‹ Prequel: This Burning Room
Status: read it!

To Set You Free


I carefully turn the handle and push the garage door open slowly so I don't wake my mom. I haven't had to sneak into my house since I left. Five years can damper a persons ability to tip toe. The door closed with a soft thud and instantly the hallway light turned on.

"Thomas?" I heard my mom call from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah mom, it's me."

"Where were you? I called Eric and he said that you weren't with him. I almost called the police, I was worried sick," she says as she descends the steps and I round the corner to meet her at the bottom step.

"I was uh," I stumble over with my words. "I was with Elena, Ma."

I watch as my moms face contort in some way. "Oh, I should have known. You've always been your worst with her."

"It wasn't like that. We were catching up. I met her kids."

"What?" My mom gasps. All of the color drained from her face.

"Yeah, her car wouldn't start so that is when I took her home and met them. Real cute. She said that you guys are on good terms now."

"Well she is my employee, Thomas. I have to have a manageable relationship with her."

"So you know her kids?"

"Yes, I pick them up from school most days. They call me Nana since their real grandma couldn't stay sober enough for even a millisecond."

"That's sweet. I think that we should have them over for dinner one night. I'm going to bed. Night, love you," I kiss her cheek then slip past her and up the stairs towards my bedroom.


My phone buzzing on my nightstand wakes me.

"Hello?" I say with a yawn.

"Hey baby."

"Quinn?" I question.

"Duh," she states plainly. "Who else would it be?"

Elena. Some part of me wanted it to be her. "No one, what time is it?"

"Like noon? Are you still in bed? You've never slept this late. Were you out partying last night? Is there something you need to tell me?" Quinn hounds me with questions.

"What? No, I just met up with some former friends and I lost track of time last night, that's all."

"Oh well good. I was just checking up on you, okay? Love you, bye!" Quinn hangs up the phone before I could even respond.

I look at the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand. Quinn was right, it's noon. I roll out of bed and hop into the shower before heading downstairs to find my mom has already left.

I decide to go see her at work, though seeing her isn't the sole reason. I wanted to see Elena again. Everything about last night felt like a dream. The kiss, the feelings, the completeness.

The store busy for a Wednesday afternoon. Elena is checking out someone at the counter. When she looks up she sees me and smiles.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

"I came to see my mom, and you. You look beautiful by the way," I smile. Elena looks down at her blue dress and blushes slightly. Last night wasn't a dream.

"Well that is very nice of you, thank you. I hear that you told your mom where you were last night. I thought sneaking around was always what made our relationship so fun?" she laughed then turned to grab a pile of clothes to put back in their rightful places.

"That got old, I knew I would get caught sometime. I always do."

"Because you're a terrible liar."

"You know me so well. What are you doing tonight?"

"Working at the bar."

"Oh okay, well then I'll see you at the bar."

"Were you going to ask me out again?"

"Yeah, but now that I know you'll be behind a bar all night with no where to go, it seems a lot easier to talk to you."

"How's Quinn?"

And everything stops. It was like thinking of your grandma in the middle of doing it. Great and playful mood ruined. "Oh, well I talked to her this morning. Told her we hung out and she didn't say anything about that."

"Yeah, I should get back to work," Elena says quickly before asking a couple if they were finding everything okay.

I didn't bother to stay any longer. I knew that she didn't want me their anymore. I was serious about talking to her throughout her shift at the bar. I just wanted to talk to her, I never knew how much I missed her presence. Obviously she feels the same or she wouldn't try to push me way.
♠ ♠ ♠
I probably, and by probably I mean 99.9%, won't be updating until like the second week in December. I'm going on vacation and the only time I am going to use my computer, or any other electronic device, besides my iphone for music, is for school and emergencies. Sorry to those who want to kill me for waiting a whole week to post this then go on a leave of absence, but I'll make it up to you somehow, just tell me how. (:

My sleeping schedule is all out of whack. I can barely keep my eyes open and it's only 4. So if there are any errors blame it on the oddball hour that I got up and cleaned this morning.

Sorry it was so short, it's just a filler. The next chapter will be a lot better, promise.

I am rambling. I always write the author's note before anything, which is weird. I just don't want to forget what I want to say.

Okay, I'm done. And I doubt anyone actually took the time to read that, soooo....

Goodbye cruel Ohio, hello to my real home of sunny Florida.