Status: I hope you enjoy reading :) Yes i'm still writing but i don't think anybody's reading so i don't upload :/

The Summer I Met Charlie Sud

Cocky Jerks & Swim Suits.

Well we made it through eventually, it was not easy but here I am sitting in the airplane that just took off.
“You ok?” asked Savannah who was sitting next to me.
“I’m fine, you?” I asked, “I’m great.” We talked and talked about what we were going to do when we get there and what are we going to wear and just as I was saying that we had to go to the famous St Lucia beach party I saw Kris trying to get my attention.
“What is it Kris?” I asked turning towards him. “Oh nothing, just that the big random voice we always hear on the plane said that we were all upgraded but it’s ok we can stay here” He said turning back to his mini TV.
“Smarticles, did you just said we were upgraded?” Said Savannah with that false calm voice she uses when she is about to scream. “ Yes, Fufreak, I did.” Savannah and Kris are really close you see, she calls him Smarticles and he calls he Fufreak weird right I never really understood them. “Oh… then may I ask WHAT THE HELL ARE WE STILL DOING HERE?” She replied with huge excitements and packing her things.

Nobody can stop Savannah when she put her mind to it and she had her mind on getting us upgraded so a minute later we all found ourselves in the private lounge on a couch.
“Damn, this place is so munch better then economy! Does anyone know why exactly we got upgraded?” said Jason we all looked at each other wondering why us.
“Never mind I am not going to be the one that’s going to complain!” Jason said looking at all of us with his goofy smile of his. Well none of us did, in fact we all were relaxing and laughing when somebody caught my eye.

There was a boy who kept glancing at us and it was really getting irritating and Savannah noticed that I was not paying attention,
“Jasmine! What’s wrong you keep looking at your right.” She was looking at me like I just did the weirdest thing in my life.
“What… It’s just that that boy over there is staring at us and it’s getting REALLY irritating and I feel like everyone is staring at us because of that, you know me!” She looked at me and gave me that “I know something you don’t know” smile. “What?” I said, gosh he was still at it “What the actual fuck. Enough I'm going there to see what is it he wants!” The whole group looked at me again like I was crazy.

I walked down there and put my hands on my hips looking down at a group of three boys and two girls. “Hi?” The brunette says looking at my outfit up and down clearly she was not impressed. I didn’t bother with her I just turned around to see the boy who had been staring and said “Ok, Hi yeah can you stop staring at me and my friends direction its getting really irritating and driving me crazy…?” He looked shocked when I said that, like he expected me to come here and say something nice “Darling, when I see an beauty sitting in economy and bring her and all her friends up here, I sometimes feel like I should get to know her a little more” he said before winking and smiling checking me out.
“Oh so that was you, have anybody ever told you how fucking cocky you are?” I said crossing my arms and ignoring his comment about me being a beauty.
“Feisty, I like it” He said clearly not getting that I was no interested, I rolled my eyes and said “Yeah ok, can you just stop looking our way please?” While going back to my seat. As soon as I took my place next to Savanna, all eyes were on me, I’m they wanted to know what all this was about.

“Just some cocky jerk staring at us” I said while getting my IPhone out putting it on full volume and starting to draw. I loved everything in the arts; it was the easiest way to get out of life and just dream for a while.

“Finally!!” Savannah said while falling onto her bed, we were in our room at the hotel and frankly after we checked in everyone retreated to their designed rooms. Savannah and me were sharing a room, Kris and Gabriel the one next to us, and finally A-J, Jordan and Caroline in the last one. Savannah fell asleep after 10 minutes, me, on the other hand wasn’t tired at all, I guess I slept a lot more then all the others on the plane. I took a shower to refresh myself and changed into my blue, white and red striped swimsuit getting ready for the beach.
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