Status: I've already written most of this story and now it is just a matter of me uploading it... which might take a while because I have other stories in the process also.

Lost in the Echo

More and more I wonder what we could have done

Andrew’s POV:

“Tony calm the fuck down!” I screamed at him. He was still fighting against us.


IF YOU KEEP MOVING YOU COULD HURT YOURSELF EVEN WORSE!” I yelled at him and kept my grip on his shoulder. “STOP FUCKING MOVING!” He froze and stared up at me brokenly.

“Don’t you care?” he asked and tears spilled down his face.

“Of course I care. She is like my sister but she has survived worse than this.” I hissed. “She cares about you and if you hurt her by hurting yourself then I will kill you.” I stood up and walked over to the car and pulled it off to the side of the road. When I was walking back to them I finally heard sirens and then I ran the rest of the way. With the realization of the moment setting in I found myself speechless. Not speechless as in I couldn’t think of anything to say but speechless as in I couldn’t make myself voice that cacophony of thoughts in my head. Maybe mute was a better way to say it.
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Title Credit: Crown the Empire