Almost Lovers

The End.

She could feel the tears wracking up inside of her, her chest moving slightly as her heart pounded faster and faster.

What had she done to deserve this? What was it that she had done? What didn't she do?

Maybe she should have talked to him more, make him feel the same way he made her feel.

She just didn't get it, why would he do this to her? She was nothing but good to him, nothing but sweet. She meant to let him know how much he meant to her, how he let her feel.

But she never could because she was always so overwhelmed with the situation, over all. And now he'd have no idea.

Now she regretted every last bit of it, as the tears spilled from her eyes onto her lap. Heart broken inside her chest, blood overflowing her skin.


This wasn't fair.

He held his phone in his hands, wondering if he should call, if he should text. Anything, anything to let her know he cared.

Because he cared. He cared so much.

He didn't know why he did it, he just couldn't be with her. He couldn't explain why, there was only one reason as to why he did it.

She was too good for him. Too good for anyone. No one deserved the love she would've given him, her love was too powerful, too important to him.

He'd rather have her hate him for not being with her then be with her and hurt her, over and over again. He knew he'd probably break her poor, fragile little heart, and he couldn't live with that. He was a mistake, he made mistakes - he was full of them.

But what was he doing now? What good could he have caused now? He knew she was at home, probably about to do the unthinkable, because he was too selfish.

Was this selfishness or was this for her benefit? He felt like it was for her benefit, that's all this was. He did this because he loved her and he knew he would never be enough for her, never be good enough, never be something she deserved.

And with that one last final thought of her, he dropped his phone onto the bed and went on the computer to talk to his new 'girlfriend', as one lone tear threatened to slip down his cold cheeks.

It slipped all right, and fell onto his arm and burned into his skin, making him regret this even more.


Tears. The fell from her eyes as her heart broke more.

This was the end, this was all she could bear. She couldn't do this anymore, she needed him.

She needed this to save her, to save her from the unthinkable. To save her from abandoning all that was good to her and give in.

It was over, all the hard work, all the time and effort she put into this.

Wasted and now she was left alone, with just the lonely text messages and the memories burned into her mind forever.

She'd never forget him and with that last thought she wiped away her final tears and fell into a deep sleep.