My Untitled Romance

The Meeting

"Hey, Claire you want to go out sometime?" I heard Renal say as I closed my locker door.
"I'm not in the mood Renaldo..." I said with boredom in my voice.
"How come, Claire?"
"Because you ask me every day and every day I say no. Beside I don't even like you...."
"But I like you."
"Ya, not going to work out. Sorry!"
I quickly walked up to my friend, Libby, hoping that Renal wouldn't follow and hit on both of us.
"You should have seen the look on his face, it was even better than the one he made yesterday!" Libby giggled.
"I know. I swear that kid has short term memory…. " I said rolling my eyes.
The bell rang and I we went to our classes. The day was boring, as usual.
As part of daily routine, Libby and I met each other in front of the school at the end of the day. We walked down the sidewalk towards my house talking about how "exciting" our day was. I heard someone behind me and turned around. It was Renal....
"Renal, stop following us." I said annoyed.
"But...." He tried to protest.
I looked at Libby with a lets run away look on my face. She got what it meant and we ran in the direction of my house. I didn't know for sure if he was following or not, but it was fun anyways. I felt my feet hit the pavement hearing Libby right behind me. I looked down for one split second and WHAM! I had run into somebody. Libby ran into the back of me and all three of us fell to the ground.
"Owwww!" I yelped as my arm scraped the pavement.
I heard some footsteps coming up to us. Looking up I saw four guys. The one that I ran into was picking up his glasses that had flown off his face.
"What happened Mikey?" A very familiar looking guy with shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes questioned him.
"I was just walking and all of a sudden she was there and AH!!" Mikey said using his hands to explain it in a wild way.
I giggled. "Sorry about that. We were just running away from an annoying kid."
"Its ok, I tend to get in these types of situations a lot." He replied. "I'm Mikey by the way.”
"I'm Gerard." The guy with black hair said waving a little. "The rest of our gang is Ray, Bob, and Frankie."
I looked at each one as Gerard motioned towards them.
"Mikey, you must have nailed her good!" Frankie shouted pointing at my arm.
"Ughh...I better get home and clean this up." I said heading for my house with Libby following.
"Mind if we go with you?" Mikey asked.
"Sure, I'm sure my mom won't mind."
We got to my driveway and I noticed that my mom was home. I stepped into the house Libby and the others following me.
"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted.
"Hey, Claire. You didn't tell me we were having company." My mom replied coming out of the kitchen.
"Ya, about that. I kind of collided with Mikey here and they wanted to come." I said pointing in the guy's direction. "I hope it's fine with you. Mom?"
I had noticed that she wasn't paying attention anymore. She was looking at Gerard with a puzzled look on her face.
All of a sudden her face lit up. "Gerard, is that you?!" She shouted excitetly.
Gerard's face had lit up also. "Lana?"
"What's going on here?" I asked very confused.
"Yes, I would like to know the same thing." Frank implied.
" know how you don't know who your father is, Claire?" Mom said looking at me a bit concerned.
"Yeah..." I replied suspiciously.
"Well....uh....Gerard is your father." She confessed looking worried as to what my reaction would be by now.
I looked at Gerard. "You are?" I questioned him.
He nodded silently. It must have just hit him that I was his daughter because he had a gloomy look on his face.
There was an awkward silence for awhile until Ray spoke. "We better get going. You can stay here and figure this out if you want, Gerard. We'll be at Starbucks when you're finished."
Gerard nodded.
"Is it ok if I go with you?" Libby asked trying to escape the awkward moment.
"Ya." Ray replied.
They all left and Mom motioned us to the living room.
"First of all, I want to know why you didn't tell me this a long time ago." I said.
"Well, I was young and dated Gerard for awhile and well I had you. The reason why he hasn't been around is-" Mom confessed not being able to finish.
"Because I'm an idiot." Gerard finished for her. "I started drinking and cheated on her. I regret everything and I'm really sorry." He said looking at Mom.
Mom was silent for awhile. "Well, I'm sure there is a way we can figure this out." She replied with a sigh.
I just sat there not knowing what to do or say next.