Status: I hope you enjoy reading :) Yes i'm still writing but i don't think anybody's reading so i don't upload :/

The Summer I Met Charlie Sud

The Family Iv'e known.

“You remember when we went to the lake early in the morning, before the sunrise for the first time?” He said stroking my hair while I thought about what he was talking back. “You mean when I woke you up in my swimming suit, and we had a midnight dive nearly waking up all the neighbor?” I said giggling at the memory, we stayed up until the sun was rising and we talked about all the things we have been holding back until now. “And my mom came in the morning, asking us why our swimming suit were wet,” He said chuckling “And we said that it must have rained in both of our rooms!” I finished, by then, we were laughing our butts off, we continued going down to the lake after that, every night, telling each others our secrets and watching the stars making weird animals or shapes out of them. After we calmed down, I sat up putting my hair up in a messy bun and straightening my cloth. “We better get down there, before they send a search team out for us.” Charlie said standing up and giving me a hand.

When we arrived downstairs, everybody was laughing about something outside around the big table. “What’s so funny?” I asked and suddenly everybody’s head snapped up and watched me carefully. I rolled my eyes and put my hands up “I'm fine peps, seriously. I trust that Sav and Kris updated you on what's happening on my rollercoaster of a life?” I said with a smile on my face to show them I was joking around. “Yeah. Damn girl, you have hectic things following like-“ Jason said before being cut by Caroline “Watch it their Jas! Keep your language age appropriate.” She said signaling four little kids playing a game. We all started laughing, and soon enough the tense atmosphere was gone and we talked about random things. I felt like home, but all that was missing was my sisters Hope and Charm. “Oh shitzel!” I said in the middle of the conversation Charlie, Brandon, Jordan and me were having “I totally forgot to call Hope! She's going to kill me, oh dear umm, guys I'm going to have to excuse myself.” I said walking away a little bit from the group.I dialed Hope’s number and after two rings she answered, there was a silence at the other end, but I could hear her breathing. Oh dear. This is worst then I thought it would be… I thought taking a deep breath. “Hope?” I said my voice full of fear, “Speaking.” She said in a calm voice, this is much, much worst then I thought… “Look, I’m really, really sorry I forgot to call you but trust me I have a very good reason!” I said as quickly as I could. Unfortunately, this did not help my case because the next thing I knew Hope was yelling her head of about how she was worried, and how I will not be going anywhere else alone if I didn’t start taking responsibility, I think for a second there she forgot that I am 18 and is considered an adult, after nearly a minute of endless reasons why I'm immature, and how much she has been stressing she stopped and said “Just don’t do it again ok?” I took a deep breath again preparing myself to tell her what’s really been going on. “I promise,” I said leaving a pause to think about how exactly I could say this. “Hope, are you sitting down right now?” “Yes, why? Don’t tell me your pregnant!? I thought we talked about this!?” She said clearly starting to panic, “Hope, I'm not pregnant!” “Oh thank god, I was going to kill you. So what is it?” I sat down on the grass and closed my eyes, trying to relax a little. “I’m adopted.” I said in a calm steady voice. “Yeah right, you have been going on about this since forever Jas, what’s really going on?” She said in a sarcastic voice. “I’m serious Hope, I’m not joking about it anymore. I only found out today but it’s a very long story. I’m not your blood sister; I’m not Charm’s blood sister. Mom and Dad weren’t really my real parents.” I said my voice cracking when I started. By the end of my little speech, I was full on crying and dropped the phone next to me, I never really thought of it that way. About my sisters I meant, I think it just hit me that, even though they were the only family I knew, they weren’t really my family. In the next 5 minutes I don’t clearly know what happened. I had heard my name being called followed with some footsteps. I know that I was being embraced by Charlie and Kris, that Savannah now had the phone, probably explaining this situation in a better way to Hope. But it seemed like the world was spinning without me, all I could do is stare at the sky, seeing the clouds move by.
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Sorry It's kind of short but I didn't want you guy's to wait. Please tell me if you like or don't and comment anything else <3