Status: I hope you enjoy reading :) Yes i'm still writing but i don't think anybody's reading so i don't upload :/

The Summer I Met Charlie Sud

Forgotten Friends & Midnight Dives

All I could think about doing was going upstairs; I was about to when I heard a knock on the door. “Come in.” I said wondering who could it be. Savannah and Kris came in, pulling me in a tight hug. “Oh Babes, it’s ok. So your mothers from the Caribbean’s, that doesn't change who you are!” she said oblivious to the other part of the story of my life. “Yeah, I mean, it’s not like your identity changes completely. You always did have an urge to come here.” Kris said giving me one of his lopsided smiles. “Guys, I think you might want to sit down.” I said leading them to the bed, “Uhuum, well… how do I say this?” I said running my hands through my hair and pacing in front of the bed. “I’m adopted.” I said watching for their reaction. Savannah looked up first looking at me like her eyes was about to pop out. “Your What?!” Kris said, “I'm adopted,” I spoke again more clearly this time “Well, kind of. It’s a long story but bottom line is, my mother and father who I have know my whole fucking life are not my birth parents.” I said tears of anger coming up. “Hun, I’m so sorry.” Savannah said coming up to me and giving me one of her hugs. “I'm fine, I just… need some time to think.” I said pulling out of the hug. “Sure, Jas. You take care of yourself ok?” Kris said giving me a hug too. “I will. I’ll be fine. I promise.” I said and with that, they went out of the door. I didn’t waste another minute to get to the wall. I pushed on it twice and the door opened, it still looked and smelled the same, like I was in a garden with tons of wild flowers in it. As I went up the stairs, I noticed something that I haven’t seen before, on the far right corner when you went up the stairs, you could see the initials “M.T.” M for… Maxime? I thought my father was the one who painted this? So does that mean that he was also the one who built all this and drew those pictures? What about the notes that were left there? Are they’re his also? All of these questions were running through my mind while I was tracing the letters with my finger. Well there is only on way to find out. I walked in the room and found that everything was intact. I went to the window and saw that all the family were outside having a barbeque, I smiled at the view of them, they looked like they were having fun.
Suddenly, I heard my door open followed by someone calling my name. They won’t find me here. I thought and if I come down now, they would find out about here. I decided to just stay here until they went out of my room. I walked to the desk, and the first thing that I saw was an envelope, the weird thing was, it was designed to me. I was about to open it when I heard the door open. Immediately I looked backwards asking myself who would be able to come up here except me.

“I knew I would find you here,” he said stepping to the window. “Aunt G came back, saying that you were nowhere to be found, and immediately I knew you would have came up here.” Out of all the person that were running through my mind when I was asking myself who would come out of that door, I never in my right mind thought that Charlie Stud would walk in my not-so-secret-anymore second room. “How did you find me?” I said looking at him, just leaning on the wall like he’s home. “We used to come here when we were younger, I didn’t know it was you though. In my memories you were just a blurry girl. But we were close when we were young, I remember playing with you all the time. I also remember when you showed me this place, we used to sit here drawing and playing random games. You always came here when you were upset, angry or sad. Trying to keep all your emotions away from anybody else and bottle them up, but I knew better when you say you were fine. Like I knew better on when you were mouthing that you were fine to Sav and Kris.” He said sitting down on the floor next to me, I looked at him shocked that he could see through my barriers. Nobody really saw through them, even Savannah and Kris but he just did, and he’s doing it again. “I just found out that I'm adopted, that my real mother has disappeared and that my father has disappeared too trying to find her.” I blurted out, I didn’t know what bought me to do it but the way he was looking at me, it was like he was seeing right through me and I couldn’t lie to him. He didn’t do what I thought he would, pull me into a short tight hug and tell me that it’s going to be ok. “Come here,” He said pulling me on his chest, I rest my head there and immediately the tears came. Not the tears that I had before, but real, honest tears. The ones I have been holding back for all those years after my parents died.
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:/ This. Is . Horrible. gah I wish I had a room like that... - Don't use a fake smile, because soon enough you will get to use to it and then there is no coming back.