Status: Slowly working on it


Let Them Eat War-Bad Religion

-Two Weeks Later-

To say it was a shitstorm was being nice.Amir raised Hell from Kira at the top of Haden Inc. down to Gibbs, Jacky's cat.The cat just lolled at him and played with him, which pissed Amir off and sent Jacky running to catch his cat before his cat got hit with a car.We'd combed and exhausted everything this side of Vegas.Granted Monte had been right in the first place in saying that it wasn't like her to disappear so quickly, but what if she'd gotten a lead?What if she found Leila's tracks?

I sat attempting to read cards for some unknown reason, hoping something would pop up.Naturally my living room was filled with smoke from incense and candles and attempting to meditate on these cards.

It was as a complete surprise when my front door was burst open and the exact person we were looking forward burst in.I did what any person, man, woman, vampire or were would do and fell on my ass, scrambling for my glasses.

"Colt, what the fuck?" I stood up and dusted myself off and glared at her, before blowing my incense and candles out.She was rooting through my cabinets for something that I apparently didn't know was there.

"Not one word, Max.Aha." She attempted to get past me but I moved and blocked her way to the door.

"Not leaving until you explain where you've been for the past two weeks.Amir's back and Monte's freaking the fuck out.I'm apparently the only sane person here.So you tell me what the fuck is going on and I'll let you go." I glared at her and her eyes flashed green.I did what any person would do and snatched what was in her hand out of it.It looked like a hair ribbon.

"Leila's.Craig stashed it here so the Rogue's wouldn't try to flip his place.Little late on that but I need it." She snatched it from me and tossed her blue hair forward and tied it into her hair. "I need to go to Jersey.I have a few friends who got some leads.I need to be out and about as Colt Derakh, the most feared vampiress.I need to make my tracks and I'm flying out to Jersey to meet up with TJ.Don't let Amir follow me.Oh and I need your jacket." She waltzed past me and plucked my leather jacket from my hall closet.

"Whoa wait.You haven't seen your son in years and you are only now going to see him." I attempted to follow her but she held up her hand in my face.

"You and Monte are to stay here.You follow me, I will personally deliver you to Alex Moklebust and let him play with you.You weren't crazy about him last time you saw him." She held her finger up in my face and I saw very clearly that she had both her rings on and she wasn't covering the tell tale tattoo on her wrist that every vampire associated with her, a zombie Hello Kitty and her wolfpack symbol. "TJ's been doing his shit on the east coast while I've been snooping out here.I'll be sending Monte a text to let him know I'm alright since I know he's probably worried about me.Don't fucking follow me." With a flash and a hard kiss, she was gone leaving me stunned.The only thing I could do was scramble for my phone and call Monte.

"Hey, Monte.She's going to Jersey.Meet me at Amir's.We're following her." I grabbed my other jacket and hauled ass out the door to my car, not even giving Monte time to reply.I didn't give a damn if Kira yelled at us or even if Colt delivered us to Alex.We were going after her.
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Thanks to Havok_Star for keeping me slightly inspired with her late night convos.Love ya cakewhore. Comments are love.