Status: I've already written most of this story and now it is just a matter of me uploading it... which might take a while because I have other stories in the process also.

Lost in the Echo

Oh sweet catastrophe

Cyril’s POV:

“So what do you guys drink?” Jaime asked us. He was sitting up front with Mike who was driving and the rest of us were crammed into the back.

“Whatever… Maria is the drinker. She likes vodka.” Misha shrugged. We all kept talking about little nothings while we drove behind Tony and Maria. Every once in a while we would see them kissing and one of us or more would make gagging noises and someone would text one of them. I was getting a little tired so I just leaned back in my seat and watched our friends’ tail lights.

The light had just turned green and they started to drive forward but in the blink of an eye their car was sent rolling by the speeding driver of a little Toyota. I was out of the car and running before I could hear anyone’s reactions but they weren’t far behind me. We all skidded to a stop around the silver crumpled car and tried to figure out what to do. I heard someone call 911 as I dropped to the ground to look in through the shattered car windows.

They were both bloody and unconscious.

“Someone help me get them out!” I yelled frantically. I crawled in, not caring about the glass, and unbuckled Tony but made sure he didn’t fall into the glass by cradling him and the guys pulled him out away from the car.

“Shit! Cy hurry up! There is a fire in the fucking engine!” Misha screamed. I frantically tried to undo Maria’s belt but it wouldn’t let go. I reached for a piece of glass and sawed at the belt until it finally severed and she fell into my lap. I grabbed her and crawled out as fast as I could and set her next to Tony who was waking up.

“M-Maria?” he whispered and wiped his hand across his face leaving a bloody smear. His head turned to look at her and his eyes shot open. He tried to sit up but Mike, Jaime, and Andrew had to keep him down. “Maria!”

“Stay down Tony!” Vic yelled.

“Maria!” Nikita yelled and collapsed next to her in a pile of tears. This reminded me to much of when she was sixteen. She was covered in blood. She wasn’t moving. Nikita was crying. I was crying. I couldn’t do anything other than watch as Misha tried to stop the blood flow from a cut on her side.

How had this night gone so wrong?

We were on top of the world and then this.

We were on top of the world and now we face the possibility of losing Maria.

Maria who had always been there. We were all a bit older than her but as soon as we had met her in school we had been practically inseparable and we had all been a support system for each other. We help each other get through tough spots in our lives. She always made us see the good in people and the silver lining. She saved my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Crown the Empire