Status: This story is for Brian Kinney. Enjoy!

Tohru’s Snow Angel


Tohru’s P.O.V.

Ever since Haru had confessed his feelings to Tohru, the two of them began to see more of each other than ever before. Haru would wave at her from afar and give her warm hugs, that reminded Tohru of happiness at it’s core. Her whole demanor changed when she saw him. Her body would go from slumped to relaxed in an instant. Kyo seemed happy for her, but Yuki for some strange reason was quieter than usual. This upset Tohru and one day she confronted him about it.

“Do you not like Haru anymore, Yuki?” Tohru questioned, her voice quivering.

Yuki let out a disgusted sigh. It was a sound that had never been directed at her before. She didn’t like it.

“He’s difficult to deal with, especially when he turns black,” Yuki admitted.

Tohru frowned, feeling as if he was leaving something out. She didn’t push the issue any more though, instead walking away. She chose the right choice. Yuki had been changing into someone else lately. Someone unrecognizable to his friends and family.


The next time Tohru saw Haru, she told him about what had happened when she had attempted to understand why Yuki was acting so different.

Haru ran a hand across his face in a tired way. “Kyo was right. Yuki is jealous,” he stated.

“What?” Tohru exclaimed, her face becoming confused.

“It’s true. Has Yuki ever acted this way toward anyone other than Kyo?”

Tohru thought about what he had said and realized with a shock that he was right. Yuki had to be jealous. His behavior was similar to the way he always acted around Kyo. Tohru just couldn’t believe that Yuki was jealous. The two of them were close friends and she considered this behavior petty.

Tohru sighed, “You’re right now that I think about it.”

“What do we do?” She asked, panic stricken.

Haru shook his white and black hair and said, “We do nothing. How are we supposed to change his mind when he’s that stubborn?”

Tohru nodded, her eyes becoming downcast.

“Besides, I really like you Tohru. No one and I mean no one is going to get in the way of that. Not even Yuki.”

Tohru looked up suddenly, nodding. Haru smiled at her and Tohru knew it was reserved just for her.
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I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! I will work on this story more and try to finish it. :)