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Choose Wisely

Chapter Five

“I think I’ll go with Brian and Zacky.” This response earns you an enthusiastic smile from Zacky and a smirk from Brian.

“You’ll come around eventually Aspen, if you get tired of them, you’ll find us wherever you hear girls swooning and screaming my name.” Jimmy smiles at the thought. Johnny rolls his eyes and follows Jimmy.

Matt looks a little disappointed for some reason, “Okay… I’ll see you at lunch, Aspen.” Matt waves and walks off.

Zacky jumps onto Brian’s back, startling the taller man but surprisingly he doesn’t drop him. “Heeya! Let’s go Bri! C’mon Aspen!” You chuckle and run after them.

Once you, Zacky, and Brian reach the top of the hill, you sit down with them and relax. You are careful with how you lean against the tree, in fear of hurting you back again. Surprisingly, Brian carried Zacky all of the way up the hill, and he gently places him back on the ground and proceeds to sit to the left of you. Zacky stands and smiles a moment and sits in between you and Brian. He puts his arm around both of you, while being cautious to avoid your sore back. You smile at his kind consideration.

“So now what do we do guys?” Zacky asks.

“I’m not sure, what do you want to do Aspen?” Brian asks you.

You think for a moment. “Why don’t you guys just tell me a little about yourselves and Huntington.”

“Well my name is Zack Baker; this is the gorgeous Brian Haner Jr. We’ve been dating for a couple months. And we invited you along not only because we think you’re cool,” Zack pauses, Brian smirks at him, “but also because we’ve been looking for someone like you.”

“For what?” you ask, confused.

“Well…” Zacky starts, “we don’t know if you’re into this kind of thing; plus, we just met you, but…” Zacky pauses again.

“What he’s trying to say is,” Brian interrupts, “we’ve been looking to try something new in our relationship. And we’ve been looking for another guy to have a threesome with. Are you gay?”

You freeze a moment, both shocked and a little turned on at their request. Both of these men are breathtakingly gorgeous, you can only imagine what they look like in bed. Why would they want someone like you, you wonder. “Yeah, I’m bi.”

Brian smirks his trademark smirk you are beginning to find incredibly cocky and, at the same time, sexy. “Good. So, are you interested?” Brian looks at you with calm and cool eyes, as if knowing already what your answer will be. However Zacky’s are wide open, anxious and pleading.

You pause and think about their request. You hear the first period bell go off in the distance.

Choose Wisely

Scenario 1 – “Count me in, when are we doing it?”

Scenario 2 – “I’ll pass, I want to get to know you guys as friend before I get into something too deep, no pun intended.”

Scenario 1 = Chapter 13

Scenario 2 = Chapter 14
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Sorry it's so short. Wow that happened fast didn't it? I hope I didn't rush. Tell me what you think. Commenters, subscribers, and recommenders are greatly appreciated.