Love Together, Die Together

Love Together, Die Together

He walked in 4 hours after he said he was going to be, drunk as hell and with another guy. I was pissed. Not only was he late but he has another guy basically raping him? I kicked him out and turn on the guy I loved.
"What the hell Jayy?"
Jayy looked up at me his eyes dilated. Great not only is he drunk but high as well. This is just great. "Dahvie...." I shook my head at him. Not only did he come home with the guy but they fucked at the party. Tears started pouring down my cheeks as I ran up the stairs and locked the door.
Jay knocked on my door a few minutes later. I was curled up on my bed with my face hidden in my pillow. "Go away!" Jayy frowned knocking harder. I ignored him crying hard into my pillow.
After about 30 minutes of knocking it stopped. I fell asleep soon after exhausted from crying.
>>>>>>>Jayy's POV<<<<<<<<<<<
I'd really fucked up. I swear someone put something into my drink but still, I'm not a bottom so this was really bad. What's worse is what I found in the kitchen when I went to get a water before going to apologize more. A little black velvet box was sitting on the counter. I picked it up to find a beautiful ring in just my size..... "So that's why he didn't want to go with me....He was going to propose...."
After 30 minutes of trying to open Dahvie's door I curled up at the foot of his door crying.
>>>>>>>>Dahvie's POV<<<<<<<<<<<
At about 10 am I woke up, make-up a mess and went to open the door, only to find Jayy passed out by my door. I bit my lip to keep from crying and stepped over him heading to the bathroom. After showering I pulled on a pair of cut off jeans and walked out. Jayy was curled up against my door head in his hands. I sighed stepping up to him. "Jayy..." He looked up eyes all blotchy. "I'm moving out. We're done." Jayy looked like someone had stabbed him in the eye with a straw then left it there. I bit my lip, I needed to stay strong. "I'll come get my stuff later." He started to cry again as I walked out. Sally was waiting for me outside. I climbed in the passengers side and she drove away. I don't even remember getting in the house, I just woke up from my haze in a weird bed crying my eyes out. Sally came back about an hour later to check on me. I was still crying and honestly I just wanted to die. She sat with my petting my arm until I fell asleep again.
>>>>>>>Jayy's POV<<<<<<<<<<<<
He left just like that. No goodbye and I couldn't stop him. I curled up in a ball crying for most the day.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>3 months later<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Everytime I see Dahvie on stage, flirting with our fans, I want to rip someone's head off. He seemed to be over what happened but I wasn't. I still needed him. Everytime Sally, Andre, and Dahvie would do something I would say no and go cry myself to sleep. One night Sallycame to the house asking if I wasnted to hang out with her and Andrew. I declined and she sighed. "Dahves didn't want to go either...oh well." She walked out and left. I thought Dahvie has a date. I couldn't stand it. I sat down with a paper, pen and razor. I wrote
I was so stupid to do what I did. I love you so much and seeing you with other people kills me.
I know this is the weak way out but I can't help it.
Call me what you want but remember I love you. Always
I folded the letter and started opening veins. Slowly darkness crept in and I couldn't feel anything.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sames time, Dahvie's POV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I couldn't stand it anymore. I needed Jayy and I couldn't live without him. I pulled out a pen, notebook and bottle of pills soon after Sally left with Andrew. I wrote.
I love you so much. I didn't want us to be over but I couldn't trust you anymore. I didn't go with you that night because I wanted to get your engagement ring. I wanted you to be mine forever.
I'm sorry I'm so weak. Just remember I love you.
As I wrote I swallowed most of the pills and layed down. My body started shaking and slowly started to shut down.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Sally's POV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
We got back to the house about 5 am and I went to check on Dahvie. I opened the door and found what I thought was him sleeping. I stepped close and screamed. I pulled open the note and finished reading it when Andrew walked in. He cussed and walked out saying something about calling Jayy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Andrew's POV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Soon as Jayy didn't answer the phone I knew something was wrong. I told Sally to stay and went to my car. I drove almost 50 to the back of his house. "Jayy?!?!?" Nothing. I frowned going up to his room. I opened the door to see a blood covered Jayy and note. I read it then called Sally.
"Jayy's dead, killed himself for Dahvie..... We need to tell the fans...."
We both wrote.
"I hate to have to tell you this but you need to know. Sally and I went to check on Dahvie and Jayy only to find them both dead. Blood on the Dance Floor is Dead."
We sent it and out twitter's and facebooks blew up.
I stayed and waited for the ambulance to take Jayy then went back to my house. I held Sally as we cried.
Jayy Von Monroe and Dahvie Vanity were never coming back.....
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I know it's crap but oh well.