Take Your Hand And Walk Away

The window

“What do I do?” Bobby asked as we sat in the car starring at them. They starred back at us. I starred at the blonde lady who was smirking at me.

“Drive around the block,” I ordered and Bobby nodded doing so. He drove slowly and be the time we had reached the house again the two people were gone.

“They are probably inside,” Bobby mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

“Way to state the obvious,” I yelled angrily. I wasn’t angry at him though.

“Did you know they had a key?’ he asked me. I shook my head starring at my house.

“I had no idea,” I muttered. “I guess it makes sense though,” I replied thinking.

**1 Year earlier**

“It’s the middle of the day we shouldn’t be just lying in bed,” I mumbled against Zacky’s chest which my head was resting on.

“Why not,” Zacky muttered relaxed. He wasn’t on tour or in the studio today so we had just been relaxing at home. “Besides,” he said moving his hand down my thigh. “Being in bed can be very relaxing.”

“Yeah, but what you have in mind isn’t very relaxing,” I pointed out, lifting off his chest to look at his smiling face.

“Yeah, but it’s fun,” he added leaning in closer to me. Just then the door opened. I jumped up excitedly.

“Yeah it’s probably Matt, we are going top the movies today,” I said walking over to the door.

“Wait,” Zacky said running over to me and closing the door.

‘What?” I asked impatiently.

“Let me make sure it’s him first, you stay here,” He ordered slipping out the door. I opened it annoyed.

“What do you mean stay here it’s my house too,” I pointed out.

“I know, but I uh, have a surprise for you just stay here for right now, so I can go get it ok?” he said. I looked at him suspiciously, but slowly nodded.

I closed the door waited about five minutes and impatiently got up. I opened it and walked downstairs, looking around, but I couldn’t find Zacky anywhere.

I looked out the window and saw him talking to someone. From the looks of it, they were yelling at each other, and there was a crying girl in the background.

I closed the curtain walking over to sit on the couch. About a minute later Zacky re-entered the house.

“So who were they?” I asked. Zacky jumped, surprised that I was downstairs. He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

“No one important,” he finally answered. I wasn’t sure whether or not to believe him, but I decided to for the moment.

“So what’s my surprise?” I asked changing the subject. He looked up nervously again.

“Oh I………….uh…..forgot.”

**present time**

I remembered back to that time, the first time he made me suspicious. I shook my head opening the car door.

‘What are you doing?” Bobby asked surprised.

“I’m seeing what they are doing in my house,” I answered. Bobby hopped out of the car and followed me. We snuck around the back of the house, peeking into a window in the back. I could see the blonde lady cooking something and the little girl sitting at the kitchen table drawing.

“Look at them, you would think, they thought it was there house or something,” I mumbled angrily sinking down so I was sitting on the ground.

“I still can believe he never told you he had a daughter,” Bobby mumbled sinking down, so he was sitting next to me.

“I know, and he never said anything about, his little girlfriend in the kitchen either,” I mumbled putting my face in my hands.

“Maybe he was just waiting for the right time,” Bobby suggested I lifted my head out of my hands.

“Are you defending him?” I asked. Bobby shook his head.

“No, but I do think he loves you more than her,” he said. I smiled at the thought of that. I had wanted that to be true.

“I just cant believe he hid this other life of his for so long,” I mumbled as tears came to my eyes.

“I know,” Bobby whispered, pulling me close enough to hug me.

Just then we heard the window open and we quickly tried to be quite.

“It’s such a nice day,” the blonde said happily. I felt like gagging just at the sound of her voice. The phone began to ring inside.

“Mommy the phones ringing,” the little girl giggled happily.

“Hello,” the mom said. “Oh hello Zacky,” she said happily. This made my eyes widen slightly.

“What do you mean what am I doing here, it’s my house too, or at least it will be mine soon enough,” she said into the phone. I wished that I could hear what Zacky was saying, but she didn’t have the phone on speaker phone.

“Yes I saw her,” the mom said bitterly. I wondered if she was talking about me.

“Where are you?” she asked perkily. I couldn’t help wondering how anyone could put up with her.

“Oh you only a few minutes away, that’s great because I would love to have a conversation with you, I really want more money,” she said. I rolled my eyes. I knew she only liked Zacky for his money.

“Wait,” I whispered thinking back over what she had just said. “Did she say only a few minutes away?”

Bobby nodded, and we both hopped up quietly, making sure not to be seen by anyone. We walked around the corner of the house, to see a black BMW outside. I gasped as I saw Zacky step out.

“Run,” I muttered to Bobby. The only place to go was back into the backyard. We went back to our spot under the window, just as we heard Zacky come through the door.

“You always want more money,” he mumbled frustrated. “Hi sweet heart,” he added and looked down knowing he was talking to the cute little girl.

“Hi daddy,” she said happily.

“Why don’t you go watch TV,” he suggested.

“Kay,” she said. I sat outside listening to everything that was happening inside.

“I want more money,” the mom muttered again.

“Come on Kayla, I’m already giving you a lot,” he said. Kayla, I had never known her name until just now.

“We shouldn’t listen to this,” Bobby whispered from beside me.

‘Oh we are listening,” I whispered back. He sighed leaning against the house.

‘I need it for Casey,” she said.

“No you don’t you just want more,” Zacky yelled frustrated.

“Look, I agreed I wouldn’t tell anyone about our little secret if you gave me what I wanted,” she said.

“Fine I will give you more money,” he sighed. I couldn’t help, but wonder how long this had been going on.

“Besides you wouldn’t want me to tell your precious little girlfriend would you?” she asked.

“No,” he yelled frustrate. I rolled my eyes again. “You said you saw her where was she?”

“Outside the house, in a car with so guy,’ she said.

“Hey that’s me,” bobby whispered . I glared at him.

“Where did she go?” Zacky asked.

“I don’t know, she drove off somewhere,” Kayla answered.

‘I’m going to go find her,” Zacky answered.

“What about Casey, she wants to be with you, she never gets to see you,” Kayla said.

“I know your right I should be a better father,” he muttered. I gulped looking down, thinking about my own secret.

“We have to get our of here,” Bobby said. I looked at him seeing a huge spider on his head. I screamed jumping up, and into the view from the kitchen window.

“Jas?’ Zacky asked shocked. I looked at him horrified, having no idea what to say.

“And Bobby,” Bobby said standing up. I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped when I saw Casey walk into the kitchen.

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Sorry i haven't updated in a while, but i hope you liked it, thanks for reading!!!!!

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