Status: Complete. Thank you for reading. c:

Take One Last Breath

'Till the Death of Me (Undefeated)

^*Kori’s POV*^
As Missy started kicking the door it took everything to keep my feet planted in one place. My knuckles were already hurting through my grip on the bat. Bam back up and stood beside me, and the hard kicking continued. Ville and Austin just backed up towards the wall. Austin looked like she was about to let me open the door.

“If you just opened the door I could end this shit right now.” I whispered, my teeth gritted, and Bam took a deep breath.

“No one needs to get killed here, Kori.” Bam said calmly. “She’ll tire herself out eventually, she can’t just-” The kicking stopped and so did Bam’s talking. We were all quiet as Missy tried to turn the knob. She stopped and I smiled slightly, thinking she’d backed off and given up. Then there was a gunshot and we all jumped.

“Oh fuck.” Ville said shortly and Bam put an arm in front of me, making me take a step back as I started lowering the bat. There were two more shots, and the chair fell back as the door burst open. She pointed the gun straight at Bam.

“NO!” I screamed, and lunged forward with the bat, and Missy grabbed it before it could hit her and twisted it out of my grasp, and I let it drop to the floor. I pushed her down as she fired at a shot and it hit the ceiling. I grabbed the hand with the pistol and tried to force her to drop it, but she narrowed her eyes, pain on her face as I tried to twist her wrist, and she fired another shot, this one too close to my head for comfort.

“Kori!” Austin was quick to yell, worry drenching my name but I could care less if I got hurt or not. I was sick of Missy. Sick of her and her fucked up head.

“Give me the gun!” I growled, and she forced the gun closer and closer to my face, firing another shot and I flinched, and two more bullets were fired as I forced her hand down to the floor. “You fucking bitch.” I quickly pulled the gun from Missy’s hand and pointed it right at her face. She didn’t look so fucking mean now. She slowly brought her other hand up, resting it by her head as she stared down the barrel.

“What are you gonna do, bitch? Shoot me?” She asked and I grinned.

“Don’t fucking tempt me.”

“You know I’ve never done shit to you.” Missy spat, venom in her voice.

“Don’t you see all of the goddamn mistakes you’ve already made?” I asked, that same tone in my voice as well. I wanted to put a bullet right between her devilish little fucking eyes. I’d like to wipe that goddamn smirk off her fucking face, too.

“Kori,” Austin’s cautious voice grew close. “Kori, put the gun down. You can’t just kill her. You’ll go to jail.” Austin said and I glared, my finger on the trigger.

“Kori, listen to Austin. I may want her dead too but I don’t want you going to jail for it.” Bam said quickly, sounding just as cautious as Austin; like I’d turned into some kind of wild animal in this past minute. I swear to god sometimes I feel like there’s an ‘Approach with Caution’ sign on my forehead.

“You better fucking stay the hell away from here.” I growled at Missy, and quickly brought the gun out to the side and pistol whipped her, and her head flew to one side, her eyes closed. I sighed, and stayed on her for a second, my hand dropping the pistol that was out of bullets by now.

“C’mon.” I felt Bam’s hand on my arm, helping me off of her. He pulled me around to face him, and smiled slightly before he hugged me. “You can’t do that kind of shit to me, I thought she was gonna shoot you.” He mumbled in my shoulder.

“Shoot me? She pointed the gun at your head first.” I told him with a quiet laugh.

“Well she nearly shot you in the face three times.” He countered back.

“I swear my heart can’t take the shit that goes on in this house.” Austin sighed heavily.

“Everyone’s okay, right?” Ville asked and I nodded against Bam’s shoulder. She had that fucking pistol pointed right at his head…

“Yea, we’re alright.” Bam said quietly, a smile in his voice, like he was still trying to comprehend what happened.

“Not for fucking long.” Missy’s voice came back, and just as Bam and I pulled away there was a bang, and everything morphed together as Austin looked over at Bam and I with slightly widened eyes and Ville quickly pounced onto Missy, taking the gun from her and smacking her in the head with it, once, twice, and I just looked back to Bam as he hugged me tighter, his hands tightening on my shirt and tears in his eyes. Wait…who’d been shot? I hadn’t. I don’t think. No, no, I was fine. Right? I couldn’t tell. It was like everything was just…watery. Like we were underwater. That’s what it was. Bam brought his hand down to my side, and brought it back up and I saw what was on it. I was hoping it was my blood, and not his, but as I looked down, there was blood soaking my side, and his stomach. It had to be mine. He couldn’t have gotten shot. I slowly sunk to the floor with Bam, everything still not…together, it seemed.

“I’ll call the ambulance, just keep them conscious!” I heard Ville’s voice, loud and clear just as Austin appeared, and then the pain finally hit me. Like someone took a fucking wrought iron rod that had been heated up and just shoved it against my side, leaving one line of burning, stinging, pain. But I knew this pain. This was a good pain in this situation. I just got grazed. That’s what it was. I got grazed. But that meant Bam got hit full force.

“Fuck,” There was a hiss from Bam as Austin quickly fell to her knees at the two of us; next to me and at Bam’s side, and I took a deep breath, trying to get the pain to calm down.

“Ville’s gone to call an ambulance.” Austin said and looked over at me. “And you’re bleeding really bad too, are you okay?” She asked, worried as hell it seemed.

“I just got grazed, I’m fine but-” I noticed Bam’s eyes starting to close. “Bam, don’t close your eyes!” I quickly slapped his face lightly, and he nodded quickly.

“Okay, okay…” He whispered, like he was trying to stay alert.

“God it all happened so fucking fast. I thought everything was alright.” Austin said as she got up and I took Bam’s hand, squeezing it.

“Hey,” I raised my voice slightly as his eyes tried to close again and he looked at me. “Please don’t leave me.” I whispered and he smiled slightly, squeezing my hand hard.

“I-I won’t.” He whispered and Austin fell back at us with a t-shirt and she quickly doubled it over and put it over the gunshot wound in his stomach, putting pressure on it. Ville came in and kneeled down on the other side of Bam.

“The ambulance is on its way and-” Ville stopped as he looked at me. “Kori, are you alright?” He asked and I just nodded, afraid if I opened my mouth again I’d rather cry out from the still stinging pain, or start crying. But I chanced it.

“I’m fine.” I managed out quietly, and Bam kept a tight hold on my hand, his thumb rubbing the top of it, like he was trying to make sure I knew he was still conscious so Austin and I didn’t start screaming at him to stay with us. I was feeling a little light headed, but I ignored it.

“Ville, keep pressure on this.” Austin said and Ville put his hands around hers on the shirt on Bam’s abdomen and she took her hands off, allowing him to move his hands to put more pressure and Bam coughed slightly, making Ville and I turn our attention to him as blood ran out of the corner of his mouth.

“Bam,” Ville began before I could.

“I’m-I’m still here.” Bam whispered, his thumb moving over the bones in my hand again.

“Here,” Austin came back with a shirt, looking at my side.

“Wait, Austin that’s my good shirt.” I told her and she laughed slightly.

“Yea, okay, call the most torn up, hole-riddled shirt you have your good shirt.” She said, and I just sighed as she pushed my shirt up that was now soaked with blood. “God, Kori, you weren’t fucking grazed.” Austin said quickly, pressing the shirt to my side.

“What?” I asked and she looked up at me.

“It went through your side.” She said, and I slowly nodded, not really being able to comprehend it. Too much was trying to be comprehended in my mind right now.

“Oh. Well that explains the pain and massive amount of blood loss, and light headedness.” I whispered, and heard the ambulance outside.

“Missy…Missy’s knocked out, right?” Bam asked, his voice weak.

“Um…” Austin looked over at Missy as did I, where she was lying just out of the doorway, a trail of blood from her temple to the floor starting to pool. “Yea,” Austin nodded as the two of us turned back to Bam. “She’s down for the count.” Bam just nodded, tightening his hold on my hand.

^*Hanna’s POV*^
“But they’re stable, right?” I asked, feeling Knoxville and Ryan’s eyes on me.

“They’re okay for now.” Ville said, his voice quiet. “Kori lost a lot of blood, Bam lost a lot of blood, and Bam just got out of surgery. But yes, they’re as stable as they can be right now. The doctor had to repair a rip in his stomach and find the bullet and it tore Kori’s side wide open so she had to have like…fucking thirty four stitches just to close it. The doctor said so much about Bam I can’t even remember.” Ville said with a shaky, heavy sigh.

“What’s going on?” Ryan asked and I shook my head, holding up my index finger for him to be quiet.

“Where’s Austin, is she alright?” I asked, worried. One call and suddenly your bar night turns into a hospital night. Actually I figured we’d all wind up at the hospital sometime tonight, but not in a situation like this.

“She’s in Kori’s room. She and Bam are both still under from anesthesia, but no doubt as soon as Kori’s awake she’s going to be hunting information on Bam down and she’s going to kill anyone who doesn’t give her any info, and Bam’s just going to… I don’t even want to think about that. He’ll be a wreck.”

“Is Missy dead?” I asked, almost feeling bad that there was so much hope in my voice.

“No, she came to and she’s sitting in a jail cell now for attempted murder.” Ville sighed heavily. “I gotta get back to Austin. When Kori wakes up she’s gonna have to be restrained so she doesn’t tear her stitches, and I need you, Knoxville, and Ryan down here because I can’t be in two places at once. I need you three in Bam’s room keeping an eye on him too.” Ville’s words got slightly jumbled, but I was already standing as I heard Knoxville paying.

“Alright, when I get there I’ll take Kori’s room with Austin, and you can go to Bam’s room with Knoxville and Dunn. Kori tends to listen to me a little more than the guy who drunkenly married her best friend.” I said and I could just hear Ville roll his eyes.

“Alright, it’s a deal, just get down here.” He hung up and I pocketed my phone.

“What’s going on?’ Knoxville asked as he and Ryan stood up.

“Missy shot Bam, and the bullet passed through Kori to get to him.” I said, and their faces fell to the center of the fucking Earth. I just wanted to get to the hospital. Two of my best friends had been shot by the same, psychotic woman and I really didn’t have time for them to let their jaws snap back into place. “Just go get in the fucking car.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of the readers, subscribers, and special thanks to the commentors:


xoxo, Saleigh