Scream Over The Sound

Chapter 3 - Ghosts Of The Past

“This is it,” I opened the door to the apartment. Amazed, I took one step forward, soaking in the lush interior décor. There was a chandelier hung above a matching set of living room furniture, all in a crème coloured theme. A sheer divider separated the dining room and living room. The kitchen was made out of white marbles everywhere and there was a tall white fridge. The windows were all ceiling to floor windows and the apartment overlooked the gorgeous twin towers. It was lush and posh and the most gorgeous place I’ve ever seen.

Three doors led to three separate bedrooms at the end of the hall. The boys entered, side stepping me along the way as I was still soaking in the most amazing apartment I’ve ever seen.

Vic stopped right next to me, “Are you sure this isn’t like Avenged Sevenfold’s place or something? Did we get the wrong chauffeur?” he asked out loud.

“Yeah,” Tony chimed from the far bedroom. Peeking out of the door he cooed, “We all have individual bathrooms too!”

“Well, according to my emails, I’m pretty sure you guys have the right chauffeur,” I turned to Vic and smiled. “Besides, Avenged was just here a couple of weeks ago. Don’t think they’d be so quick to return.”

“That’s good. I would’ve been bummed if you weren’t ours,” Vic smirked and walked towards the bedroom that Mike had found for the two of them, leaving his scent to linger around me for a while.

I placed my things on the coffee table in the lush living room and sat down. Rubbing the soft cushions, I asked, “Are you guys hungry?”

Jaime peaked out of his room, “What’s on the menu?”

“Anything. We have everything here,” I turned to the tall windows to see the sun beginning to set. “Why don’t you guys get freshened up first? I need to head home for a bit, make sure I have everything for sound check,” I started gathering my things.

“Going already?” Mike pouted as he walked over to the couch, plonking himself beside me and putting an arm around my shoulders.

“Aw, I’ll only be gone 20 minutes,” I patted his lap, “I live 5 minutes away.”

“That’s reassuring to know, right Vic?” Mike called out and Vic peeked out of his room. He just smiled at me and went straight back in. I wish I could have followed him. No. Stop. Think of clean things. Mouthwash. Yes.

“Okay, guys. I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Come back quick,” Mike called out as I left the front door.

“Wait!” I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Vic call out for me. Turning around I saw him leaning against the doorframe. “20 minutes tops right?” he smiled.

“I promise,” I continued to the elevators, smiling to myself like an idiot.


I pulled up in front of my house gate to see a rather familiar car parked. Parking my car just where it was I got out, “Samantha?”

“Hey Alex! I was wondering when you’d come home,” my former best friend stepped out of her cute car. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about some things.”

“I’m busy, Samantha. I’m working,” I clicked my gate open and started making a dash for my front door.

Suddenly, her hand grabbed my arm. “I know, with the band and all. I heard,” she smiled. I see where this is going. “But you haven’t spoken to me in six months and it’s killing me.”

I took my arm out of her grip. “Look, you spread rumours about me that caused me and my boyfriend to break up, all my friends to turn against me thinking I’m the whore you said I was and then tell me you had a ‘reason’ to do such things?” I blew my purple hair out of my face. “If you had an issue with me, you should have come to me first.”

She rebutted, “Yes and I tried to get to you!”

“Yeah, AFTER you heard I got the job our boss turned you down for,” I walked pass my gate. “Don’t even think about following me, I’ll call pest control,” I shut my gate close and hear her rev her ignition and speed off in anger.

I can't believe she had the nerve to come to me. Knowing Pierce The Veil is one of her favourite bands too. She must be insane to think that I'll let her tag along with me after she had lied to everyone telling them I had cheated on my boyfriend. I lost a boy I really loved and my only friends all for false accusations of being a whore, when she was the whore all along. The attention whore that is.

I didn’t need her spoiling my perfect day. The only thing I needed was to get back to the apartment and see Vic. Pronto.


Still heated from the encounter with Samantha, I jabbed the keys angrily into the keyhole of the apartment. Unlocking the door, I burst it open, hoping that boys will give me some sort of relief. Comical relief, that is, I promise.

“OH GOD!” a half naked, towelled Vic Fuentes stood ahead of me. I turned and planted my forehead on the front door. “I’m so sorry.” Well, not really. Heh heh.

“Haha, don’t worry,” he laughed. “I left my phone out here. I’ll go put on some clothes now.”

“Okay, be quick,” I said, still facing the door. “I’ll take you guys to dinner and go straight to the venue to check things out.”

“Alright, I’ll go rush the boys,” I heard him say and go back to the bedroom.

I turned and went sit on the couch. Then, the door opened again, Vic still half naked as ever, “By the way,” he started, and this time I didn’t even bother trying to look away. “In ordinary cases, you’d have to take the man out to dinner first before you get to see him without his clothes on.”

“Shut up and get changed,” I tossed a pillow at him and buried my face in the couch.

“You’re too cute,” he laughed.

No, you, Vic. You’re too cute.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please do leave comments! :) Recommend me to any other Pierce The Veil/Vic Fuentes fans! I'm still pretty new here, would love to get to know all of you :)