Status: Updating every chance I can :)

I Never Meant To Hurt You, I Only Meant To Do This To Myself.

Chapter 6.

I feel myself wake up but don't bother to open my eyes. Nice comfy bed. I try and reach for my blanket before realising it's not here. My eyes snap open as I remember last night. I look down to find Tony still laying on top of me only he's moved down so now his head is on my breasts...nice.

I reach for my phone off the coffee table, dropping it when I see the time. 12:16. Shit! We're so late for school.

"Tony!" I shake him, he stirs but goes back to sleep, "Tony get the fuck off me!" I push him with all I have and he lands with a bang on the floor.

"Urg! What the hell." he whines.

"Tony we're like, 3 hours late for school get the fuck up." I say kicking him lightly in the stomach.

"It's Saturday." he mumbles.

"No it's not, it's Wednesday now seiously up or I'm covering you in peanut butter and putting you outide."

I hear him mumbling to himself as he lifts himself up from the floor, once he's up he looks over at me with a sheepish smile. I roll my eyes and notice a note from my brother.

I've taken Lacey to nursery. I've gone down to a friends for the day so can you pick her up when she finishes? Btw, lovely sleeping arrangements you had last night ;)
-A x

I shake my head at his note and place it back on the table. I hear Tony walk up behind me and turn to face him, he's rubbing the side of his face and his hair's a mess, he looks so cute!

"Hey, I was thinking, is there any point in going to school?" I ask.

He looks up at me confused, "What?"

"Well, we've already missed half the day, what would be so bad about missing the rest?"

He frowns and thinks for a minute, "I don't know... I've never ditched school before."

I shrug, "There's nothing to it, teachers don't even care."

He looks like he's about to say now so I grab his hands and push my bottom lip out, doing the best puppy dog eyes I can, "Pleeeease Tony?"

He bites his lip and sighs, "Fine. But if anyone asks I was forced into it." he laughs.

I nod happily, "Okay, it was all my idea!"

"Yeah... so what do we do now?" he asks looking around.

"Erm... Wanna go get ice-cream?" I ask.

"Sure." he nods.

I go upstairs to change quickly and meet him back downstairs, as we're walking out the door Tony turns to me, "Sorry about falling asleep on you last night."

I shake my head, "Don't worry about it." I say patting his arm.


Tony had to show me the way to the ice-cream place as I didn't remember the way. Once in we ordered and sat down at a table near the window.

"Let's play 10 questions." I suggest.

"Alright... Isn't it normally 20?" he laughs.

I nod, "Yeah but I can never think of 20 so now it's 10, you start."

"Okay erm, favourite colour?"









"November 2nd."

"Time of year?"


"Do you like snow?"

"No, too cold."

"Did you like England?"

"It was alright, I miss my friends."

"Why did you decided to be friends with me?"

"Because... You were the most interesting person I saw. I just felt I had to get to know you and now I have I'm so happy I kept forcing you to talk to me." I laugh.

He joins in laughing then asks his last question, "Tell me about your family."

I pause for a minute and look up at him, our ice-cream arrives but he carries on looking at me for an answer, "Erm, what about them?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Anything, I've only met your sister."

I nod, "Okay well erm... You've met my sister and I have an older brother Ashton who also lives with me, he works nights and sleeps late so I don't get to see him much, he's 21."

"And what about your parents?" he asks when he notices I've stopped.

"Oh erm, I don't live with my parents." I state.

"Why not?"

"This is way more than 10 questions Tony." I laugh.

"I wanna know." he whines while pouting.

I sigh, "Fine. Well when I was 15, my sister was 1 and Ashton was 19 my parents were in a car crash. My dad died instantly as the car was crushed but my mum was thrown through the window screen. She was in a coma for over a year before the doctors told us she wasn't going to come through so we should think about turning the life support off. I couldn't watch it so Ahston went in and told them to do it. My sisters too young to know what happened, all she knows it that her mum and dad are in heaven. We moved her a few months after I turned 17 to get away from the memories." I say finishing off with a shrug.

Tony stares at me for a few more seconds before reaching over to grab my hand, "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked."

I give him a smile, "It's fine, you didn't know and I'm okay with talking about it."

He nods with a small smile, "Now it's my turn, I just have two questions for you."

"Okay shoot." he says.

"Okay, 1, are you glad I forced you into this friendship?" I laugh.

He nods, "At first I thought you were just messing but I'm glad you started talking to me.

"And 2, what do you think of me? Like really think of me?"

He sat for a moment before answering, "Honestly, you're the best person I've ever met. You're the only one I feel comfortable around and that's a really strange feeling for me. Now I know what your lifes been like it makes me respect you even more. Knowing what you've been through and seeing you're still so happy gives me hope and all I wanna do is just make sure you stay happy forever."

I smile at him and lean forward to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "Tony you're so sweet. I think I will always be happy as long as you're with me."

We continue talking while eating our ice-cream, which has melted slightly. As we walked home I linked my arm through Tony's. He went straight to his house as I had to get ready to pick up Lacey. I never thought Tony would be how he is, sweet and caring but I'm glad he is.
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Update yay! :) Didn't really know what to write so I was just winging it ahaha! Anyway I don't have much to say about this chapter so yeah (: hope you liked it.

Chlo xo