My Untitled Romance

To The Movies We Go

It has been months since then. Libby and I have become really close to the guys and it seems as though mom had forgiven Gerard...I because she has started to be a bit more happier about the situation then she first did. No one at school has figured it out yet....I mean it's not like I came running into the school screaming "Gerard Way is my father! Gerard Way is my father!" Yeah....wouldn't be caught dead doing something like that, besides people will just think I'm making it up anyways or they would bombard me with stupid questions as to why I hadn't told them before.
Libby doesn't seem a bit phased about it. She was calm and not a fangirl about it, right from the start. That's what I like about her and why she is my best friend. When she knows something big is happening in my life, she doesn't get stupid about it or get all distant like some others I know would. She mostly stays calm and collected about things and doesn't make it an awkward situation. That's what I call a really GOOD Best Friend.
I was in my room with my music blaring. I was sitting at my computer when I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." I said, turning the music down.
"Hey." I heard Gerard say.
"Hey, whats up?" I replied, turning my computer chair around to face him.
"I was just wondering if you would like to go to a movie with the guys and I. You can bring Libby if you want."
"That would be kewl. What movie?"
"Well, we were thinking Spider-Man 3?" He said sitting down on my bed.
"Awesome! I have been wanting to see that movie! I'll call Libby, I'm sure she would love to come."
"Ok, it starts at 5:30, so you have about an hour."
"Ok!" I said dialing Libby's number into my cell.
Gerard left the room as I waited for Libby to answer.
"Hey, Claire, what's up?" I heard her on the other line as she picked up.
"Hey, Gerard was wondering if we wanted to go to Spider-Man 3 with the guys and him. You kewl with that?"
"Yeah! I heard that movie is great....wait....why don't you just call Gerard dad. He is your dad, isn't he?"
"Yeah, I know, but I haven't asked him yet....I don't want to just call him dad out of the blue. It would be very awkward..."
"True. Well, I'll be there in a few."
"Yeah, it better be a few, Libby. It starts in an hour and I know how long it takes you when you say "a few"."
"I promise!"
"Ok, 10 minutes I'm timing you."
"Bah, leave me be, I'll be there."
I went downstairs to where the guys were. They were waiting in the kitchen.
“So can Libby come?” Mikey asked.
“Yeah, she’s going to be here in 10 minutes.” I replied.
“Yay!” Both Mikey and Frank shrieked at the same time.
Frank for some weird reason ran into the living room, dove onto the couch, and hid underneath a blanket.
“What was that all about?” I asked.
“It’s a Frank thing I guess….” Ray responded.
“…And a Mikey thing too!” Mikey yelled running into the living room, jumping on the couch also.
“AHHH!” Frank shrieked. “You’re squishing and suffocating the Frank!!”
Mikey just giggled and sat on Frank.
“Ahhh!” Frank yelled from underneath the blanket. “My lungs!”
Mikey finally got up and sat on the chair next to the couch, laughing his ass off.
Frank burst from under the blanket right away. His face was red. “Ya, real funny.Now I know how it feels like to almost die, MIKEY!”
I giggled as I sat on the floor. Frank sat up on the couch.
“Has it been 10 minutes yet, Claire?” He asked.
I looked at my watch. “It has actually been 15 minutes….” I replied.
Right after I finished my sentace the doorbell rang. Mikey and Frank quickly ran to it.
“It’s Libby!” Frank yelled.
I laughed as Mikey and Frank struggled to get the door open, as they both were trying to open it at the same time. When they finally got it open, they both tackled Libby.
“Ahhh!” Libby screamed as they all fell in a heap at the doorway. “Talk about EXCITED!”
“Well, duh, what do you expect, Miss Libby. It’s boring without you!” Mikey responded.
“Ya, Claire’s no fun!” Frank added jokingly.
“Hey!” I shouted, throwing a pilliow at him, hitting him square in the head.
“Ow! You evil woman!” he shouted as he got up and ran to tackle me.
“Ok, people, if we keep horsing around, we will miss the movie.” Bob reminded us.
“Ya, Frank!” I shouted, pushing him to the side.
I helped Libby and Mikey up and finished getting ready for the movie. We all hopped into Gerard’s car and made our way to the movie theater.