Status: Every Monday:)

Keep Running

You can Fight this all you Want

Gerard sat in Frank's arms sobbing heavily. He managed to make a big patch of Frank's shirt material damp and salty in five minutes. Frank just sat and soothed, stroking his back reassuringly. He rocked him gently, like a mother would to their child. He was sad and broken and at rock bottom; Frank didn't even realize. He ran his finger's through his black mop and held his head at the back of his head. He managed (with some serious maneuvering) to get Gerard sitting on his lap and leaning against his chest.

"Are you really going to fix me?" he managed to get out after 10 minutes of hot sobs hiccuped breathing. He bit his thumb, sucking gently. His eyes stung and his head throbbed.

"I-I'll try, I mean... I'm not sure how great it will be but yeah, I will try - uh," Frank stumbled over his words messily, eventually being cut off from a peck by Gerard. He held Frank's slender face in both hand's and brought it to his lips. Frank froze at first, but then relenting slightly, giving in to the temptation. He kissed back lightly, not deepening the kiss, but it was enough to satisfy Gerard obviously. He groaned in the back of his throat; his lips tasted slightly of tears where they had fallen from his eyes, but Frank liked it anyway. They broke apart finally, Frank pushing back the hair out of Gerard's red, blotchy face.

"God... You're so broken. You've been through so much. I can't... I can't think of what to do. I suppose, I'll have to stay with you. There's no way you're going to let me go home, is there?" Gerard remained deathly still, a sad look in his eyes. He looked down at his hands, fiddling with Frank's shirt. Frank tipped his chin slightly up again, so he could look him in the eyes.

"Hey, did I say I wanted to?" Frank said, cocking his head slightly. He did yes, but when he was with Gerard... It seemed slightly different. Yes, it was going to take some time to realize he was deeply in love with a murderer, who was now sitting in his lap, but it was going to be okay. Inevitably, he and Gerard were going to be separated. He pushed that thought to the back of his mind, and tried to keep it there for as long as possible.

"Frank... This isn't fair," Gerard said, shifting in his lap. He looked Frank square in the eyes, emotions swimming in his lens.

"What isn't?" Frank asked, the words slightly choked.

"This," Gerard hinted again, waving his hands in the air half-heartedly. "This - me and you. It's not fair," he explained in a small voice, resting a hand on Frank's chest to keep him upright.

"How so?" Frank asked, a small smirk on his face. He was amused. He thought he had no hope. There was no way he was going to let Gerard go.

"Well... I... I kidnapped you, Frank. Doesn't that bother you?" Gerard retorted, making a disgusted face.

"In the beginning. But since I am consenting now, doesn't that make it any different?" Frank murmured, reasoning with his mind as well as Gerard.

"I suppose. But it is still wrong. I... I can't do this anymore. Frank, I'm letting you go. Here," he said digging around in his pockets for some cash. He got out ten fifty-dollar notes and handed them to Frank. "Here's some money. I'll drive you to the nearest airport, and you can get on the earliest plane home, okay?" Gerard said, shoving the cash in his chest.

"Wha-Why?" Frank stammered, his heart and mind fighting inside him. "I... I don't want you to get caught. You'll get caught by the police!"

"Not if the gang murder me first. It'll be fine. It'll all work out, I promise," the older man murmured. "I have nothing left now. I want you to have a great life, okay? I'm going to give myself up."

"H-How can you say that?" Frank asked, tears forming in his eyes. He held back a jagged breath. Gerard could be so changeable. How long had he been feeling this way? How long had he been tricked into thinking this main actually felt something for him?

"Frank, I don't want you to have a bad life. You're eighteen! You've barely started living!" Gerard shouted suddenly. He was standing now, but he returned to Frank and settled in his lap again. "Baby," Frank shivered when he called him baby, "please. I know what is right. I can't keep you here. I feel selfish. You have to understand. I can't live with myself anymore. I can't look in the mirror without seeing someone I hate. I'm gonna do the right thing and confess. It's the only thing I can do now. You, however, have plenty of life left. Trust me." He pushed back the hair in Frank's eyes and kissed his nose lightly. "Please, don't argue with me."

Frank couldn't speak at all. His mouth was rendered useless. He nodded, in solemn agreement and let a tear drip down his nose.


About an hour later, they had pulled up at the airport, and Frank was ready to go home. It was going to be risky, considering everyone knew who he was and the manhunt, as far as he knew, was still on., He managed to buy the tickets no problem, considering the woman on the desk was busy on the phone and just handed him the tickets he had paid for.

Frank turned back to Gerard, who was leading against a stone pillar waiting for him. He had a regretful look on his face, but in his head he knew it was the right thing to do. Frank went over, before going through the gate. He wrapped his arms around Gerard's waist, who reciprocated the move. He tucked his head into the taller man's neck, inhaling his scent for the last time. He felt the tears coming again, but blinked them back, until he heard Gerard cry and then let them out like a waterfall. He sobbed silently until the last call before the gate was closed. He pulled away, sighing and feeling his heart breaking into a million pieces.

"So... this is it..." Gerard said.

"Don't you dare pull that bullshit on me," Frank said with a cheeky smile. He was doing his best to try and hold it together, but it wasn't working as well as he thought.

"Fine. Goodbye, Frank," Gerard said simply, pulling him in and kissing his lips tenderly. The kiss was full of regret and misery, but something else the Frank couldn't work out. It was unlike any other of their kisses that they had shared - not that they had millions. It had an energy to it that couldn't be explained. Gerard pulled away and left him. He smiled sadly, biting his lip. His final words were: "I wish you all the best of luck for the future, Frank."

They turned away at the same time, each going they're separate ways. Frank reached the check in and turned back, only to find Gerard looking straight back at him. He didn't wave, or smile, or even move. He just stared, his heart breaking into one million tiny pieces, like someone had stamped on it - hard. He suddenly found his mothers words ringing in his ears.

If you love something, let it go. If it was true love, it will come back to you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't worry, it's not the end or anything. Don't sweat.
Thanks to my devoted readers,

Thank you very much!!
I will keep typing as long as you are there reading!