Status: active


Chapter 1: Encounterment

The sounds of grunts and the swish of a wooden sword came from the next head of the Kuchiki clan. Byakuya Kuchiki, is what Yoruichi told me, is his name. He looked to be about 15, like me. "We'll only be here for a little while. I just wanna bug him for a bit." says Yoruichi with a grin on her face, I smiled back.
"He had quite the temper, Sakura. So I have a feeling there will be a chase, so if he does, could you distract him for a bit?"
I nodded, this would a great way to try out my flash step.
"I brought someone to see you." says his grandfather, Byakuya looked confused as he said, "Me?"
Yoruichi collided her left breast to the side of his head, and by the look on his face, I guess he already knew who it was.
"It's you, cat monster!" He yelled and swung at her. She laughed and jumped out of the way, and landed next to me.
"Cat monster? And this is what I get? And I went out of my way to come here. I even brought a friend." Yoruichi says, gestering to me. His eyes landed on me for a bit but once I looked back, he turned to Yoruichi again. "As the next head of Kuchiki clan, I do not want to be involved in your silly games, they're not fun!"
"Oh really?" She says. Using her flash step, in a blink of an eye, she was beside Byakuya and slipped off his hair tie. He was shocked at her speed, he spun around and swung, but missed,since she was already on the roof. While waving the strand, she yelled "Now I would be scared if the next head captain could lose to a mere girl like me!" He glared back at her "I see. The fact is, you're trying to get me really angry. Fine then, I'll just show you that my flash step is far supporior than yours! " he then disappeared.
So she was right, oh well I do like a good chase. I chased after him and soon we were head to head, he looked surprised at how fast I caught up with him.
"If you're trying to slow me down, it won't work."
I smirked, "Yoruichi requested that I do so. And I'm just getting started."
I went up ahead then disappeared, then I went behind him, sliding my leg beneath him, making him trip. He got back up looking more mad and swung the wooden sword at me but I dodged it and jumped. My hand grasped the sword as I balanced myself on it then swung myself behind him, the sword was out of his grasp. He glared back at me as I smirked,
"Who are you anyways?" He said in gritted teeth. Yoruichi was probably back at the barracks, talking to Byakuya's grandfather. I sticked the sword into the dirt and replied with "Sakura, Sakura Matsumoto." with that said, I flash stepped back to the barracks.
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._. Im sorry that this one is short...