‹ Prequel: Killing Me Slowly
Status: I want to dedicate this to all my readers who have stuck with me from the very beginning when i first published Secrets Will Kill You. It really means a lot.

Breathe Life Into Me

The First Trial Part 1

"When's the last time somebody was in this place?” Dean wondered as we pulled up in the back lot of what seemed like an ordinary factory building from the front. We followed the three steps downward to a large metal door.

“Sixty-five, seventy years ago” Sam estimated as Dean pulled out the box, taking out the key and he opened the door, breaking it free of the crusted dust that had formed, really sealing it.

We pulled out our flashlights as we walked inside to the dark open space. “Son of a bitch” Dean muttered as we all looked around at the very old, ancient-looking stuff that sat around.

“Look at this. Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard. This was their nerve center” Sam pointed out.

“Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters” I reminded.

“Wow. Halfway through their coffee and a game of chess. Looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick” Dean flashed his light on what looked like a lounge table"

“On the alarm call that ended the Men of Letters” Sam added.

I looked over at Mel who seemed to have found the breaker. She grabbed the switch and flipped it up, spreading some light over half of the place. Then she flipped the other one and the rest of the lights flipped on as well. We all just stood there staring in awe at the tremendous amount of living space. This place was full furnished with couches, lounge tables, chairs, shelves and shelves of books, carpeting, wooden and tiled wooden floors along with some old wallpaper and boarding and I realized they didnt just turn this into a Headquarters. It was turned into their home.

“Son of a bitch” Sam, Mel and I all pitched in our thoughts. “

I think we found the Bat Cave” Dean commented. Was any of this...real...was this really ours now...?


Sam and I got up extra early to try and make sense of any of this stuff...there were archives of archives and nothing was even telling us how we couldve even possibly had electricity in this place. I looked up at Dean as he came walking in with his hair glistening and he was wearing just a robe.

“Morning” I smiled.

“The water pressure in the Letters' shower room is marvelous” he told us and I couldnt help but laugh a little.

“Yeah. We still can't figure out how we even have water...or electricity" Sam said absentmindedly as he walked over to find another book.

"Yep, well, I am putting that under the "ain't broke" column. Listen, little brother, let's not go all geek on this stuff, okay?” I watched him walk over to a sword that hung up on the wall.

“Geek?” Sam repeated.

“Yeah. Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong...” He pulled the sword down and posed with it, striking the air.

“This stuff is awesome, and it looks like they ran a real tight outfit here, but I'm just saying, you know, don't think that they knew some big secrets that we don't know"

“Dean...they were a secret society” I reminded him and when he noticed I was eyeing him he stopped playing with the sword.

“Which means that they made crap up and wore fezzes and sashes and swung around scimitars. They probably didn't even sharp...” he ran his finger along the sword and jumped his hand away.

“That's very sharp” he put it back. I rolled my eyes.

I realized Mel was taking a long time in the kitchen so I figured I would go check on her. “Dean, look, I think we might have something here, something that could help us, help humanity. Henry certainly thought so. I mean, you know damn well we could use a break. What if we finally got one?” Sam tried to reason with his brother.

This was foreign territory for them. They’ve never had a real home before, not really. They’re family was their home and wherever they were as long as they were together then that was enough for them. Plus, when was the last time any of us really had a break...?

“Hey, Mel. You need help figuring out a coffee pot...?” I joked at first but when I walked into the kitchen I saw her just standing there pin-straight, staring into space with a tea cup in her hand.

“Mel? Hey, Mel...?” I rushed to her side and tried to get her to look at me but her eyes were fixated on the wall in front of her.

Then the cup slipped from her hand, shattering into pieces as the color returned to her cheeks and her eyes were suddenly alert. I sighed with relief. “Is everything okay in here?” Dean and Sam rushed in to us.

Now I was frustrated. “No. Family meeting. Now” I ordered, taking Mel’s hand to lead her into the main room as the guys followed.

I turned one of the chairs around. “You. Sit” I threw her into the chair and crossed my arms. “Why don’t you tell them what you told me the other day...” I encouraged.

“What do you mean? What did I tell you...” she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Exactly my point!” I threw my arms out to the side.

“Brit...I dont think...” Dean started but I shot him a look so he shut up.

Then Sam put a hand on my back to try and calm me as he stepped forward and pulled a chair over to sit in front of Mel. “Melissa...” he looked up at us, not even sure of himself where he should start.

“Tell me...what you remember of home...”

“Home? Like Lawrence?” She asked.

“Come on, Sam. This is stupid...” Dean started but I slammed a hand down on his chest to make him stop.

“Yea, go ahead” Sam encouraged.

“Well...I remember you, Brittney and Dean...” she made a face, not sure if that was the answer he was looking for. Honestly I didnt know the answer we were looking for....

“Okay, good. That’s a great start...what else do you remember...?”

“Sam, why are you asking me about home?” she laughed like it was a crazy idea.

“I remember everything. I remember you guys, your dad, my dad, hunting, school...”

“But you dont remember your mother, Katherine”

“I dont...understand...who’s Katherine?”

That made us all tense up. I advanced toward her and got in her face. “You know Katherine! You’re birth mother!” I stressed but Sam held me back a little.

“Brit, if Mel really can’t remember this stuff then we need to take it one step at a time, okay?” he chided.

I sighed and paced away. “I’m sorry but...I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about...”

“Mel, tell us what’s the last thing you remember...after getting out of Purgatory”

Her eyes bugged. “I went to Purgatory?!” she exclaimed.

Dean stepped forward this time and crouched down to her level. “Yea, babe, remember? Cas, Benny and I...we went to get you and bring you back...” he was doing his best to even out his voice.

“You did? That sounds really dangerous...” she murmured and averted her eyes. It took a minute for Dean but I think it finally sunk in. This wasn’t our Mel.

“What do we do?” he demanded of Sam as he stood back up and we all huddled around each other.

“I dont know. Who knows what Cas did to her when he jumped her brain”

“Well...then that’s the answer isnt it? We call Cas?” I looked to Dean.

“He’s not answering, Brit” he reminded me.

“But what if you told him it was about Mel. Maybe he would come then. Either way. We have to do something. It’s getting worse and worse every day...”

“But Brit, it’s like I said...maybe this is a good thing...she doesnt remember...”

“Yea, she doesnt remember the bad stuff. I know Sam. But she needs to remember the bad stuff...”

“Why?” Dean suddenly spoke up. I snapped my eyes at him.

“Why? What do you mean why? Are you okay with her like this?” I was in disbelief. I was disgusted. I was...just in shock.

“There’s nothing wrong with me, Brittney” Mel stood up and approached me. I focused in on her face but everything about her was unrecognizable. “I like who I am. I can remember what I used to be like: I was depressing and lonely and paranoid...but thisme...who I am now...I’m happy” she laughed.

“You were happy before too”

“Not like this. This is different...”

“Yea, and you can’t remember even why you’re happy...” I used air quotes around the word.

“Who cares?! Who cares about the how or the why? All that matters is the here and now. If I’m okay with it why can’t yoube?”

“Because you never let up on me, never let me get too careless, and never gave up when I needed you the most. So now it’s my turn” I stood my ground.

She sighed. “But I dont need you...” I snapped my eyes up at hers and then again at Sam and Dean as if to say see my point? “What I meant was...I just dont need you to always be there...I’m a big girl...”

“Yea and I thought the same exact thing all the times I almost got myself killed”

“So then maybe you just need me more than I need you” she said simply, shrugging her shoulders.

I was getting frustrated now and I could feel myself wanting to just punch her memories back in. Sam held me back though. “Okay look. I’ll try calling Cas and see what he can do...or undo...” Dean established.

“Thank you” I sighed with relief but still felt like I was alone on this one. Mel huffed once at all of us and then just walked out. I listened to her walk down the hall and to the room she had claimed last night. The door slammed shut.

I looked up to see Dean’s eyes lingering in the direction she walked in. “Why are you so hesitant about this?” I demanded.

"Because...” He stopped, looking for words. “I finally started to think that maybe...just maybe...I had Mel back...that we could just go back to being...our kind of normal...I was stupid to think that though...” he hung his head.

“And...what if...this is the Mel we’re stuck with now...or what if whatever is wrong with her...is irreversible...or something really serious...I think I would just feel better off not knowing...”

“How is it I’m the only sane person around here?!” I exclaimed and stormed off to my own room, slamming my door in the process.

My chest heaved up and down as I looked around at the stupid ancient lamp that sat on the hand-carved desk that was next to the seriously soft bed which held all of my stuff on it. Then, I lost it. I threw the ancient lamp across the room and somehow tipped over the wooden desk which was surprisingly heavy and I tore the blanket and the sheets off the mattress, tossing that across the room as well, flipping my clothes everywhere in the process. And I just screamed. I screamed and punched holes in my wall and kicked at the bed post and it made me think of how I never threw a tantrumever in my whole life. But this. This was different. I was alone and no one was even trying to help me figure this out. I couldnt be wrong about this...not with this feeling I have in my stomach. It was taking over, making me feel this way about Mel...about myself...about our situation. I was losing my mind! Quite frankly though...breaking that lamp made me feel really good.

Two Weeks Later

Two weeks. It’s been two weeks since we had our family meeting. Two weeks of sleepless nights researching. Two nights of rooming next to an imposter. Maybe I am being over dramatic about this, throwing everything out of proportion, but I have this feeling that I can’t ignore. And what’s even worse is that she skips around the place like it’s nothing and Sam and Dean let her, as if everything is peachy keen. Well, it’s not and I’m going to fix this if it’s the last thing I do.

“Brit...you’re shaking the whole room” Sam pointed out my leg that wouldnt stop moving. “Sorry” I muttered, not lifting my head.

He sighed and came over to me. “Maybe...you should...”

“Dont tell me to slow down or take a break. The faster we get her back the better” I kept my voice low afraid she was there, listening.

“This...whatever it is...it’s exhausting you...”I threw my arms out across the table and the books and just laid my head down. “I know. But I just...you and Dean aren’t helping at all” I grunted and banged my head against the table. He chuckled and I snapped my eyes up at him. “Does my pain amuse you, Sam?” I snapped.

“Never. You just...” His incomplete thought made me sit up and face him. He put a hand on my knee and scooched closer. “Look. Dean and I aren’t just ignoring this. We’re just...”

“Not trying to fix it”

“We dont see it as a main priority right now. Aren’t you glad that Mel doesnt have to dwell on all the terrible things she went through? She’s not the same person with the same I hate the world attitude. She’s actually fun to be around...” I crossed my arms and slouched back.

“She was always fun...” I pouted.

He sighed and took my hand. “I know she was. It’s just...when someone is stuck on hatred...it gets kind of exhausting, dont you think? So why not let her enjoy the ignorance while she still can...”

I listened to the giggling and the laughing that came from upstairs and looked up right as Mel went running down the hallway with Dean chasing after her. He grabbed her quick but the force of it made them both tumble down the hall and he landed on top of her but they both just kept laughing. Then they kissed. It was genuine laughing. Genuine smiling. Genuine love. Genuine bliss. It made me smile.

Sam squeezed my hand lightly bringing my attention back to him and he was grinning at me. “This is awin, Brit. Is a little bit of happiness and downtime too much to ask?” he wondered and I thought about how usually it was the other way around.

Dean and I have been the ones asking for the downtime but never Sammy. And who was I to deny this moment for him, and for all of us, to just take it easy for once...?

“Hey” Mel greeted as she plopped down on the other side of the table, facing me and Sam while Dean went to fridge to grab some beers.

“How's Kevin?” I asked.

“He sounded okay, I guess...the way he always is on the phone. Distracted and frazzled” Mel shrugged with a sigh.

“Yea...in his corner, hacking out his Da Vinci code. Nothing actionable yet. Garth says hi, by the way” Dean said, sipping his drink. I made a face.

“Anything from Cas?” Mel asked and I looked back at her, trying to decide on my words...and my attitude....

“Umm no. Not a peep...” I kept my voice even. “How about you?” I tried not to make it look like I was eyeing her so much.

“No, he’s not answering” Dean informed us and I heard a little bit of hurt in his voice while Mel stayed unphased. But I left it at that.

“What ya reading?” Dean hovered over my shoulder at my closed books.

“Nothing. Nothing at all” I smiled.

“Come look at my room.It's finally done” Mel suddenly jumped to her feet and jumped over to my side.

She held out a hand and when I looked up at her all she did was smile this toothy grin that...started to grow on me. “Okay” I nodded, taking her hand as she pulled me up the stairs and back the way her and Dean came.

“Why don’t you just room with Dean? This seems silly, dont you think?” I laughed.

“Dean’s never had his own room. I didnt want to take that opportunity away from him. I’ll move in when he wants me to” she shrugged simply and then swung open a door and lead me inside. “Tada!” I looked around at the polka dotted bed comforter, the monkey lamp, the stripped wallpaper, the marble dresser next to the walk in closet....

“This thing’s kind of weird. But I kind of like it” she held up her monkey lamp and then put it back down on the nightstand. “Oh and...” she pulled out one of the drawers in her nightstand and it made a whole wall pop out and then flip around like in some kind of haunted house. A large book case was now where the wall was.

“Cool right?” she grinned. “Very cool” I laughed, agreeing with her.

“I didnt think you would be moved in so quickly” I acknowledged, sitting on the bed.

“Well...I figured this might be our home for a while...so why not get comfortable” she shrugged and I leaned over to pick up a picture frame that sat on the nightstand. It was the night of Mel’s graduation...Dean had gotten his GED two years before and that night the four of us just camped out in the backyard. John didnt want us to go to the field so late at night but Will was able to keep his mind off things. I remembered the night really well...

“Oh come on, Dean. Please take a picture with me? It’s one picture...”

“Mel, I dont...”

“Yea, yea, whatever. Fine. Be a dickhead on the night of my graduation. Fine by me” she crossed her arms and started to walk away. “

How is she so good at manipulating him?” Sam wondered as we watched the two go back and forth. It was a usual thing for them of course.

“Years of experience, Sammy” I chuckled.

“But...” And before he could even thin about it any more Mel was pulling us both up to our feet and over to the front steps of her house.

“I want to remember this night forever and know I spent it with people who I love...”

“Since when are you the sentimental type?” I laughed.

“Since...I know this wont last forever...” she sighed and averted her eyes that suddenly looked sad.

But when she noticed me eyeing her she quickly perked up again as she set me and Sam up side by side while John was scolding Dean to get in on the picture. “Yea, this is my special day. So quit being so selfish” Mel teased, winking at him as she took his hand and pulled him closer.

He smiled back at her and then I smiled up at Sam as he wrapped an arm around my waist and Mel hooked an arm through mine and we all looked forward, smiling at Will as the camera flashed....

“I didnt know you had this...”

“Honestly neither did I...I found it flattened between some of the pages in John’s journal” she smiled down at the picture as I set it back down. Then she looked around the room.

“I can’t remember the last time I was able to personalize my room...” But then she froze at her own words and then snapped a wide eyed look at me. “I...I didnt mean...”

“I know you didnt. It’s okay, Mel” I smiled.

“Well...I know it bothered you...I bothered you...”

“I was never bothered by you, Mel” I stood up to walk over to her. “I’m just...”

“Worried. I know” she rolled her eyes. This time my smile was forced.

“Hey, you girls want anything special to eat? I’m making” Dean grinned, wiggling his eyebrows as he came walking in. I just stood there as Mel nodded and followed him out. It didnt bother me anymore...it didnt bother me anymore....

“Hey, Brit? You coming?” Dean popped his head back in at me.

“Yea...” I followed him back downstairs. “You’re really going to cook? How?” I asked curiously as he walked right into the kitchen and Mel trailed behind.

“We have a real kitchen now” he reminded me.

“I didnt think you even knew what a kitchen was” Sam commented.

“I’m nesting, okay?” he retorted.

“As am I” Mel said as she came back over to us, balancing three different pies in her arms. She set them down on the table in front of Sam. “I couldnt decide which to make and this way we have a variety...”

“You...madethese?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Yea...they should be edible...”

Should being the operative word” Sam eyed them.

I sat down at the chair as Sam and Mel went back and forth on Sam trying her pie and Dean was laughing to himself in the kitchen as he used his spatula skillfully. Was this what it would be like...to be ordinary...to live normally...is this what it would have been like if we didnt have the “family business” to live up to?

Without giving it a second though I started to cut into one of Mel’s pies and everyone froze, watching me as I did so. But when I lifted the slice out of place, Mel rushed to get me a plate and a fork. I looked up at her as she smiled down at me. I believe this is what things would have been like. Mel and Dean would be taking care of us, like they always do: making sure we’re always fed, always clothed, always healthy...because it’s in their nature to care for us just like it’s in our nature to care for them. They’re our big brother and sister and they will always be there...memory or not...we can always count on each other because the past doesnt mean anything if you dont know how to live for the present.

So, I took a bite of Mel’s pie and held back the urge to throw up because her cooking will never be perfect. I fought back the urge to make a face and gag because I didnt want to hurt her feelings. And I fought the urge to gag because when she smiled and anticipated my reaction I didnt have the heart to tell the person who took care of me my whole life that she will never have the skill for culinary. So...who was I to deny her right to change her character when she was also the one who taught me change is everything...and who taught me to be my own person...how could I doubt my own sister...? Was it really doubt though? Or was it just...a feeling? My head was starting to hurt with all of these questions.

“Whacha reading now?” Dean asked as him and Mel brought over four plates of what looked like

real food. Mel set a plate in front of me and I noticed Sam took his hand away from mine to examine Dean’s creation.

“A bit of everything” he answered his brother.

“Oh, good. Somebody's gonna have to dig through all this, and it ain't gonna be me"

“Dean...did you really make these?” I asked, lifting the burger off the plate.

“Shut up and try it” he nodded at me. I eyed it first...then took a big bite. It was delicious. “Huh? Yeah?" Dean grinned at us, knowingly.

“Wow" Sam commented.

“I’m very impressed, big brother” I mumbled through another mouth full.

“You're welcome” he nodded and went to take a bite but then his cellphone rang. “Yo...what? Kevin? Kevin?!" Dean yelled but I guess there was no response because he slammed it shut.

“Something wrong?" Mel asked.

“Guess" he sighed, standing to his feet with his plate in hand. “I thought you just talked to him a few hours ago” Sam called.

“Guess he’s not as fine as we thought” he walked out. I went to follow but then stopped and Sam, Mel and I exchanged a look first before grabbing our plates of food too and followed Dean out the door.


“Kevin? It's us” I called out as we all entered the boat that Kevin was still using as his HQ. We had our guns drawn. We split up in different directions to check the downstairs as well as every closet and compartment.

“Found him!” Mel called back to us and we found her in the bathroom as Kevin was vomiting his guts up and into the toilet. She was rubbing his back, trying to comfort him but the rest of us grimaced at the sound. It sounded like he was dying.

We all pitched in to try and get him cleaned up. Mel and I brought over a trash can, an ice pack and some soup. “You look like hammered crap" Dean commented. Mel and I both elbowed him.

“Yea" Kevin answered back, nasally as Mel handed him some toilet paper to help with his bloody nose. She and I sat on both sides of him as the boys stood a few feet away as if they would catch Kevin’s germs.

“Are you sleeping?" Sam asked.

“Not really”

“Are you eating?" Dean wondered.

“Hot dogs, mostly” Breakfast of champions. I made a face at the thought. He looked down at the steaming bowl. “Did I always have this here?” he looked up at Mel.

“No, I brought it over. When we spoke on the phone you didnt sound as good as you may have thought so I figured you could use some soup” she smiled. He just nodded.

“Look, I'm gonna feel dirty saying this, but you might want a salad and a shower" Dean told him.

“I know, and I've been getting bad headaches and nosebleeds, and I think maybe I had a small stroke. But it was worth it" he smiled weakly.

“What was worth it?" I asked him.

“I figured out how to close the Gates of Hell” We all froze and exchanged a look. Did we hear right?

“You...” Dean couldnt even finish his sentence. “Come here, you smelly son of a bitch” he said instead, lifting Kevin out of his seat into a big hug.

We all laughed. This was it. One step closer to just ending it all. We were that much closer. “Okay so what does this mean? What are we looking at?” Sam urged as Kevin pulled out all of his work that he got done through his sleepless nights.

“It's a spell"

“And?" I voiced.

“And it's just a few words of Enochian, but...”

“Oh here we go” Dean complained but took some of the pieces of paper into his hands.

“The spell has to be spoken after you finish each of the three trials" Kevin continued.

“Trials like... "Law & Order"?" Mel furrowed her eyebrows.

“More like Hercules. The tablet says, "Whosoever chooses to undertake these tasks should fear not danger, nor death, nor...” a word I think means getting your spine ripped out through your mouth for all eternity"

“Good times" Dean commented.

“Basically, God built a series of tests, and when you've done all three, you can slam the gates”

“So, what? God wants us to take the SATs?" I asked, sarcastically.

“I-I guess. Uh, he works in mysterious ways” he shrugged.

“Yeah, mysterious, douche-y ways” Dean muttered.

“Where do we start?" Mel asked.

“I've only been able to crack one of the tests so far, and it's gross. You've got to kill a hound of hell and bathe in its blood"

I shuttered. “Awesome” Dean clapped his hands together. We looked up at him. “Awesome?” Sam and I voiced.

“Hey if this means icing all demons, we shouldnt have a problem gutting some devil dog, right?” Mel smiled. I eyed her. She used to freeze up just at the thought of hellhounds. Does she remember when Dean got dragged to Hell by one?

“Where are you gonna find one?" Kevin asked.

“Well, Hellhounds like to collect on crossroads deals. So all we got to do is track down some loser who signed over his special sauce 10 years ago, get between him and Clifford the big dead dog. Easy" Dean shrugged.

“Doesn't sound easy"

“It’s not" Sam told him.

“Look, you get on the net, see what you can dig up. We’ll go for a supply run because we need goofer dust” Dean instructed me and Sam.

“Plus the kid needs something real to eat. Meanwhile, take a shower, Kev. You’ll feel a lot better” Mel smiled, putting a hand on his shoulder and then her and Dean headed out.


“Mel was right. I feel a lot better” Kevin said as he came back out to me and Sam. He was clean, shaven and in new clothes. He looked much better that’s for sure. “Hey is she okay?” he suddenly asked.

“Who? Mel? Why would you ask?” I wondered.

“She just seems...different, that’s all” He smiled more to himself. “It’s a nice different...”

“Hey, easy there tiger” Sam chuckled.

“Not in that way. She just has this...quality that reminds me of my mom...just less crazy”

“Well, she cares about you, kid. We all do” I smiled at him. “Thanks” he sighed with relief, I think. He seemed a lot less tense with us around. He found comfort in our company.

“Look, Kev. You gotta slow down” I said gently.


“Get some shut-eye. Take a day off...” Sam suggested. “Open a window" I added.

“No. You said nuking hell...that's how I get out. That's how I go home" he went into panic, defense mode.

“Right, it is, but you can't live like this" Sam told him.

“You think I want to? I hate it here. I can't leave because every demon on the planet wants to peel my face off. I can't talk to anyone except you guys or Garth, when he swings by, or my mom. Right? And when she calls, all she does is cry. I just...I need this to be over" he paced away.

“I know. I do. But trust me on. This whole "saving the world" thing...it's a marathon, not a sprint. You got to take better care of yourself" I tried.

The squeak of the rusty front door made us all look up right as Dean and Mel came walking in. “Did you know that there are, like, 6,000 kinds of tomatoes?” Dean wondered.

Mel just chuckled as she set some food on the counter and turned on the oven and started boiling some water. I wasnt too sure what wouldve been better for Kevin: his constant hot dog meals or Mel’s cooking...I was leaning more toward the hot dogs.

“Did you guys find anything?” she asked.

“Yeah, demon signs, 10 years ago, all centered on Shoshone, Idaho" Sam answered.

“Okay, well, big-time mojo means a big-time freak. So, anybody have a horseshoe shoved up his ass?" Dean asked.

I chuckled “That’s one way of putting it..." I spun the computer for them to look at it. “Meet the Cassitys, small-time farmers who struck oil on their land in February of '03, which is weird because geological surveys..." Sam explained.

“Yeah, you had me at "weird." All right. We thinking deal?"

“Best lead we've got" I nodded.

"Well, let's go visit the Beverly Hillbillies. You stay here. work on step number 2, and if you come across anything about Hellhounds, drop a dime, okay? 'Cause between the -- the claws and the teeth and the whole invisibility thing, those bitches can be... real bitches” he addressed Kevin.

“And I got you a present” Dean pulled out two bottles from one of the bags. “The blue ones are for the headaches, and the Greens are for pep. Don't O.D.” he smacked Kevin’s arm. Time to play through the pain, Kev.

Mel pulled out a small chicken that was wrapped in plastic. She set it on a towel on the counter. “Let the oven preheat for a little. Then slip this in and let it cook for an hour and a half. While you wait make yourself a salad, we got some different kinds of dressing for you. We’ll be in touch” she instructed and then we all walked out.


“All right, keep an eye out. Anybody with a Hellhound on their ass is gonna be showing signs: hallucinating, freaking out, the usual" Dean reminded us as a large gate opened up for us and we rolled on inside.

“And if we find someone?" Mel wondered.

“You get 'em clear. I spike fido. The crowd goes wild” he answered, gesturing to the demon knife in his jacket but then quickly concealing it back up as we came to a stop and got out of the car. We saw a body laying under a tractor, working underneath it.

“Hey, pal, who runs this joint?” Dean grunted.

“Dean, that’s a...” I started but it was too late. A woman came out from under the tractor to look up at us.

“You're looking at her" she smiled.

“You...own the ranch?" Sam asked.

“Nope, just manage the property. You guys here about the job?"

“How'd you guess?” I smiled.

“We get our share of drifters" We all nodded. “Ever worked a farm before?" she eyed us.

“Definitely" Dean said right away. “Yea, for sure" Mel added.She still eyed us. “We’re quick learners” Sam said.

“Ellie...who we got here?" a man approached us.

“I'm Dean. This is Sam, Brittney and Melissa”

“Oh. Carl Granville. A pleasure" he shook our hands.

“Pleasure. So you're not a Cassity?" I questioned.

“No, my wife is. Her and her family own the place. I'm just one those uhh what you call 'em?” He pat his belly and laughed. “Trophy husbands” We all just exchanged looks as he addressed Ellie. “So are we hiring the fellas and the ladies?” he wondered, winking at me and Brit.

“Not sure yet" Ellie crossed her arms.

“Oh, come on. They seem like swell people"

“Well, he's right. We're swell” Dean mocked silently.

We were in.

“You bed down in here. Your uniforms are in the bathroom...” Ellie addressed me and Mel as we followed her into one of the barns on the yard. “Breakfast is at 5:00, dinner is at 8:00, and in between, you're mine. Questions?"

“I miss my room" Dean pouted.

“We’re good" I nodded at her.

“Okay. Job is yours if you want it. But I better warn you, it's crap work. You’re expected in the main house in two hours for dinner” With that she walked out. Dinner? Why would we...

“Umm Brittney...” I heard Mel call to me. I turned and saw her coming out of the bathroom holding up a maid’s uniform.

“We’re maids?!” I exclaimed.

“My fantasy is coming true” Dean’s eyed widened at the outfit.

“You’re fantasy is Mel in a maids uniform?” Sam made a face at him.

“That and...some other things...” he shrugged, waving it off. I dont even want to know.


“This is ridiculous. Do you know how ridiculous this is? Very ridiculous”

“I dont know. It’s kind of fun. We’re like really undercover” Mel giggled, twirling.

“We’re always undercover...whatever. Point is...” She followed me out to the boys who were shoveling horse shit. “Point is...we’re not doing that"

Mel laughed and so did I. They both looked up at us and we posed for them which made them laugh. “How do we look?” Mel sauntered like she was on a cat walk.

“Very sexy” Dean commented. I rolled my eyes at them but saw Sam was eyeing me too. “Well, Sammy?” I smirked. But we got interrupted by sudden yelling.

“I don't care. Do I look like a hippie?”

“Organic food is better for the cattle”

“My land, my animals, my money, my way. End of story"

We went around the corner to see a woman stalking off away from Ellie. “She's a real piece of work, huh?" Dean commented.

“Alice Cassity's a piece of something, all right? But what are we gonna do? She's the boss”

Then she looked at me and Mel. “Just in time. Follow me” We looked at each other and then followed. Dean grabbed my wrist real quick to stop me.

“Try to get the 411 on Alice. We might have to go stalker on this one unless you and Mel can dig up some dirt” I just nodded and rushed to catch up with Ellie.

Night fell and Mel and I played our parts. We smiled, we served, we observed. But there was nothing. I couldnt even get close to Alice to try and talk to her. Every time I tried she cringed and scoffed at me and my “profession”. Then when Alice and Carl went out on the patio to drink together I was going to put myself in action and maybe eavesdrop a little but when I went out there Alice was no where in sight and Carl was laying in pieces, mutilated on the floor.

“Well that was a bust” I sighed as we walked into the barn and Mel and I started to help each other undo the buttons, straps and zippers in the back of our clothes.

Dean started gathering up our luggage and Sam walked in. “Hey, we have any graveyard dirt?" Dean looked up at us.

“We should. Why?” Sam asked.

“No, Dean. We’re not summoning a crossroads demon” I said, reading his mind as I shook my head at him and I slid off the maid’s outfit kickihng it to the side.

“Plan A bombed, so welcome to plan B. We get some red-eyed bitch in a trap, then we hold a knife on her until she calls us in a pooch. Special delivery” he replied, zipping up his bag roughly and keeping his hard eyes on mine as I carefully slid on my jeans without falling over.

“Yeah, except when Crowley finds out we're dialing up hell, he won't send one Hellhound. He'll send a hundred. That's not a plan, Dean. That's suicide" Sam voiced.

“Well, you got a better idea?”

“Yeah, we stay here. I just talked to Alice in the barn. Carl didn't sell his soul for oil, he sold it for Alice"

“His wife?”

“He loved her, she barely noticed him, so he made a deal. And now that time's up, it's like she barely even knew the guy"

“You think our demon signed up more than one person while he was in town?" Mel questioned, flipping her hair over her T-shirt.

“Wouldn't be the first time” I noticed Mel jumped at the sound of the thunder outside.

“Look, Dean, this family's rich because someone booked a one-way ticket downstairs. And as of tomorrow, they're all gonna be right here"

“And you want to scope 'em out?"

“I want to kill a Hellhound and not die. How 'bout you?"

He hesitated and then looked over at Mel. “What do you think?”

“I uhh...” Say something valuable and not worrisome.... “Yea, I agree with Sam and Brit. Seems like it’s our safest bet” she answered but seemed unsure of herself. I eyed her first and then Dean as he contemplated it.

“Okay. Two days. Then we do it my way” he established. We nodded.

Ellie came to get us early in the morning because Mel and I had to be ready for the arrival of the rest of the Cassitys. After about an hour and a half of prepping the house the three of us headed back outside to meet Dean and Sam right as an SUV pulled into up driveway. A man stepped out first. He looked like he belonged in an old western movie.

“Meet Noah Cassity. He's 71, worth a billion, and just married wife number 5, a 20-year-old lingerie model"

“Cause they have so much in common?" I quipped, earning a smile from Ellie. “Alice is his oldest, and that's Cindy, the middle girl...” We watched a pretty, young, flashy woman step out.

“She had a single on the country chart a few years ago. Then she started hitting the bottle, and, well...her last album was a bunch of holiday songs for dogs. My favorites were "Jingle Bark Rock" and "Don't Pee on this Tree and Happy Arbor Day."

I stifled a laugh. “So she's the devil" Dean commented.

“Pretty much" Then I saw a much younger-looking one wearing just a sweater and a pair of nice Khakis. “And there's the baby, Margot. She ran away just before Alice and Carl tied the knot, lives in Paris"

“How do you know all this?" I wondered.

“I've been working on this farm since I was 13, and I've got eyes” Then she turned to face us all completely. “Okay, tonight is an all-hands-on-deck situation. I'm gonna need one of you inside, serving dinner and pouring drinks, a lot of drinks...”

“Okay, well have fun” Dean said, patting Sam on the back.

“I thought that’s what Mel and Brit were for...” Sam voiced.

“Well yea...but one of them will have to sit in on the dinner. A photographer will be there tonight and the Cassitys are big on making a good name for themselves...showing that they’re civilized with the help is one way of doing it...” she started eyeing me.

“You look about my size”

“Are you serious? First I have to wear this...” But Sam, Dean and Mel all pounced on me to cover my mouth before I just started shouting profanities into the air.

“And somebody's gonna man the grill" Ellie continued, eyeing Dean. Mel looked over her shoulder and wiggled her eyebrows at him as he tried to bite back a grin.

“What kind of grill?" is what he asked.


So I guess having Sam and Mel wait on me wasnt so bad. I felt really pampered and I’ll admit it felt kind of nice. I was wearing this long, light blue designers dress with expensive pears around my neck and some bracelets. As I sipped my wine I reminded myself I still had a job to do. So I watched. I watched Cindy snap at Sam for not pouring her enough wine. I watched Margot hardly touching the food on her plate as coarse after coarse came through the doors. I watched Noah flirt with Ellie...Ellie flirt with Dean...and Margot tried to bring up Carl to Alice but she seemed like she was in a different world completely. I also listened to Cindy criticize Noah’s choice in women and Margot try to be the peacemaker all the while reminding Alice she was still in mourning. But then Cindy proceeded to call Margot high maintenance and I almost choked on my drink when she mentioned of Margot and Carl sleeping together. This family was just the definition of dysfunctional.

I excused myself to the “powder room” as they all moved the conversation to the living room and I rounded around to meet Dean, Sam and Mel on the back patio where Dean began shutting down the grill. “Are they always like this?” I took a deep breath of the fresh air. “More or less” Ellie answered coming out to us as well.

What’s wrong, Brit? The rich life too much for ya?” Dean teased. I just glared at him and rolled my eyes. “How can you work here?” Mel asked, opening another bottle. “I love the property, I love the animals, and I tune out the people” Ellie explained, taking my hand to lead me back inside.

I took a seat beside Margot and remembered not to slouch as I tried to seem alert of whatever they were talking about. “Well, I can't remember the last time we all sat down and had a meal together" Alice commented, distressed, almost like she just wanted everyone to leave now. I didnt blame her.

“It was back at the old, crappy house, when daddy invited that traveling salesman to dinner" Cindy mentioned.

“Oh, him" Margot rolled her eyes.

“He was so charming” Alice spoke again, still absentminded.

“Yeah, English" Cindy nodded.

“What was his name? Kenny?" Noah tried. They all tried to name him at once, sounding out the name. “Cro...” “Crow...?” “Crowl...?” My eyes widened as my jaw clenched and everything in me froze right when Mel and Sam came walking in with desserts in their hands. “Crowley?” they all managed to get out. “Yea, Crowley” “Oh, right!” I suddenly felt sick so I excused myself again as I rushed back into the kitchen with Mel and Sam hot on my tail.

“It was Crowley. Crowley was the demon who came through” I hissed at Dean.


“Crowley" I confirmed.

“That's what they said. Apparently, he swung through town 10 years ago, to the day" Mel said.

“So, what...do you think tea and crumpets made these deals and now he's collecting?"

“Or he just sent his dog, told it to go fetch. Dude's king of hell. Grabbing a few souls, that's got to be below his pay grade" Sam commented.

“I guess. Any idea who signed the dotted line?"

"I have no clue. It's brutal in there" I answered right as Mel's phone went off. We all looked at her as she answered and put it on speaker.

"Hey, Kevin. What's up?" she smiled. "Hey, Mel. Good news uhhh I think...yea kind of"

"Don't oversell it, Kev" Dean quipped.

"Sorry. Um, I found something on the tablet about Hellhounds. This mean anything to you?”

"The dire creatures may be seen only by the damned or through an object scorched with holy fire"?"

"Like with holy oil?" I wondered.

"It's got to be. We could use a window"

"Or glasses" Kevin mentioned.

"I think we've still got some Jesus juice left in the trunk. All right, I will take care of the the X-ray specs. You three stay here. Do not let J.R. and the gang out of your sight, all right?" Dean instructed. Mel and Sam nodded.

"Kevin, you did really great. Get some sleep okay?" Mel suggested.

"Right...thanks Mel..." And with hat she hung up and we took off in opposite directions.

Deans POV

I poured some oil on the ground and lit a match so I could drag the glasses through the flames. I examined them at first and then put them on. Suddenly everything was silent and it was like I was looking through cellophane. I heard footsteps tho so I quickly stomped out the fire and spun to see it was Ellie.

"I like it..." she nodded. I pulled the glasses off my face and shoved them into my back pocket with the other pair I found. "The whole Clark Kent look" she slurred. I saw her wobble and saw her about to trip over her own two feet so I went to catch her but she gained back some balance.

"Ellie..." She was completely trashed. She fell into me and leaned against my chest.

"Hey. So...I think you're really hot. You want to go to my room and have sex?" she purred in my ear.

I furrowed my eyebrows and gave her an are you serious right now? look. Since when am I oblivious to a chicks flirtatious advancement? "What?" I spat out, kind of unsure of what to say to her.

"I...sorry. I don't usually do this. I guess I'm feeling my oats" She leaned up to try and kiss me but I turned my head and tried to pull away, she only held tighter though onto my shirt.

"Ellie, I can't" I told her which seemed to get her attention. She loosened her grip.

"What? Okay. Uh, embarrassing" she started to back away quickly.

"Well Ellie...it's not that I don't want to...if that makes it any better...I definitely want to but I just..."

"You can't" she repeated.

"I...I'm committed to..."

"No, it's okay. you don't have to...I guess I'm gonna..."

"Ellie, um...I have




..." I tried...

setting her up I guess?

"Sorry. This is one night only" As she said that I saw something change in her eyes. There was complete darkness. As if she didnt have any hope or will left to keep going. But I didnt stop her from walking away.

Then Brit came rushing in. “Hey...we have a problem”

I sighed, frustrated. “What now?” I followed her back up to the house.”It got Margot” she informed me as we walked back into the living room where Sam and Mel were locking up every door and window in the house.

“What was that thing?!” Noah exclaimed.

“It was a Hellhound. See, when you sell your soul to a demon, they're the ones that come and rip it out of you" I told them simply. There was no time to just “ease" this onto them.

“Demon?" Alice voiced.

“Crowley. Poncey guy, about yea big, mountain of dicks..."

“We know he was here 10 years ago, making dreams come true. Now, if you didn't sign, great. That freak out there won't touch you. But if you did, we need to know, and we need to know now. So, hands up" Brit waved her hand up.

“So, wait. The British guy was a demon, and now there's a Hellhound after us? A-are you insane?" Noah paced.

“They're obviously insane" Cindy mocked.

“Don't play dumb" Sam said.

“Yeah. I'm not playing. I didn't sell my damn soul"

“Well, somebody did, and the sooner that idiot owns up, the sooner the rest of you can go" Mel established. They looked at each other. “All right, seal 'em in" I ordered and we all started to approach them.


“Look, we’re gonna spread goofer dust around the doors, the windows. That will keep the Hellhound out...for a while" Sam explained.

“What is that...how long?" Noah asked.

“Long enough for me to stab it in its throat" I told him.

“No way. No way. You can't do this. You can't...”

“Yes, I can. You want to know why? Because it's what I do. And, buddy, I'm the best. See, I gut old yeller out there, and maybe, just maybe, you walk away. I don't, you're meat” I got up in his face and pulled out my gun to let him know I wasnt messing around.

“Dean...” I heard Mel sigh but I ignored her. “So, sit down shut up and put these on” I held up a pair of handcuffs to him.

“Who are you people?” Alice asked as Mel and Brit handcuffed her and Cindy down and Sam and I started to spread the dust.

“We’re here to help” Mel tried.

“Like you helped Margie?" Noah spat.

“When the Hellhound gets close, you might start seeing things, hearing things. It's gonna feel like you took the brown acid, and it's trying to kill you. The handcuffs are so you won't hurt yourselves" Brit explained.

“And when one of you starts bugging out, we'll know who's on tap to be puppy chow” I said and walked out of the room. I put a line of dust across the window sill in the kitchen and then turned as Mel came walking in to me.

“Hey...are you okay?” she asked.

“I...uhh yea I’m fine” I forced a smile.

“Oh...okay...” I saw the disappointed, sad look in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around her body. She only did that when she was trying to get rid of her nervous feeling and when all she wanted was to disappear and forget about everything...she hadnt done it in years though.

“Hey...” I grabbed her hand to pull her closer to me and put my forehead against hers. “I’m fine. Really...”

“You’re planning on going at this alone...you’re going to face a hellhound by yourself...do the trials...”

The way she knew me...I’ll never understand how...or even why. Why did she ever settle for me? I’m nothing special. Before I could even respond she flew into my arms, hugging me tight. She felt so fragile in my arms as I wrapped them around her and I was afraid she would break but I still held her tight. I never wanted her to let go.

“Are you okay...?” I dared to ask.

“Well...besides the fact that you’re on a suicide mission..why wouldnt I be?” She was fighting back her tears and I contemplated on telling her that out of all the monsters we’ve faced hellhounds were what she feared the most.

But then I thought about it...what if she forgot I went to Hell...what if she forgot she watched a hellhound mutilate my body...what if she forgot the pain...I wasnt about to be the one to remind her of all of that. She had a chance to believe again...to hope...I wasnt about to take that away from her. Sam said she had forgotten the worst parts of her life and me dying was obviously one of them. I used to wish we could rewind time so she never had to be put through that kind of pain...and now? It was as if it never even happened...I got my wish...

“No reason...just checking...” I said to her and she smiled. I felt my heart in my throat and I surprised myself thinking of the effect she still had on me...after all these years....