Status: Feedback is a must or I will not continue writing this. I update this weekly. I have other stories I'm writing, so check them out while you're at it. (:


Seventh Chapter.

[Allie's POV]

My eyes felt heavy. Something told me to try to open them, but I kept them shut. I felt myself clearing the back of my throat and I felt voiceless. I could hear muttering of a couple voices. I couldn't understand what they were saying, only because it was muffled.

My eyes opened and I went to scream but a hand covered my mouth.

"Stay quiet, alright? We're not here to hurt you." A hushed female voice spoke to me. She muttered something to the man and they were putting something on my forehead.

I started to panic. What were they trying to do to me?

"Hold her down." The man said.

Hold me down...HOLD ME DOWN? What the hell are they doing to me?

The girl uncovered my mouth and she put her hands on my shoulders, firmly shaking me. I opened my mouth to scream but the man covered my mouth again so I couldn't scream for help.

"Will you knock it off? You got hurt on your forehead. We're helping you." She said to me, her eyes narrowing into mine.

I licked the guy's hand and he flew his hand back and made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat.

"What the hell is wrong with this chick? She's a freak." He said, closing the case he had next to him and looked at the girl holding me down.

"I'm gonna give you one more chance-"

I cut her off.

"What do you want from me? Where am I?" I asked, my eyes were filling with worried tears.

"We found you laying in the middle of this forest. Our camp is set up just a mile from here. We were looking for food when we found you almost being eaten alive by walkers. We saved your ass. Now stand up, we got some mouths to feed back at camp. Come with us."

She reached her hand down to me and helped me back up on my feet. She grinned at me and I followed her as we walked into the forest together back to her camp. I had no idea where I was going, but hopefully this wasn't a trap.

We walked in silence until I asked her what her name was.

She looked at me, raising her drawn on eyebrow and putting her black hair over her right shoulder as she ducked under a tree branch. "I'm Jo."

"I'm Allie, it's nice to meet you."

Jo smiled and she smacked the guy next to her in the stomach as a joke. "This is Jeremy. He's a friend of my husband's."

Jeremy smiled and did a little wave as we walked further into the forest. "Sorry about earlier. The walkers get attracted to loud noises and if you screamed...well...we'd be in deep shit."

We all giggled a little. He had a good point.

I ducked under a thing of tarp and Jo led the way through the tarp tunnel. "Sorry about all of this, it's to keep the rain out. We usually put a trap here once we go to bed so we can sleep in piece."

I nodded my head, observing the tent they had set up. It was cluttered. The tent had empty bottles and cans everywhere.

I heard some muffled noises in the back of the tent and I couldn't believe what my ears heard.


[Vic's POV]

"Lights, can you tell me what happened?" I asked her, getting on one knee in front of her. Lights was freaking out about where Allie had went. She was hyperventilating and Beau was trying to calm her down.

"Hon, can you just explain to us what happened?" Beau asked her, stroking her black hair out of her face.

Lights wiped under her nose and sniffled a little. "Well, Tony and her were fighting about Hayden running off. She left the house to go and kill the walkers outside and she hasn't returned. I'm too scared to go out and look myself. I don't wanna die."

She fell into Beau's arms and began to sob a little. He coddled her and I looked to the door.

"I'm going to go see if she's outside. Maybe she's on a walk. It's gonna be getting light out. Al knows how to take care of herself." I said, getting up.

I grabbed the pistol sitting on the table next to the door and walked outside to investigate myself. I walked around the front area of the house, finding no clues that Allie was here.

I walked around to the side to see grass ripped out and it seemed to be something was dragged across the lawn. I got down on my knees and I looked at the evidence myself and followed it. Could it have possibly been Allie? Did something happen to her?

I followed it down to the hill. I got up and slowly walked down it and flashed my flashlight from my back pocket onto a rock that had blood all over it. There was a pool of blood but no body. Could she have been eaten? Possibly murdered? Who knows. But my blood was boiling. I lost not one of my girls, but two of my girls. And it was Tony's fault.

I ran back up the hill, my hands becoming sweaty and I marched straight to the door, opening it dramatically and slamming it firmly behind me.

I directly looked at Tony who was sitting on the couch by himself, doodling on a notebook. He looked up at me and I dropped the pistol to the ground, grabbing a handful of his shirt.

"Why would you let her out by herself? I trusted you!"

Tony shoved my hand off of his shirt. "Your woman is insane. I couldn't stop her. Lights, you were there, didn't you remember how she told me she could do what she wanted to do?"

Lights shrugged her shoulders. "It's true, Vic. You can't blame him..." She started to sob again.

"See? Not my fault." Tony crinkled his nose and looked towards the side door.

"You let her out. She's gone now. Not only my daughter, but now my girlfriend. You could have went after her, why didn't you try to stop her?" I said. I was starting to get frustrated.

"Because I did what I could. I wasn't going to put a hand on her. She probably would of pulled the trigger at me." He snorted.

"Stop fighting guys, who don't we just go out and look for her?" Beau offered.

I looked at him. "When it gets lighter outside. I need to rest...or...try to."

Tony looked over at me. "I'm sorry man, I did what I could. I tried to do what you told me, she just didn't listen to me."

I didn't want to hear it.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the lack of updates. my life has been a mess ahahaha, but I'm slowly coming back. I'm graduating from high school and then I have a whole year of not really doing anything but working, so expect updates soon.

how have ya'll been? should I continue writing? COMMENT PLEASE! (:

thank you!