‹ Prequel: Burst Into Flames
Status: complete!

Scream in the Dark

This Love Was Out of Control, 3-2-1 Where Did It Go

I sat up fast, my phone going off for the third time. I made an angry noise as I reached for it, Vic's name flashing across the screen.

"Hello?" I said sleepily.

There was sobbing on the other end, "Elise?!"

"Vic? What's wrong?" I asked fast, fear coursing through me.

"It's Mike. Oh my god, Lise, get down here please."

"What? What happened? Vic?" I nearly screamed, throwing on clothes and shaking Tony awake.

He was crying loudly again, "Just hurry, damn it!"

"Okay. Okay, I'm on my way." I said, throwing clothes at Tony, motioning for him to get dressed, "Wait, where are you?"

"The hospital. Hurry!"

I threw my phone across the room, missing the bed, "Grab Leia, we gotta go."

"What's happening?" Tony asked, still half asleep.

I groaned, pulling my shoes on, "I don't know, that's what we need to find out."

He picked Leia up out of her crib, carefully placing her in her car seat. I grabbed it, throwing a blanket over it and taking Tony's hand.

"Hey, hey." He said, pulling my shaking body to his, "Calm down."

I shook my head, "It's Mike! Something happened to Mike!"

He pulled back, "Let's go."


I handed Leia to Tony, pacing back and forth, "So, what happened again?" I asked, my thoughts scrambled.

Vic huffed a breath, "I don't know. I got home and he was just.. on the floor."

"And the doctor hasn't said anything yet?"

He shook his head, his eyes red and puffy, "No. I haven't seen anyone since I got here."

I threw my hands up, "The fuck?!"

Tony grabbed my wrist, pulling me down next to him, "You need to calm down."

I nodded, my body was still shaking, "I know." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Vic gave me a tight smile, "He'll be fine."

I looked over at him, "Do you really think so?"

He nodded, "It's Mikey, he's indestructible."

Just then the doctor came out, clip board in hand, "Are you Vic?" He asked.

Vic nodded, standing up and wiping his face off, "Yeah, that's me."

I felt my throat close up, "He had alcohol poisoning. We tried to pump his stomach."

"Wh.." Vic said, grabbing onto the wall for support.

The doctor gave him an apologetic look, "I'm really sorry, we did everything we coul-"

"Do something else!" He screamed, pushing the doctor.

"Now, Mr. Fuentes, calm down-"

"No! No, give me my brother back!" He sobbed, falling to the ground, "Give me my baby brother back!"

The doctor gave him another apologetic look, walking over to me, "Are you the mother of his child?"

I nodded; I couldn't form a coherent thought. Pain radiated from my chest, but I wasn't sure what I was hurting about. My mind was going a million miles an hour, this couldn't happen. It's not happening.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Sosbe. We did everything we could, but there was nothing we could really do. He did have a request, though. He wanted you to know that V loves you. Does that make any sense?"

I shook my head, nothing made sense.

"Hm," He said, putting his clipboard under his arm, "I'm sorry for your loss."

I nodded, standing up and walking out the door. What just happened? I couldn't lose Mike. I couldn't! The world started spinning in front of me as a sob escaped my lips. This couldn't be happening. There was no way.

"Babe?" Tony asked, tears streaking down his face.

I fell into his chest, sobbing, "Oh my god."

He started crying, too. We stood there for too long, holding each other and crying.

I pulled back, Vic popping in my mind. "Oh, shit." I said, running back in. He was still on the floor, rocking back and forth. I kneeled down by him, draping an arm over his shoulder, "Come on," I cooed, helping him stand up, "You're staying with me tonight."

He nodded, sobs bubbling out of his throat. Tears spilled over my cheeks again, hot and fast. I pulled him into me, hugging him as hard as I could. He didn't move, his body was limp.

Tony grabbed the car seat with Leia in it, tears started flowing down his cheeks again when he looked at her. I didn't want to move, I just wanted to wake up. My chest hurt, but I still couldn't figure out why.

"Lise?" Vic whispered.

I let go of him, "What, Vicky?" I asked, using the nickname I had for him back in high school.

His face crumpled, "He still loved you."

I nodded, "I know. I.. I still loved him, too. I always will."

He nodded, his eyes never left the floor. "Let.. I need to get out of here." He said, defeat lacing his voice.

"Let's go," I said, wrapping an arm around his waist to help him walk. I kissed his cheek, our tears mixing together. What just happened?