

I'd known for years that I'd never be his first love.Max loved his drugs more than anything else.He never batted an eye when he'd hurt me and neither Robert or Craig or even Micheal noticed.I'd prayed more than once that Ronnie would come and save me once he got out of jail despite his hate for us all.It hurt so much that not even my own brother noticed that I was hurting.I'd turned to cutting so many times.I could have large cuts on my wrists and no one would even bat an eye at them or try to get me to stop.It was only when one of Max's female friends found out that I got a lecture.

She'd been my rock and it may have helped a bit that she was like the old Max.Not this new cruel Max but the old Max that I knew before Ronnie got Max into that shit.The most she did was get drunk and she got cuddly and handsy when drunk.Sure, at first, I'd slept with her just to feel alive and like someone actually cared about me.She gave her heart and soul to everything that she set out to accomplished.She railed into Max when he was high about how he treated me and railed into the rest of the band about how they ignored me and Max's abuse.It was her who'd dragged Max to rehab and pushed him in there against his will, telling him that she'd find loopholes that would get his ass sent in prison so far that he'd be old and gray by the time he got out.

Things had started going downhill when we found out that she was pregnant.She got moody and bitchy and more than once she nearly hit me.Funny how now that Max was gone in rehab, everyone seemed to care about me and want to know how I was doing.Granted I could easily take her if she'd actually hit me, after what had happened to my mother with my grandfather and her first husband, I was raised to never hit a woman, and I'd never wanted to hurt Max considering he was more fragile than me.

The worst part had hit when she was 8 months pregnant and gotten hit by a drunk driver and nearly died.I'd been faced with the choice of keeping her alive long enough that our child could be born.You could tell that our baby was definitely a Money.A now sober Max stayed by my side as I'd cried myself nearly to death making the decision.I'd been about ready to propose to her and provide for her and then this happened alongside the numerous complications she'd had, then this happened.
Max stood by my side as I struggled with the same thing Craig struggled with, being a single father.My mom was more than happy to have my daughter stay with her and my father while I was on tour and Max and I slowly rekindled our relationship.Then tragedy struck my life again.Max shot while walking to the store to get some soy milk for my coffee and he didn't make it.By that time, with how much he'd been through, both his mother and his brother had wanted as much to do with him as his own father did, so I paid to bury him next to her.They'd have made a better couple than me and her, despite my daughters love for her Uncle Max.

It's been five years and I've tried hard to keep it together for my little Alicia after Max's death.She barely remembers him but she remembers how much I burst into tears when she asks about her mother or Max.I had to explain to her that I loved them both very much but they were both ripped away from me.I've been breaking slowly and finally I've caved and brought her to their graves.She was drawn to her mother's grave while I collapsed in tears on Max's.Having my ten year old daughter see me break down wasn't something I wanted to have her see at all.She was so much like her mother and hugged me as I ran my fingers over both of their epitaphs.

Nadia Alexandria Ratner
July 25th, 1984 - December 16th 2011
The only woman I've ever loved.

Maxwell Scott Green
December 15th, 1984 - July 18th, 2016
The only man who's ever captured my heart and helped me with my daughter.He will be missed by both of us.
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Yeah.......I depressed you didn't I?I depressed myself while writing this.