Status: Every Monday:)

Keep Running

For the Errant Scars

Frank woke up for the second time that morning. It was close to mid-day. He was on the floor, alone, covered in the blanket that smelt like Gerard. Frank propped himself up on his elbows and looked around. The city was awake and operating below; the distant smell of smoke and car horns were common in his senses, but there was no sigh of Gerard.

"Hello?" Frank called. He looked around some more before facing behind him and finding the man he was looking for.

"Hello," Gerard replied simply with a small smile. "I didn't have the heart to wake you."

"You should of," Frank murmured, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He smiled, his eyes stinging from the rubs.

"I didn't want to. You look peaceful when you're sleeping."

Frank smiled a weak smile, like a teenage girl do might around her crush. He giggled, cracking a wider smile and got up, folding up the blanket. Gerard arose too, assisting him with the art of folding a sheet. Once they had done and met in the center, the were close again; not toughing, but they were close. Gerard looked down to Frank, smiling a warm smile; a good feeling spread around him that he hadn't felt in his dormant body for ages. "Do you require any breakfast?" he asked, cocking his head slightly at an angle. Frank shook his head in reply. He wasn't hungry at all. "Okay," Gerard accepted.

Frank took a breath and leaned up on his tip toes and kissed Gerard's cheek, seeing how he would react. He didn't move, and let Frank kiss him; he took it as a good sign. He moved his face down a few centimeters and pecked Gerard's lip lightly.

Gerard reciprocated, and wrapped his arms around Frank, dropping the blanket on the floor. He parted the smaller male's lips with his tongue and nibbled his lips. This earned a slightly groan from Frank, and in an instant he blushed, going a deep shade of red. He pulled away, smiling nervously.

"I think we'd better get going," Gerard commented quickly.

"Can I sit in the front of the van?" Frank asked innocently, instantly knowing the answer.

"No. There's a manhunt going on for you and you think I'm gonna let you sit in the front?" Gerard sounded as if he thought Frank was mad.

"Just an idea. Can I borrow your iPod again?" Frank asked boldly. Gerard handed over the music port to Frank and he accepted it gratefully; it was the only thing that had stopped him from going completely insane over the days.

"In the back, Frank," Gerard said. Frank smirked, his mind playing dirty tricks.

"Yes please," Frank giggled, unable to control himself.

"Immature," Gerard muttered, glancing in the rear-view mirror to watch Frank get it and shut the door behind him.

Frank got himself comfortable on the beanbags behind the front seat and turned the iPod on. He found new stuff on there, mainly the Smiths and the Misfits. He switched it to "Astro-Zombies", one he knew he liked quite a lot. He bobbed his head along to the rhythm, catching Gerard's eyes in the mirror.

Gerard smiled back at Frank, his earlier words still ringing in his ears.

"I'll teach you how to love..."

They mystified him, wondering constantly how Frank was going to achieve such a thing. He was intrigued though; he was scarred by his past, a dark and horrible place that he didn't intend to enter into again. Frank was a new beam of light, and in some ways he was glad he had kid-napped him. But if they were together, it wasn't so bad, right? Gerard sighed, pulling out of the bay and back onto the highway. It was going to be a long journey.
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Sorry it's short, It'll be better next time *crosses fingers*