Status: I hope you enjoy reading :) Yes i'm still writing but i don't think anybody's reading so i don't upload :/

The Summer I Met Charlie Sud

A lot of BS to take...

When I woke up I was in my bed, I mean my bed in Mamie’s house. I sat up and yawned stretching my arms trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I looked around and saw that Charlie was next to me, asleep. I laughed a little at how his nose was scrunched up and his hair carelessly falling on his eyes. “Your finally awake huh?” A deep voice said once I got out of bed and walked to my dresser. “Yeah, how did we end up here?” I said tying my hair back and looking at a very sleepy looking Charlie. “Kris bought you in here when you fell asleep and Savannah talked to your sister, after that we all said that it was best if you guys stayed here because it was getting late and you were the only one who knew the way to your hotel. The others all retreated to rooms and mine was taken so I ended up coming to see you and just falling asleep.” He said while I went in the bathroom to wash my face and try my best to brush my teeth. “What a weird bunch of people we are…” I said coming back in the room, “C’mon, lets go wake up some sleepy heads!” I said grabbing his hands and pulling him out of the room. The first room we came to was the one where Jordan, Caroline and AJ were in. I tiptoed to one side of the bed while Charlie went on the other side. “One, two, three.” I said whispering, and then we both shouted “GET YOUR LAZY ASSES UP LADYZ!!” Near their faces, the reaction we got was hilarious! “Fucking hell!” Caroline said siting up immediately, Jordan on the other hand covered herself with the blanket and shouted “What. The. Actual. Fuck. Is. Going. On?” With a slow but very menacing voice. “RUN” I shouted to Charlie before we both got a piece of what AJ was thinking. After that, we came to the room where Sam and Brandon where sleeping in. The first thing I noticed was that it was unbearably cold in there. “You thinking what I'm thinking?” Charlie said I nodded and we started walking towards them, when we got to the bed, I stopped Charlie abruptly “They do wear pajama pants or something right…?” I asked pointing at the boys, Charlie started laughing but covering his mouth so he wouldn’t wake them up. “Damn, yeah, they do.” He said still chuckling. When we were both ready again, Charlie from his laughing fit and me from my embarrassment, we took of the covers and ran out again right after seeing there face expression change from peaceful, to “It’s fucking freezing in here.” Next, we went for Gabriel and Jason’s room, but this time, we decided to take a different measure. With us, came the water guns that were in the backyard. Let’s just say that after we left, they were both soaking wet and fully awake. “Ok, now all we have to do is go for Kris and Sav… Wait, they slept in the same room?” I said looking at Charlie who was still laughing from Gab and Jas’s reaction; he still managed a nod thought. Oh dear, I knew they were going to get together one day or another. They won’t admit it, but they will. When we entered the room, all we saw was a mixture of brown and black hair coming out of the duvet. “Aww, they are so cute!” I whispered to Charlie, he looked at me and nodded. I went up next to the bed to find out that they were all cuddled up, noses nearly touching and limbs draped around each other. I looked at Charlie with a puppy dog face and said “I can’t bring myself to do this to them…” He replied, “I know, me either. Maybe we should just take a picture and let them be?” He said. I nodded and took out my phone, after a few snapshots of different angle of them; we slowly made our way out. What we didn’t expect was to see angry mob of people waiting for us, some of them wet, some of them dry. “Ok,” I said putting my hands out. “Before you kill us both, I think that you would like to see our little Sav and Kris holding each other like teddy bears.” Immediately all they faces softened and the girls let out a series of “awws” We all went in, this time going directly in the room. The only problem was, when you put a group of people like is in this situation, our steps, giggles, whispers and actions are not as quiet as can be. We managed to get to them without them waking up, but after a few seconds of taking pictures and poking around, Kris started to stir, which made Savannah stir which led to them waking up. “What the hell is happening here?” Kris said still not letting go of Sav and looking at us with annoyed face. “We were about to wake you up but, you guys looked so cute and we have been waiting for this for so long that… We just couldn’t.” I said pinching his cheeks. “How long have you guys even been here?” He said sitting up a little but still with Sav on his chest, my heart is melting right now. “Long enough.” Caroline said giving him a wink. Right at that moment, Savannah woke up and looked up at us. When she realized the position she was in she blushed a deep red and buried her face in Kris’s chest. “I swear if I hear one comment about this I will kill all of you in the next minute.” We all laughed at her embarrassment and started getting confortable in the room. “I just hope, that underneath those thick covers, they are another layer of clothing.” AJ said raising her eyebrows and looking at Kris’s bare chest. With that Kris became red a little too and soon enough, all the boys were whistling and shouting things like “Get some!” (Jason) and “Remember Protection” (Sam). “Oh shut your bloody mouth” Kris said rolling his eyes but still cracking a smile.

About 30 minutes later, after we all took a shower and changed into clothes that were lend to us by Aunt G and the boys we went to eat breakfast outside.
“The weather today is amazing!” Sam said while we started to clean up after ourselves. “Maybe we should go for a boat ride or something.” Taylor said. Apparently everyone but me was in for that plan, as much as I love the beach, I hate boats. I don’t trust them, I mean with all the animals in the sea and all the possibilities that could happen, I was just not keen on it. They all started to make plans and talk about how awesome it was going to be when I cut them off. “Uh, Guys?” I said trying to catch their attention. “I ain’t going on a boat. No questions about it, no discussion. I don’t mind if you guys go without me though, I have loads of other things to do that you guys find boring so I could just stay back and visit until you come back?” They all started to groan and to complain that I'm a “party pooper” but I knew they knew that my decision was already made and that they would jut have to go without me.

After saying bye, thank you and promising her that we would be back to Mamie, we made our way back to the hotel to get dressed for wherever we were going. I waited until they were gone before I started actually getting ready. I took my book, pens and all the other necessities that I thought I would need. As I was searching for my phone, I felt the envelope that I had found yesterday. I put my things down and looked at it for a while, Should I open it now? I asked myself, as much as I wanted to open it right now. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I really want to know what he wrote but what if it’s not what I expected? What if I get disappointed? I shoved the envelope in one of the pages in my book and made my way to the hotel lobby.

After endless hours of walking around, stopping and taking small sketches of what I was seeing I ended up in narrow roads leading up to a small building. Knowing my unhealthy curiosity, I walked up the pathway and examined the stairs to see if it was safe to go up. It looked secure enough, but just to make sure I put a bit of weight on one. Ok I tell myself, just do it as I step up the stairs. Slowly and consciously I make my way up and step into a huge room with a few columns at each side of the room. There were no objects or furniture in it, that’s what intrigued me, even though it was empty it felt so full. As I was looking around, I noticed a big arch door on the left wall, it lead to a smaller room this time with a chair and shelves full of books everywhere. I steeped closer to the window and held my breath as I saw the view. From here you could see the whole island it was breathtaking. Well as you imagined I was breathing again by then but I couldn’t help but I couldn’t help but linger a while before bringing the chair to the window and starting a small sketch of this.
Just as I was about to start on the second half layer of the drawing, I got a text
-Yo Bitch, where are you?
It was from Savannah, she's the only one crazy enough to greet me like this,
-Waddup Hoe, I replied I'm in the middle of nowhere where are you guys?
-Were on our way back to the hotel we were talking about going out for dinner in a few hours so get your fine ass here please and thank you.
Dinner? I asked myself, and sure enough when I checked my phone it was getting late. I am probably the only sane human being that doesn’t see time pass by while I am watching the sky.
-OK be there in like 30minutes, me and my fine ass says bye ;) I reply while I make my way down to the main room and back down the stairs.

The only thing I could hear while walking through the corridors to our room was laughter and muffled voices shouting together… shouting or, singing? I opened the door and you would not believe the sight of our room. The bed was barely recognizable because of the piles of clothes, there was a mattress on the floor which I am guessing is from one of the others room, and on it was everyone except Sam and Caroline singing as bad as they could on the top of there voices with brushes in there hands and doing some weird “dance” moves. “PRINCESS JASMINNNN!!!” I heard A-J scream and soon they had me tackled down on the mattress screaming random shit in my ear and poking/tickling me. “C'mon guys,” I said trying to get them to stop and clearly failing majorly considering that I was now rolling around and with 10 bodies of fully grown and feed people on me (not counting the additional body mass of all the muscles, abs, and hugely fit asses these boys carried.) “Ok,” I said “enough guys!” I said trying once again but failing once again to stop them while they were now drawing on me with a lipstick (that magically appeared when needed most -.-) on my face, arms, and any other visibale piece of skin. “Don’t… Wait… Stop…” I said trying to wriggle out of the girls sitting on me “Fucking hell…” I muttered, I took a deep breath and shouted “THAT. IS. ENOUGH. Put the pens down, or girls, let’s just say that you won’t be able to use that gorgeous smile for a week, that’s how hard I'm going to slap you each and boys, every one of your balls will be ripped out. Not counting the payback that’s going to have to come now…” When I started the sentence, the girls calmed down, followed by the boys but what really hit them or well at least everyone except Charlie, Brandon and Sam was when I said payback because they didn’t know me well enough to be scared out of their fucking minds. The thing is with me, I'm a nice girl, most of the times, but when I mutter the word revenge or payback, I go evil. Not the normal type of evil, like bitter-sweet evil, Ill act the same for a few days, but then suddenly, you’ll notice that your hair has gone blue (Caroline), you might wake up to find your face painted (Kris) or that all your clothes are gone except a pink pajama with cats on it and I love pussy cat’s, (Gabriel) or that you have the sudden urge to itch yourself… everywhere, (Savannah) or one day, you’ll find yourself glued to someone else who is in as much shit as you with me (A-J & Jordan). Well back to the main point, I'm terrible with paybacks, and the boys were about to find out…
We went out for dinner that night, to a posh restaurant called La Mere. (AN- outfits: Use your imagination a bit though! And you can chose, which dress goes to who if you want.) We were all just eating, having fun, and talking to each other when Jordan put her fork down and got all quiet. “What is it?” Gabriel asked looking at her with knowing eyes. Jordan looked at each one of us and hesitated before saying “I have something to tell you guys, and your not going to like it. IN fact, I'm pretty sure your going to kill me… might even stop being my friends and kick me off the group and never talk to me… Oh God…” She rambled on for a while before A-J looked at her and said “Will you spit it out already? Whatever it is, it won’t break us apart.” Jordan looked at us for a while and after taking a big breath said “Ihavetomovebackbecausemydadismakingme and oh and also remeberwhenisaidIdidntknowwhyBlareditchedusIkindoflied…” IN an extremely fast pace, when I looked around I think I was the only one that actually got that because all the others were looking at her with blank faces. “Excuse me?” Brandon said “Am I the only one who didn’t understand a single fuck?” I rolled my eyes (Ellie ;) reminds you of something?) and looked at her repeting what she just said but not breaking our intense eye contact. “She said that, she has to move back because of her dad and also she lied about not knowing about Blare.” I said saying the end slowly, well you must be pretty confused why this should be such a big deal, first of all, Jordan going home is disastrous. Her dad is the sickest man I have ever met and has physically abused her when she was a child before her mother found out and moved to Cali with her, she’s not going back, we wont let her and we honestly don’t give two shits about what that man does she's staying with us, no questions, I think Gabriel would super glue to her or kidnaped her or some other shit just as bad. Now comes the bad bit, Jordan knowing about Blare. Blare was once, a long time ago part of our group, she and Caroline used to be best friends and literally joined to the hip and then the boy came in. Now it’s not one of those ‘you stole my boy so ima hate you’ or ‘he is mine and you need to keep your distance’ but one of the ‘yeah I like him a lot so I'm going to fuck up our relationship for him.’ See slowly by slowly Blare started to change and became bitchier every time we saw her. She did a lot of bad things but the worst she did was using Caroling and backstab her like you never imagined. Caro is a sweet, caring, smart, and nice girl. But she has been through some pretty bad things with drugs, alcohol, boys, and sex through her life and was really affected by it. She doesn't talk about it and we where really the only ones to know about her previous problems, but by the end of the school year, everybody was gossiping about it. Blare started the rumors, and humiliated her in front of the whole school by asking her the questions in front of everybody, she send a video of Caroline through her bad times to everyone of her contacts including Caro’s parents who then kicked her out because she wasn’t a virgin anymore. It really broke her and for a while =, she stayed with at mine before she had saved up enough money from her modeling to buy a house and support herself. Caroline stared at Jordan with tears in her eyes, she was in complete shock and you could see it in her face that has gone stark white with her mouth formed into a straight line her eyes where glazed but were icy and she wasn’t moving a muscle.
Caro’s POV
“How could you?” I said in a whisper and then everything fell apart, my act, my brave face; all I can do is sit still with tears streaming uncontrollably on my face. I trusted this girl with my life and this is what happens. Blare. “She ruined my life. I can’t even start to describe how much she fucking hurt me. And now, after all this time, you sit here and tell me you know why she did this. Why is it that every time I begin to be happy she crawls her way back and makes my life miserable? She's not even her for fucking sake, but still, she haunting me. She was my best friend, I trusted her with al my might and she fucking backstabbed my and your fucking telling me that you fucking know why she did it? Do you honestly think it makes it right for what she did? That because I know what she did I should cut her some fucking slack? She ruined me, I don’t speak to my parents anymore, I don’t see my little sister except when she sneaks out to my place? Do you think that’s right? For my own fucking little sister to have to fucking SNEAK OUT to see me? Well I don’t and whatever reasons you tell me wont change my mind. But go ahead, entertain me.” I said, by then the tears had transformed from sad, broken and hurt ones to angry ones, to no tears at all. I was angry, I never let myself admit this but I was fucking angry at her. All I did before was feel sorry for myself well this stops now, that fucking bitch doesn’t deserve my tears and until I find something worth it I aint gonna shed one more. There was a long silence before Jordan spoke up. She looked around to the Charlie, Brandon and Sam as if permission to say things in front of them and when I didn’t stop her she said, “Drugs.” At first I didn’t really comprehend what she said, but then I understood, I knew why I was the target, I knew why Blare hated me so much, I knew what was eating her up slowly inside and I certainly knew how she felt. I looked up and Jordan and my eyes locked. “It’s Kyle isn’t it? He put her up to it?” She gave me a small nod but I wasn’t done. “He forced her into it and made it so she couldn’t stop, that’s why she was changing, that’s why she was so mad at me. Because I didn’t stop it, because when it happened to me, I found my way back up and I was strong enough, but she wasn’t. Because I went way lower then her, but she was unable to pull out of it without my help, and she had already threw that away,” I closed my eyes and my voice started cracking “because Kyle had done this to me before, and she was just left over a replacement, and he still wanted me.” When I said that I heard gasps, a few breathing slowing down. My friends knew a lot about me, but there are a few things I kept from them, all it would cause them is to worry. I should have just told them really, and then they would have understood why I was so against Blare dating Kyle but no. I just had to try and deal with it on my own, look what happened I told myself it’s all really your fault. Suddenly everything was spinning around me, I opened my eyes and saw faces going around my all of them seem to be saying something but I didn’t hear any of it, all I knew was that I needed to get out of here. As I made my way outside, I noticed my hands were shaking, everything was blurry but at least things stop spinning. I didn’t know where I was going, but all I knew is that I needed to be away. Away from my past, away from all my bad decision, away from my sorrow and away from everything I cared about. Blare. Why wouldn’t she listened to me? I told her no, I told her stay away from him, that some people never changed, that all he brought with him was regrets. She wouldn’t listen. She went with him anyway, she saw the things I saw and just like that, she was wheeled in. But unlike me, she never came back. I took my phone out and called the number I knew so well.
“Heeelloo?” The voice on the other end said. It was just like I remembered it, hoarse after all the drinking and drugs, deep and aggressive, but at the same time, one you knew could say the right things, one that intrigued you, and one that made your self- respect and common sense fade within a second…

“Kyle?” I said my voice still a bit shaky from crying. I heard a shuffling and a door closing. “Caroline?” Silence. “Lin’s I-is that you?” Him calling me Lin’s angered me so much I was about to break the phone, I regained myself and said “Yeah, it’s me.” “How are you doing babe? It’s been ages! God I really miss you ya know, I’ve been with a lot of girls but I swear every time I compare them to you and ruin our relationship because… well… they’re just not you.” He said and just for a second I found myself believing him. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I said with the sudden urge to throw the phone underneath a car. “What d-” He started to say but I cut him off before he could say anything else. “Are you seriously fucking kidding me? You ruined my fucking life and you dare say I miss you to me?” I laughed bitterly, “You are a real piece of shit you know that? Is this all you do? Wheel girls in drug them until they are nearly dead and have lost their entire friend so they just HAVE to depend on you. And then what? You get tired of them? Fuck them and then leave them? Well fuck you Kyle Ray Johnson, fuck you good.” I said I was about to hang up when I heard him said “You don’t understand.” That really got to me. What is there to understand? “Really? Well then, would you care to explain?” I said in a bitter-sweet voice. “You think I wanted this? You think that one day, I didn’t have goals in life too? That I didn’t love and want to be loved? Not everything is as fucking simple as it seems ok? Have you never asked yourself how I got this far in drugs? Have you ever though of the person who broke me so much I shut down? Do you really think it’s the life that I wanted? Do you remember, when you once got so drunk you threw up all night, who was there to hold your hair back? Who was their for all the other people who got into this? It’s true, you didn’t deserve this, but I wanted to see you hurt. D you remember that day? In the Cherry flower tree? We use to be friends, so close that I told you everything. I told you about what happened at home, how my parents treated me, what I had to live through and you just left… You left me without anybody and anything. I was broken and then I found the only way out of this. But then I saw you with her, Jordan. She had ONE of her parents that abused her, she still had her mother but still, you let her in. You took care of her but you left me alone, me who didn’t have anybody at all. So I got you back, it was like the old times, we drank together, and we partied together. But then, again you left me, you said I was a bad influence and you blamed everything on me. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t cause this. I told you not to do those things, I told you, you where better then that but no. You fell into the party lifestyle, fell into the trap of Dylan, and because I was the one here when you woke up, you blamed it on me. I tried to tell you but once again, I was alone, so I went for Blare. I wanted to see you hurting, and she was my only way to connect with you.” By the time he was done, I wasn’t walking anymore. I had sat down on the bench of a open park and was trying to make sense of all he was saying. Was he lying to me? Was he trying to trick me again? No. I thought, what he said is true. I remember Dylan; it wasn’t Kyle who took me for the first time, who bought me to a bad pathway. It was Dylan, his brother. “I- I didn’t know. I didn’t remember until you told me. I'm sorry” I said but that didn’t resolve all my problems, he wasn’t talking about me at the start. I didn’t know anything about his family. I heard breaking noises “Shit” he said. “Kyle? Kyle stop it! KYLE!” I said panicking. “What? What do you want now? Are you happy? I told you everything.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, “Kyle, I need you to listen to me very attentively” I paused and then steadily said, “that girl, the girl you were talking about before. The one in the Cherry blossom tree, that’s not me. I swear to you on my life that was not me.” I paused again just to let it sink in, “I wish I had known earlier, you know I would’ve toke care of you. You know I wouldn’t have left you. Kyle, I'm so, so sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me, but you have to understand I thought you didn’t have a reason for this but I swear from now on, you can tell me anything and everything.” I whispered into the phone, I could hear him breathing loudly and fast “Promise?” He said quietly and I could just image him running his hands in his hair the way he does, fiddling with his hands and looking at me with big chocolate brown eyes. “Promise.” I said softly, a small smile forming on my mouth. “Ill text you yeah? I just need to make another call.” I said “Yeah, bye Lin’s” he replied “Bye K.” I hang up and immediately punched the digits in, as I did a rush of nostalgia ran through me, I missed this.
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sorry i haven't been uploading that much, but i have been writing so here it is. Hope You Enjoyed <3