Status: I hope you enjoy reading :) Yes i'm still writing but i don't think anybody's reading so i don't upload :/

The Summer I Met Charlie Sud

Memories From The Past

When we arrived at the Lonnovada St. number 93 like Charlie told us to, Kris stepped up and rang the doorbell. I heard a lot of yelling and footsteps but I was so drawned by the river that flown next to the house that without noticing, I started to walk towards it and before I knew it, I was at the riverbank and the others was already in.

My thoughts were whizzing in my mind, why does this seem so familiar? How did I know where to go? Why do I feel like I'm home? Why is it that I feel so… paranoid? Your just having dilutions or something, I said to myself, maybe it’s too much sun. I started to walk back to the little house and rang the doorbell; this time I couldn’t hear the boys coming so I assumed that it was going to be Charlie’s grandmother.
The door opened and as soon as I saw the lady in front of me and we both freeze. She was looking at me with tears in her eyes; her hand was still griping the doorknob. I know this woman I thought I didn’t know how or when or why but I knew her and by the looks of it, she knew me too. “Grandma? Are you ok?” I heard Charlie say as he was coming closer, I could feel his eyes on me but I just couldn’t le myself look away from her, like she would disappear if I would have. “Grandma? Jasmine? Is everything all right?” He said clearly starting to worry about us. Suddenly I heard a lot of footsteps and a second later I saw my friends and a few other people I didn’t know. “Tata? Is that? No, it couldn’t be… Jasmine?” A tall, dark brown shoulder length hair woman said. I looked at her and suddenly a pang of hurt rushed through me. “I…I… I know you. You were there when it happened, how? Why?” I said not believing what I was seeing right in front of me or should I say, who. “I think we all need to sit down so somebody can explain this.” Kris said slowly but still with a firm tone.

The next thing I knew we were all sitting around the fireplace looking at each other. “I just can’t believe it’s you,” the woman said “It’s been exactly two years and I’ve had no news from any of you girls.” I looked at her with a weak smile, I could trust her, I had a feeling that she wouldn’t harm my sisters in anyway. “Whoa there, hold up. You know Aunt G?” Charlie said looking between her and me. “Yeah. Well at least I think so.” I said looking up to meet that I’m guessing is Aunt G’s eyes. “Ok, so is anyone going to explain because I am completely lost?” Savannah said looking at me like she expected me to speak up, explain or something along those lines. The problem was, I didn’t know what to tell them. I looked at Charlie’s Grandma who was still looking at me at a close angle. “Our family have know Jasmines for as long as I can remember,” Aunt G said “You mean, you know her parents and stuff?” Brandon said not realizing the mistake he made. “I knew them yes,” She said correcting. The atmosphere in the room changed completely, everyone was staring at me and if they weren’t, they were giving me side-glances.

Charlie’s grandmother stood up out of the blue and went to a big old-fashioned bookshelf; she pulled out thick dusty leather covered books that looked like a photo album. “This, might help explain more.” She said while sitting next to me. She started going through the book that were covered in photos and notes around them and after a second or two stopped at one page. “This, is Mathilde and Daniel, Jasmines parents, when they were about 19.” She said pointing at the picture of two young adults in a park, both of them holding a stuffed lion and smiling at the camera. She looked up at me “You, my girl, look exactly like your mother, but that smile, is your father. And those eyes, I know where they come from,” when she said that my head snapped up, I have never seen anybody with the same eyes as me. They were the lightest color of orange red with flicks of green in them, when I was young I used to be able to stare at them for hours and then draw them at every angle I could possibly think of. How was it the she knew, out of all the people she knew where I had gotten these from. “Yo-You know where I got my eyes from…Mamie?” I said my voice shaking and silent tears coming down my face, I don’t know where the Mamie came from, but it seemed right, like I have been calling her this my whole life. She nodded “Yes, I do. One day, I’ll show you, but not just yet.” She said giving me a weak smile. “What is most important now is for me to explain all this, so our younger friends here understand better.” She said referring to Charlie, Brandon, Sam and the rest of the gang. And then she began, She said that my mother was from here, and that when she turned 18, something happened that broke my mother completely, making her hate this country and loath every day she had to spend in it. After she graduated she decided that she would go to America to finish her studies and when she went, she met my father. They fell in love and when things started to get serious, she brought him here so Charlie’s grandmother and grandfather could approve of him, when she and papi did, they decided to get married and a while after, they had my sister Hope. We waited for her to continue but strangely she stopped and took my hand, “I rather tell Jasmine this part alone” she said looking at the others, they all nodded but Kris and Savannah looked at me with worried looks, I guess this was a lot to take in huh? They were properly just concerned with how I'm taking this.
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=D how do you like it so far? Well remember to give me feedback, good or bad or anything you would like me to work on or do in the future <3 -Whoever you are, your absolutely amazing in at least one way