Status: I hope you enjoy reading :) Yes i'm still writing but i don't think anybody's reading so i don't upload :/

The Summer I Met Charlie Sud

The Joy Of Having Random Boys Come To You....

It was beautiful here, I was sitting on the beach right in front of our hotel listening to my Chill soundtrack and drawing the view. The color of the sea here was incredible; it went from a greenish blue, to an amazingly perfect blue. Even the sand looked different, it was darker then in California and honestly it looked like a picture perfect view. I was so concentrated on trying to capture all of it on my notebook that I didn’t notice that three boys were behind me staring at my drawings.

“Wow …” I heard behind me, I turned around quickly to find that I was being observed by 3 boys that looked like they just saw a unicorn. “Um… may I help you?” I said giving them a confused “what the hell are you doing here” look. They must have got it because soon they all stood up straight away and we started looking at each other awkwardly. One of them was blond, the other had brown hair and the other had black hair. They looked familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. “You are hands down, the best drawer I ever saw,” said the one with brown hair “literally, you’re like modern day Picasso or something!” He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air to make it dramatic. “ Oh… um, I'm not that good” I said blushing and closing my drawing book. “ Are. You. Kidding. Me.” Said the one with blond hair “I thought I was quite good at drawing stick figures but now I realize that I was just stupid” I laughed and stood up “I'm Jasmine, nice to meet you” I said smiling at them. I thought they were going to tell me their names to but they just stared at me and then at each other and then back at me. “You seriously don’t know who we are?” the one with the black hair said, “Umm nope…” I said searching my memory “but you guys seem familiar which is really weird.” They looked at each other again and the one with the brown hair put out his hand “I'm Sam Taylor” he said waving his hand “this is Brandon Mar” he said pointing to the one with the blonde hair who gave me a cute over exited smile “and this is Charlie Stud” he said to the one with the black hair, he looked, different. “Oh wait! You guys are singers right?” they gave me a nod “Oh no wonders you guys were familiar, my sisters are obsessed with you guys” I laughed shaking my head at my ignorance and the memories of my sisters.

“So,” I said while walking on the beach with the boys “what are you guys doing here?” I asked looking at them. “Well, we all had a weekend off so we thought we would go back to my hometown and visit” Charlie said while Brandon and Sam tackled each other in the sand. “Oh that’s nice,” I said laughing at Brandon and Sam. “Yeah” he replied “And what are you doing here?” Charlie asked “I’m on a vacation with my friends” I replied as Brandon and Sam came back covered in sand. Just when he was going to say something, my phone rang, shitzel it’s Savannah I totally forgot about her and the others. “Hello?” I said “WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! I was worried sick” I heard Savannah shouted,
“Sorry! All of you guys were sleeping so I thought I would go down to the beach and chill, but then I met Charlie Stud and Brandon Mar and Sam Taylor and didn’t realize it was getting late…” I said rushing before she started shouting at me again
“This is no time for jokes Jas, we will be down there in two” she said cutting me off.
“Well… that went better then I thought it would go” I said a bit surprised that she didn’t blow on me that much “Um, Jas I'm kinda getting scared of her” said Brandon “She shouts… A lot.” We all laughed and started walking back to my stuff talking about nothing and everything.