Status: A while between updates. Feedback makes me write faster! :P

Choose Wisely

Chapter Seven

“I think I’ll go with Matt.” This response earns you an irresistible smile from Matthew Sanders, dimples and all.

“Oh, okay Aspen, whatever you want to do.” Zack says, and then proceeds to jump on Brian’s back. “Giddeyup Bri! Heeya!!!”

“And to think I thought you were cool. C’mon short-shit: so many innocent people to be corrupted, so little time.”

“Shall we go then?” Matt asked.


“So how do you like Huntington so far?”

“It seems pretty awesome. And I’ve already made five friends before the first bell. That has to be a new record.”

You and Matt walk in silence until you reach the cafeteria. Matt motions for you to sit down at a table with two seats by the window. “I’ll get us breakfast, you stay here, okay?” You nod and turn your head to the beautiful view outside. You could see the beach perfectly. The Pacific Ocean seemed to be calling your name; it just looked so inviting. It was so close you could see clearly see the people playing volleyball, surfing, and wiping out on the beach. You notice Matt walking back with a tray of food. You wonder if you should ask him if you can go to the beach with him and the guys. Of course he wouldn’t say no, right? He practically lives on it. Then you get to thinking about how muscular Matt is, he already looks very attractive with his shirt that he cut the sleeves off of, you wonder what he would look like shirtless, and just swim trunks… if that. Oh god, stop with your thoughts. You know what happens when you get too aroused with your thoughts.

“Hey sorry, I should’ve known they wouldn’t let me get two trays. I should’ve just let you get your own. But I just brought twice as much food on one tray, if that’s okay?”

“Yeah man, it’s fine. Thanks.”

“No problem.” You go back to looking at the beautiful view; you can’t help but wish you would’ve gotten kicked out of your old school years ago. You were really missing out. “Gorgeous view isn’t it?”

You look back at Matt and see he’s looking out the window as well. He looks back at you, and you two look into each other’s eyes for the first time. ‘He has the prettiest eyes in the world’ you think to yourself. When you hold his gaze for even longer, he smiles, showing off those perfect dimples once more. At first glance, people would find this guy intimidating, but if you look into his eyes he’s probably one of the gentlest creatures you will ever see; granted he’s the gentlest creature that could still kick you ass. “Yeah, it is,” you reply without breaking eye contact.

He smiles even wider now, and then looks away before things get too awkward. “Well, eat up. I didn’t get all of this food for nothing.” You had forgotten he’d brought food. You take one of the scrambled egg sandwiches and devour that quickly. You then take a gulp of the apple juice and proceed to gorge down a blueberry muffin.

“Hungry?” Matt asks with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“Yeah, maybe a little. Are you going to eat some before I do?”

Matt chuckles. “Nah, I’m not that hungry. Carry on.” Matt doesn’t eat any of the food he purchased, but takes a gulp of his milk. You almost spit your food out of your mouth at the sight of him.

“What?” he asks.

“You have a little something on your lip,” you say in between chuckles.

He feels his lips with his fingertips and realizes he has a milk mustache. “Oh my God Aspen, that is so elementary.”

“Still funny though! And oh, you missed some,” you say pointing to your own mouth showing him where it is.

“Here?” he asks pointing to the wrong corner of his mouth.

“No. It’s right- here let me get it.” You reach over the table and wipe the milk off of the corner of Matt’s upper lip, feeling his recently shaven face and part of his soft lips. You look into Matt eyes just like before. He slowly closes his eyes as your fingers run across his upper lip, and slowly opens them again. He’s staring into your eyes intently, with a hint of some emotion you can’t distinguish; and you think you saw lust in there as well. You leisurely take your hand away from Matt and sit back down. You are left awkwardly staring into his eyes, neither of you knowing what to do next.

“I-uh… I’m going to take this tray up if you’re finished.” You stiffly nod back and he walks away, but promptly returns. “You-uh… ready to go?”

“Sure, where are we going?”

“Well… I’m going to head to the bathrooms. You want to meet up with Johnny for first period or hang out with me some more?” Matt looks at you, silently willing you with those baby blue eyes of his for you to pick the latter of the suggestions.

Choose Wisely

Scenario 1 – Go meet up with Johnny for first period so you won’t get lost.

Scenario 2 – Hang out with Matt some more.

Scenario 1 = Chapter 17

Scenario 2 = Chapter 18
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Ooh! Look at you gettin a little action on your first day! Lol! Hope you like it, tell me whatcha think. Thank you.