Ocean's Kiss


They all looked the same; silver hair, pale pale pale skin. For a moment, in the moonlight, Ember thought they were a figment of his imagination, as fleeting as the waves that licked at his toes. He blinked once, then blinked again, but the figments of his imagination did not go away and so he stayed as he was, watching and seeing, the racing of his heart almost as loud as the thundering surf crashing on the reef.

As a bolt of lightning shot across the sky, Ember saw one of them, the one with the longest hair, take a step out of the wave it was in and onto the sandy shoreline. He felt his breath catch in his throat when he saw how the moonlight caressed it's skin, how beautifully the sea foam clung to its flesh. The being took one step, then another, and stopped. When it did, it cocked its head to the side and looked up into the sky. From his vantage point, the boy could see it's face clearly. There was no other way to describe it. It was beautiful, perfect, hypnotizing.

Ember was so engrossed in it's face, the smooth planes of it's cheeks, the slant of it's forehead and deep set eyes that he did not notice the others, or the fact that they had disappeared back into the waves.

In the brief second after he heard the crunch of the pebble behind him, Ember had time only to form a silent Oh with his lips before the spear met it's mark.

As the 12 year old boy's life seeped from his body, the being on the beach began to wail.
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this is new. and I haven't written any fiction in what feels like centuries.