what Jack thought about him, but now, every move Alex made seemed to be a risk, a risk of losing Jack. He finally gave up the attempts to be perfect, who cared what Jack thought? Alex just wanted to be a good friend. He needed to know why Jack hadn’t shown at school that day. He knocked on the door and inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down. Minutes later Alex could hear someone bounding down the stairs on the inside. He tried to calm down his racing heart, but nothing would do.

The door opened.
“Alex…” Jack looked at his best friend. Alex’s eyes opened wide. Jack was wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts. His skinny torso was bare and he was showing off his beautiful body to the world… or at least to Alex. Alex tried not to blush,
“Why weren’t you at school?” Alex demanded the boy, biting down on his lip.
“I felt really sick last night after practice, wanna come in?” He stepped out of the door way so that Alex could make his way inside.
“S-sure.” Alex stammered, he walked in and kicked his shoes off.
“my room?” Jack smiled mischievously. Alex took a good look at the boy for a second time, he was right, he was sick. His hair was sticking up in all directions, but in the wrong way, as if Jack hadn’t even bothered styling it that morning. His skin was paler than usual and his lips looked chapped and cracked. Alex felt a deep sadness for his best friend, and immediately he wanted to make Jack feel better.
“In a minute” Alex said “But, you don’t look good Jacky...” Alex pouted at his best friend “Do you want soup?” He smiled happily.
Jack laughed, “You’re going to make me soup?” He said. “That’s adorable.” He pushed the line to make it seem sarcastic, but on the inside Jack couldn’t be happier. Having Alex show up at his door unannounced was a dream.

The two boys wandered into the kitchen, Jack sat down at the table as he watched Alex rush around the room, looking for a pot he could use.
“You didn’t answer my text” Alex stated, fetching a can of chicken noodle soup from the cupboard.
“I didn’t have my phone on at all today,” Jack said, keeping his eyes on the older boy. “sorry.”
Alex took out the can opener and began working. “Oh” He said “that’s fine then, I was just worried about you.”
Jack smiled at the boy, even though Alex’s back was facing him. He had never been happier in his life. Before Alex arrived his stomach was aching from the illness, but now Alex had come and the pains in his stomach seemed to disappear, and were replaced by the feelings of butterflies. No one cared about Jack as much as Alex did, and he loved that.
“You don’t have to go through all that trouble Lexy” Jack said “It was nice enough for you to come over.”
Alex just laughed and continued cooking for his friend; he knew that Jack deserved to be treated to the best of his ability. He just ignored Jack’s comment and continued on working away. Jack watched the older boy and day dreamed about how lovely it would be, if only Alex knew about the feelings that Jack kept hidden inside… if only.

Minutes later and Jack was sitting across from Alex, drinking his warm soup happily.
“Thank you Lex” He cooed after he had finished. “Was really good.” Alex just smiled,
“Are you feeling better than you were before?” Alex asked his best friend, looking into his eyes.
“Yeah.” Jack smiled, but it wasn’t the soup that had made him feel better, Alex’s presence made him all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
“Good.” Alex said.
“How was school?” Jack asked, still smiling.
“Oh erm, It was boring, just introductions and such, like it always is on the first day, really. In music we talked about our favorite artists and such, it was nice, but I was lonely.” He peered up at the boy with a shy expression. Jack blushed to a deep red, he loved the way Alex made him feel like he was the most important person in the world.
“Aw,” He said trying not to show the feelings, “well I know I’ll be back tomorrow… I feel a lot better. Do you want to hang out for a while more?” Jack looked at the clock on the wall, it was just reaching 5:00 PM, his parents wouldn’t be home until later.
“Just an hour” Alex said “I want to be home for when mum’s back” Alex’s mum hated coming home from work to an empty house. Jack nodded, understanding why, he had lived around the Gaskarth’s for long enough to understand. The boys ventured down the hallway and into the rec room where they lounged on the couch.
After Jack had set up the system, he placed himself close on the couch next to Alex, just so that their legs were touching. Alex became quite aware of the situation and began to worry, as he always did when he made too much contact with Jack. He became anxious of the situation and began to fidget, trying to become comfortable, without making too much contact with Jack. The younger boy noticed Alex’s actions, he watched as he slowly inched himself away.
“Are you okay?” Jack asked him, pausing the game.
“I…” Alex trailed off, trying to think of an excuse.
“Alex.” Jack looked at his best friend, sighing deeply and putting his remote control down on the table that sat in front of them. “I think you need to tell me what’s going on.” He said in a serious tone.
A hot flush came over Alex’s face and he stammered to find the right words. Was this it? The moment where he laid it all on the line…

Suddenly Jack reached for Alex’s hand. He didn’t care what Alex thought now, he knew that this was his moment, he was going to show Alex just how perfect they could be.
“I’m here.” He offered. “Whatever it is, even if it’s about that bitch… Tay.” He growled slightly while speaking her name. “I’m here Lex.” He smiled and didn’t let go of the older boy’s hand.
The two boys sat, face-to-face, eyes locked onto one another. There was warmth in the air, a feeling of comfort and peacefulness, but on the inside, Alex was panicking. He knew that there was a risk with the words that he was about to say, but was it worth it? What if Jack didn’t feel the same way? Minutes passed and Alex shook his head.
“I can’t Jack.” He said, his voice aching, trying to hold back tears. “I can’t fucking tell you.”
Jack looked at the boy, expressionless, not knowing what to do next, he whispered,
“Alex.” The older boys name escaped his lips. “You’re my best friend, so you can tell me anything.”
Alex shook his head, tears now rushing down his face,
“I don’t want to ruin anything.” He said “I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” He breathed out heavily, trying to calm himself down, but nothing would do. The panic just continued to rise, causing his heart to race. Jack didn’t want Alex to be upset, he wanted to make him happy, and he wanted to show him that Jack was there to make everything better. He had the need to tell Alex that he loved him, and that nothing could change that.
“Can we go on a walk?” Jack offered. “I think that would be nice.” Alex wiped the tears from his face.
“s-sure.” He mumbled. Their fingers were still intertwined as they stumbled to their feet, but Alex refused to let go of the younger boys hand, there was something comforting about Jacks warm hand around his own.

They walked to the door silently, shuffling as they put their shoes on. It wasn’t terrible weather outside; it was cold, but not rainy enough to keep them from wandering the streets. The boys walked silently together, not speaking a word until they reached South Broadway. The strip mall along the street was basically empty, only few people passed, it was a quiet Monday afternoon. The boys ventured into the park, where they sat on a bench next to one another. Jack looked over at his best friend who had calmed down quite a bit from when they were at Jack’s house. He knew that taking him out had been a good idea.
“Alex” Jack said slowly, watching the boy who sat next to him. Alex just stared at the ground, not saying a single word, he seemed to be emotionless. “I know there’s a lot going on with you right now, even though you won’t tell me.” Jack continued. “I know you’re having trouble coping with certain things, things that are on your mind. I don’t know what they are but do you know how I know that? Because, you’re my best friend Lex, because we’ve known each other for four years now and I know you better than anyone else, and you know me just the same. We understand each other Lex, we’ve always told each other everything, no matter what.” He looked at the older boy, Alex was still staring forward, not making a single change to his emotionless expression. “And I want you to know this…” Jack trailed off, he knew what he had to do. He slowly reached for the older boy’s hand, taking it in his as he inched his head closer towards Alex’s, hoping more than anything, that this wouldn’t destroy their perfect friendship. Jack held Alex by the chin, closing his eyes tight, afraid of the rejection that might follow, and before he knew it, their lips met.
♠ ♠ ♠
IM SORRY IF THIS CHAPTER IS TERRIBLE. i really hope you guys like it.. it took me like 3 days to figure out what i wanted to do and it was difficult to work with, but im trying my best. please tell me what you think?? seriously comments keep me going, as lame as that sounds. i want opinions, and I wanna know what you all want to happen >:) okkk love you thanks bye xo