Status: Will be regularly updated now that I'm back to my boring and mundane daily activities .__.

I Know The Way You've Been Living

Oh ***.

Zacky’s POV

I fidget nervously in my seat, I am so nervous and honestly scared of what’s going to happen after Mel’s speech. She’s going on in a few minutes and all I can think of is how she is making all this shit that’s happening to her even worse.

I took few deep breaths to calm myself down, I looked to my left and saw the guys sitting there oblivious of what’s about to happen. This is all my fault, if these shit that went down didn’t happen, Melanie won’t be standing there and make matters worse.

“Ladies and gentleman, Melanie Baker, valedictorian for class 2012” The Principal gave Melanie the podium.


She cleared her throat and held her q-card tightly in her hands, she scanned the audience and when her eyes met mine, she smiled and began.

“I know, you guys might think ‘ugh this is going to take forever’ but don’t worry, I’ll make this as brief as I can. There is a universal truth we all have to face, whether we want to or not. Everything eventually ends.” She paused and took a deep breath.

“As much as I look forward to this day, I’ve always disliked endings. Last day of summer, the final chapter of a great book, parting ways with close friends. But endings are inevitable. Leaves fall, you close the book, you say goodbye. Today is one of those days for us, today we say goodbye to everything that was familiar, everything that was comfortable. We are moving on. But just because we are leaving and that hurts, there are some people who are so much a part of us that be with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, our north star and the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us, always.” She nodded her head and stepped down from the podium.

Wow, just… wow. Everybody was standing up, cheering and clapping for her. Next to me, my mom was tearing up and clapping furiously, smiling from ear to ear.

The next hour went like a blur, we all clapped as each of the students went up to the stage to receive their diplomas. When it was Melanie’s turn, I swear to God it sounds like a whole football stadium cheered her name, but it was only my mom, the guys and me. She shot us a big smile and waved her diploma in the air.

“Hey honey! Oh my God you were great up there, I am so proud of you!” Mom nearly tackled Melanie as soon as the ceremony was over.

“Thanks mom, and thank you guys for coming to the ceremony, it really means a lot to me”

“Naw, its okay Mel bear, you did great up there! Its like you’re Michelle Obama or something” Johnny joked which got him shoved by Jimmy.

“Now if you’re all done goofing around, let’s go home! I’m starving!” Mom piped up and basically nags everyone into going home.

After we took a few pictures, we all got into our cars and drove back home to mom’s. She and Brian had the girls set up the house and got Melanie a surprise graduation party, since she doesn’t really have any close friends we just invited the girls to join us.

“Let’s go inside! I’m hungry!” Mom yelled loudly, it was the signal so the girls inside would start hiding.

I’m excited for this, I think Melanie deserve this after a really hard few weeks that hit her. I just want to see Melanie smile again, even if it wasn’t because of me.

Mom let Melanie opened the door and as soon as she walked in, confetti canons popped up and the girls came out from behind the couch and behind the counter.



I nearly died when I got into the house, it was quiet and normal when all of the sudden the girls popped out of nowhere and yelled ‘surprise’.

“Congratulations Melanie! I am so proud of you!” Val rushed in and fold me into a bear hug, I hugged her tighter in return.

“Thanks you guys, you really shouldn’t have” I was smiling from ear to ear, holding back happy tears as I spoke.

“No way! This is the least we could do Mel, you graduated the top of your batch and you delivered a kick ass speech back there” Matt piped up, while holding Val’s waist.

“Thanks guys, really I can’t even… Gah! Thank you!” I let a tear slip down my cheek and laughed, “now you made me cry, good job guys” I pretended to pout.

“Hey, it was all your mom and Brian’s idea” Jimmy pointed both of them who were smiling widely. I walked towards them, I hugged my mom and kissed her cheek.

“Thanks mom, you’re the best” I hugged her tightly then moved to Brian.

He was looking at me, his smile had fade and he has this longing look in his eyes. I smiled up to him and gave him a tight hug, he kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter.

“Thanks Brian” I let go of my hug and smiled at him.

“Okay! If you guys are done with this whole hug fest, lets feast!” Jimmy yelled and every body laughed. We walked towards the dining table, there was barbeque wings, different kinds of pasta with 3 different sauces, potato salad and mini hamburgers.

I took a little bit of everything and settled my plate in front of the TV, sitting next to Zacky who was having a hard time twirling his spaghetti.

“Hey” I said

“So you’re talking to me now” He smirked and I punched his arm in response

“Shut up! I missed talking to you,” I said as I played with my potato salad

“That was a nice speech, what made you change your mind?”

“You. I realized that I was being childish by doing that so I changed my speech”

“How do you come up with that so fast? It’s like… Impossible” He raised his eyebrows

“I was watching Castle last night, it was Alexis’ graduation speech” I laughed, well… It was pretty cool so it kinda stuck in my head.

He nodded and I excused myself, I walked back to the dining table to get more of those mini hamburgers.

“Who cooked all this? These are awesome!” I asked nobody in particular as I took 3 mini hamburgers.

“Val and Lacey did” Leana answered

“So what did you do?” I chuckled

“I made cake!” She said turning around towards the big stainless steel double-doored fridge and took out a huge silver box. The guys gathered by the table to see this huge and magnificent cake that Leana made for me.

She opened the box and set the cake on the table, it was a cake covered in white frosting with NYU’s logo drawn in fondant on the center of the cake.

“I made this especially for you, since you’ll be moving to New York to attend NYU–“

“YOU’RE MOVING TO NEW YORK?!” Brian yelled and his plate of wings fell onto the marbled floor.

Oh fuck.
♠ ♠ ♠

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that Brian is so sexy here with his tan? I'm like... Ugh~

Anyways, here is the second update! Enjoy my lovelies, please do comment, subscribe and recommend!