Status: Posting this here because I need something that will do a word count for me :-/ Can only have 1000 words or less for this contest.



"What is this place...?"
Adamina brushed her way through the unfamilar forest. She had been following a small, white rabbit that was (for some reason) wearing glasses, earings, and and an overly-large sweater with a triangle on the front. The tip of his fur was a beautiful light blue, and his eyes a golden-yellow. His little claws were painted black and a round piercing stuck out beneathe his mouth, where two pointed fangs struck down, warning that he is one bad little bunny you don't want to mess with (though he would probably like it). The little rabbit was prancing around and though he seemed to not be worried at all (In fact, he seemed quite happy with that fact that he may be punished for being tardy), he kept repeating that he was late.

"I'm late. I'm late," he practically laughed in a very pyscho-like tone. "I'm going to be punished by the king himself! Ooh~ But maybe Neo will punish me as well." <3 *naughty expression*

Adamina could not get the memory out of her mind. What the hell was with that masochistic little rabbit? It was talking! And wearing clothes! Seriously, what the hell?! Even more confusing than that is the fact that she had followed it into a large rabbit hole and had fallen for what seemed like forever. It was like the Wizard of Oz all over again, crazy, wacked-up things floating all around. And when she finally came to the ground, she suddenly stopped in mid-air and then slammed down on her front side. She had flinched in pain and glanced up to see the little white rabbit escape through a small door in the wall. "What the hell is with this place?" she thought at that moment.

And so, you know the story....she tried a drink and shrank to the floor, then ate a cookie and grew to the ceiling. Then she grabbed the key on the table and took another drink so that she was small enough to make it through the little locked door.
Thus, here she is, making her way through this overlarge forest as she is currently the size of a mouse. "This doesn't make any sense," she practically weeped and dropped to her knees, staring at the dirt path beneathe her.

"Aww, what's the matter," a creepy yet soothing voice whispered from the trees.

Adamina's head suddenly shot up in panic and surprise. She glanced around cautiously, looking for whom has spoken to her, but sees no one. "That's it. I'm going crazy," she sighed casually.

"Hehehe You're not the only one, my dear."
Piercing red eyes suddenly eluminated in the air, by the tree just above her. Next appeared a white mask, floating in the air under the eyes. Upon it was sharp-toothed smile, stretching ear to ear. Blotches of red stained the mask, matching the red gleam in the invisible creature's eyes.

Something was off about this thing. Adamina could sense it. It was like fear striking right into her soul...just from the promising gleam in its eyes. Or maybe it was the deadly mask? Or maybe the fact that this freaking thing is invisable! She was so confused. Confused by this creature. Confused by the masochistic talking rabbit. Confused by this world; this whole situation! The trepidation immediately arose from within her, and she slowly tried to stand and back away from the creature, trembling so much so that she could hardly move.

"Going somewhere?" The floating eyes and mask slowly but swiftly glided through the air, down toward the frightened girl. She fell to the ground once again as the invisible being approached her, and she held her arms up and turned her head away, flinching and cowering in fear. Nothing happened. It was silent for a moment.....but the moment she opened her eyes, hoping that this nightmare was over, something wrapped its arms around her from behind; one tightly squeezing her stomach and the other cuffed around her throat. She immediately tried to scream but instead gagged and coughed as her stomach and throat were under pressure. As the girl began to loose consiousness, she glanced up weakly to see a head full of black hair...with gleaming red eyes...and a sinister grin drawn upon a blood-splotched mask. And then it went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
The contest said only 1000 words tops, so I just decided to stop here because I didn't really know how I would continue on for another nearly 300 words and then stop appropriately.