The Life and Times of a Not So Ordinary Vampire Family

Chapter 3:

Alexa walks out of the house a few hours later and makes her way out to the backyard and over to where Jack is working on the car “You making any progress on that thing?” she asks.
“I thought I was, I’ve got all the spark plugs changed out but it’s still not working. I tried to turn it on but it won’t start.” he says. “Let me have a look” she says taking the wrench off him and opening the bonnet of the car to look at the engine. “I think I see your problem” she comments.
“You do? And what would that be?” he asks.
“The battery’s not connected properly, you must have knocked one of the leads loose when you dropped that wrench earlier” she says.
“How do you know about that?” he asks. “I’m a vampire, I heard it drop. That’s why I came out here”
“Concerned for my wellbeing were you? Coming out here to see if I was ok?” he asks.
“No I came out to see if you were almost done, and heard you drop the wrench. We should really try and have the car fixed as soon as possible, so we can get that blood picked up before the other two finish school, they haven’t been around as long as we have and being exposed to all those people in the hospital with open wounds, blood transfusions and whatever else might be too much of a temptation for them to resist.” Alexa says.
“Well now that we’ve got the battery hooked up again the car should start properly so we’re good to go whenever you’re ready.” he says.
“You wanna go get some exercise? Get rid of some of the frustration you’ve built up from working on the car?” she asks. “Yeah sounds good” he replies.
“So how about we have a race, winner has to do all the cleaning for a week” he suggests.
“Deal, I just hope you have your favourite apron ready, because I’m not going to hold back. And I’m older than you so I can run faster” she says.
“But you’re so much better at washing dishes and cleaning than I am, are you taking that into consideration?” he counters
“Not even a little bit. You see the way I figure the more practice you get at domestic duties like cleaning and washing dishes the better you’ll become. So really I’ll be doing you a favour if I win” she responds.
“And what if i beat you” he asks.
“Well then I’ll just have to find some other way for you to hone your cleaning skills.” she says.
“Do you think we’re gonna be able to eat before a bunch of giggling girls corner us to stare at you?” Lennox asks as she and Christian walk to their lockers at lunch time.
“Maybe, if we’re quick” he responds.
“Doesn’t it annoy you having them practically drooling over you all the time?” she asks.
“Not really, I don’t pay any attention to the most of the time” he says.
“Well that might work out fine for you, but I on the other hand would actually prefer to eat my lunch without the gaggle of giggling human females giving me death glares wherever I go” she says.
“You could just bite one of them, that’ll scare them off” he suggests.
“Oh yeah Alexa would just love that. We’re supposed to be blending in as humans, biting someone isn’t really going to help our cause.” she says. “I still think Alexa was more moody than usual this morning, do you think something is bothering her?” he asks.
“She was probably just annoyed about having to come in and talk to Mr Carlson about us being late and having to sit there and be polite while he’s hitting on her and trying to get in her pants just like he does with every female above the age of twenty-one who goes into his office” Lennox says.
“Particularly since she could rip him limb from limb in about ten seconds without even thinking about it” Christian says.
“I’m sure she could but I doubt she’d ever let it happen, she’s to controlled for that kind of thing, she wouldn’t let herself lose control and do that to someone no matter how tempting it might be and how much they deserve it” she says.
“So do you think Jack’s gonna have the car fixed in time to pick us up from school?” he asks.
“That’s what they said this morning, between him and Alexa they should be able to get if fixed. I think she wanted to do a hospital run before coming to collect us” she says.
“What are you gonna write about for the new history paper?” he asks.
“Ugh I have no idea, it’s a pretty broad topic.” she responds pulling the paper out of her pocket and reading from it. “Pick a country in Europe, and write a three thousand word essay on it’s history focusing on a certain aspect, e.g. food, fashion, customs, the class system, language, family dynamics etc. include picture where appropriate. How about you any ideas on what topic you might write about?” she asks folding the paper and slipping it back into her pocket.
“Well I was thinking since we have a couple of primary sources at home I might pick something from Italian or British history.” he replies.
“Yeah I thought about that, but how would we credit our source? We can’t really write that we got it from a primary source because people don’t live for centuries.” she says.
“Wikipedia?” he suggests.
“I don’t think that would fly. You know Peters he’s not gonna accept a paper if the source is Wikipedia.” she says.
“We have a whole load of books Alexa and Jack have collected over the centuries I’m sure they’ll have something that we can put down as a source.” he says. “but we can worry about all of that later. Right now I have some admirers to charm” he adds.
“Charm? You don’t charm them, you just dazzle them with your vampy good looks. There’s no charm or effort involved on your part at all. We’re designed to attract humans, to draw them in so it’s easier to feed off them.” she says.
“Yeah good point, but they don’t know that. As far as they’re concerned I’m just the mysterious loner guy.” he says.
“If they knew the truth they probably wouldn’t be so eager to throw themselves at you” she says.