Status: I hope you enjoy reading :) Yes i'm still writing but i don't think anybody's reading so i don't upload :/

The Summer I Met Charlie Sud

The summer I met Charlie Stud.

Ok I have the shorts, the t-shirts, three different types of swimming suits, and all the usual things. “ I'm DONE!!!!!!!” I scream at the top of my voice, Charm my youngest sister comes in and glares around my room, which is the messiest it’s ever been. “Uh, I don’t think so. It’s my week for cleaning the house and I am not going to do it if this is what I have to clean” She says “ Fine then but at least help me clean up I need to be at the airport in two hours and I have to stop at Savannah’s.”

We got started and after a while my other sister Hope came in with music and chips and we all finished dancing on my bed until we couldn’t take it anymore. “Gosh I'm going to miss you guys.” I said while we were lying on my bed passing the chips to each other, it was going to be the first time that I would be away from my sisters, yes I know it cheesy but we always stick together.
“Aww, Jasmines going all innocent on us! You’re the one that’s going you know, you could stay if we are THAT important to you,” said Hope I laughed at her sarcasm. “ I think we are, what is it? Our beauty? The fact that we are the most important things in your life? Or is it just our flaming personalities?” Charm said while looking at herself in my mirror and posing, again we all cracked up “ I think it’s a bit of all. Anyways it’s just for 3 month and a week I think I can survive without all of it.” We stayed in an awkward silence and after a while Hope said “ Be careful little sis’, I don’t want you to come back preggers or anything we so do not have the time for another one of us, also your body will have no extra piercing or anything of that type got it!” I looked at her hugging my pillow and said damn it your ruining all my plans before giving her a playful wink.
“Dude! It’s 7:30pm, we said we would get to Savannah’s at 9:00pm we have to get ready!” Charm exclaimed all of the sudden, I looked at my phone and she was right wow time went so fast.

After 40 minutes of where are my jeans! And dudes give me back my mascara! We finally were ready to go. I wore my black jeans and yellow tank top with a long black necklace and a big grey oversized bag in which my computer could fit in, perfect for travelling. I shoved everything needed in my bag and put on my sunglasses
“Ready to go? Were going to be so late and I really don’t want to miss my flight so HURRY UP GIRLS!!” I said while going down the stairs to get the keys to my car.
“We are CO-MING!!” shouted Charm from the top of her voice. As soon as I went to the kitchen I heard Mars our little black Shih Tzu dog coming up to me and barking.
“ Hey hey Mars, how are you doing today?” he gave me a small enthusiastic bark as I picked him up “So, are you going to miss me?” Again he gave me a bark but this time it was followed by a small adorable wine “Aw I’m only going for a few months though and you’ll be too busy doing whatever you dogs do in your free time, eh” I dropped Mars to the ground, to get a bit of water and went to the living room again to find Charm and Hope watching TV.
“You guys are ready!? Why didn’t you tell me I was talking to Mars like an idiot waiting for you!”
“SHUT UP!” Charm and Hope shouted at the same time and then only did I realize that they were watching something that was so not worth the delay. An interview of Charlie Stud, Brandon Mar and Sam Taylor, gosh such girly girls.
“Guys! We don’t have time for this, just record it or I'm going without you if you’re not out in two minutes.”

Well it seem they didn’t even hear me or were trying to blank me fine I said to myself as I took my luggage out and put it in the back of the car before giving Mars one last goodbye. I went in the driver’s seat and put the key in the car giving the girls two minutes to get their butts in. I guess they weren’t taking me seriously, I started the car and was just about to go out of our driveway when I heard shouting from behind which made me stop. Hope and Charm. “I can’t believe you were going to go without us! You’re so rude ” said Charm “I'm so rude! I told you guys two minutes and I’ll leave you behind so it was your call, beside now we’re running late and I have to rush on the road which you know I hate” I said trying to concentrate on not getting into an accident. We argued all the way to Savannah’s about the randomness things that popped into our mind.

We arrived at Savannah’s house 5 minutes late, and it may not sound bad to you but trust me Jordan my Japanese friend absolutely hates waiting. “That took you long enough!” She started as soon as we walked in “Did you get into an emergency or something? Was your house burning so you just could not get here on time! What did you get into an car crash or something?” Now that was the wrong thing to say, “Jordan! That’s enough, there was probably just traffic!” Jordan immediately then caught her mistake and why everyone was staring at her in big “Shut up stupid” eyes, I gave her a quick smile to let her know it’s all right and went to the balcony for fresh air. The breath felt so nice on my skin, it felt like nothing ever will go wrong and right then I felt safe and sound.

“Hey,” I heard the sweet, German/African-American accent, voice come behind me it was Savannah’s. “Heya,” I turned around and sat next to her. “How’s life” She looked at me and started smiling that goofy smile of hers “You know, same old same old, it’s freaking awesome!” I laughed and said “Damn right it is! We shall be on the beach chilling’ in less then 24hours!” “I know!! It’s going to be … fantastic.” We looked at each other for a minute ant broke off in a mini dancing screaming session.
After the longest 30 minutes of my life, we arrived at the airport. Now for goodbyes, worst part of the trip (that awkward time when you’re in the middle of the doorway but you can still see your family, yeah, that one we really don’t need.) We unloaded everything and looked at each other for a few minutes before going into a big group hug. I was beginning to ask myself if I should really go, who would be the one making sure everything is shut? Who is going to take care of Charm if Hope decides to go to her crazy wild parties?
“I know what you’re thinking,” said Hope “I am not going anywhere! I promise we will behave, feed Mars, check the doors and all that boring stuff you always do ok? Beside I'm the eldest here not you!” We all laughed at that, Hope was great for boyfriend issues and things like that but when it came to taking care of a house, well let’s just say that I was always the one who cooked.
“Fine, I will stop worrying but you have to call me if anything and I mean ANYTHING happens ok.” They nodded and said yes Jasmine like I was there mother. I waved good-bye and we started walking to the long line that was waiting for us.
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Well that's about it, like I said before, more will come later but it will be esier for you to understand if you know this.