‹ Prequel: Burst Into Flames
Status: complete!

Scream in the Dark

But You Know I Could Never Get Enough of Your Love

I squeezed my eyes closed, "Just.. hurry!"

Tony laughed, "Baby, you're fine."

I shook my head, grabbing for his hand, "They always hurt."

He kissed my cheek, "You'll be fine, I promise."

I looked over at him, my breathing labored, "I just want to get this over with so I can stare at it, okay?"

He nodded, laughing.

Jeremy walked over, his smile reassuring, "This is your, what? Ninth tattoo?"

I shook my head, "Tenth."

He smiled, nodding, "Why are you nervous?"

I half-shrugged, "They always hurt."

"This'll hurt, probably more than your sleeve since it's on the bone, but nothing you can't handle." He winked at me, pulling on his gloves.

"Are you even going to tell me what you're getting?" Tony asked, playing with my fingers.

I shook my head, "Nope, but you can see when it's done."

He stuck his tongue out, pulling out his phone, "I'm going to beat your high score, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Tony fucking Perry, you better not." I scolded, yelping at the pain the needled caused. I had a pretty low pain tolerance when I wasn't the one causing it.

He laughed again, going to sit on the couch behind me, "Oh, I'm going to."

I made another noise, "Just.. make it quick, but good, 'kay Jer?"

He laughed, shaking his head, "I'll try, your highness."


Jeremy sat back, regarding my stomach like a canvas, "Almost.." He mumbled, filling in a spot, "There! An hour and it looks perfect." He said, clapping his hands. I looked down, the script font looked pretty from upside down. He helped me up so I could see it in the mirror.

Tony came over and smiled, placing his hands on my hips, "That's.. Wow, baby. That's fucking awesome." He said.

I nodded, "It's.. yeah. Perfect, Jer." I smiled over at him.

"No, I mean.. This is like, our quote. You're the reason that made it into the song, you know?"

I turned to look at him, "Really?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Vic needed a line, and I brought that up." He kissed my neck, "It's just perfect."

I smiled, lightly touching my new tattoo, "Well, forget regret, right?"

He laughed, "And get it tattooed on your ribs."


I pulled out my keys after paying and thanking Jeremy, "Wanna go get Leia now?" I asked.

"I have.. other plans." He said seductively.

I laughed, "But my ribs!"

He pushed me up against the car, nibbling on my ear, "I'll just take you from behind."

I laughed again, "In this tiny car?"

He nodded, pulling my hips towards his, "I want you so bad, Lise." He mumbled against my ear, his whispering turned me on.

I leaned into him, placing my lips under his ear, "Too bad, Tortuga." I laughed, pushing him off of me.

He pouted, "Tease."

I nodded, "Get in, loser, we're gonna make a pit stop at the house."

His face brightened, "You're the best."

I nodded, motioning for him to hurry, "Sometime before Christmas preferably."

He let out a laugh, buckling in, "Now drive, m'lady."


I sat up, putting on my bra, "Fucking hell, Perry. You keep this up and I might expect more out of you."

He leaned over the bed, pulling me in for a kiss, "You're welcome."

I laughed, pulling my pants on, "We really need to go get Leia now, though, it's going on four."

"Yeah, I know." He said, throwing a hoodie on, "I'm driving this time, though."

"Fine then." I said, throwing him the keys.

He caught them, "Sassy pants."


"Vic!" I yelled, throwing the front door open, "Victor! Where is my child?"

He looked up, alarmed, "Lise?"

I nodded, spreading my arms out, "The one and only."

"Are you drunk?" He asked, being completely serious.

I laughed, "Nope. I just feel.. amazing." I sighed happily, plopping down on the couch next to him and Leia, "Hi, Lee. Has she been okay for you?"

He nodded, still giving me a weird look, "She was perfect. Are you sure you're not drunk?"

I laughed again, ruffling his hair, "I'm not drunk. I just.. It feels nice to remember everyone."

He smiled wide, "You remembered? The doctor sai-"

I cut him off, "I know what the doctor said. Yeah, I remembered. It was weird, actually, how it happened. It was like one minute I didn't know what the fuck was going on, then I knew everything." I laughed.


"He knows. He's out in the car." I said, pointing towards the door.

"Why didn't he come in?" Vic asked, putting Leia in her car seat and shoving things into her diaper bag.

I shrugged, "He's ready to go home and take a nap."

He laughed, "Busy day?"

I felt my face flush, "No, no! It's just.. been exhausting." I said, standing up.

He nodded, "Yeah, Mike's actually taking a nap now. He's not put her down since I brought her here last night." He said.

I smiled, "He's a good daddy, right Leia?" I looked down at her, poking her stomach. She smiled up at me as I made a funny face.

Vic laughed, "He's something."

I nodded in agreement. "Oh! Wait, you didn't see my new tattoo." I said, setting Lee down and pulling up my shirt, showing him my ribs.

He stared for a second, running his fingers over the script, "'Forget regret'? I- wow, Elise, that's.. awesome." He said, awe in his voice.

I smiled, "It was kind of a tribute to the band making it, and Tony and I, you know?"

He nodded, still staring, "That's just so cool. Thank you." He said, pulling me in for a hug, "That means a lot."

I hugged him back, fixing my shirt, "You're welcome. You guys are my only family.. I had to." I smiled up at him.

He nodded, picking up the car seat and handing it to me. He walked me out to the car, making sure Leia was fastened in right, and went to the drivers window, "Keep her. Don't ever let her go, or I swear to God, I will end you." He said.

Tony smiled, shaking his head, "Trust me, I plan on it."
♠ ♠ ♠
lumpingwithcarlile from Tumblr
I really appreciate all of you, a lot, okay? Okay. Same goes for my subs & recs. I love you guys! ♥