Status: Complete. Thank you for reading. c:

Take One Last Breath

Heading Into Battle

^*Kori’s POV*^
The way I saw things now, it was Hanna and I against everyone else. After dinner, and Austin had gone to bed, things had settled down for a moment before we began World War III. It was Chris, Novak, Hanna, Bam, Ryan, and myself all against one another, and even ourselves. How did that make sense? Hell if I know, but it made sense to Bam and so here we were, creeping around, snapping mouse traps on one another, shooting each other with paint balls, and Hanna tried to set Chris’ hair on fire with my help. April and Phil had gone into the kitchen to avoid the chaos, and Missy was upstairs in the shower. I had gone down the basement because Ryan said that we needed more paintballs. I looked through a bunch of the large containers, and then, I found it. A box of tazers. Oh my fucking god, the ideas that were shoving themselves into my mind weren’t humane, but god, I hated Bam so fucking much, and I just…I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed two of them, and grinned as I put one in my back pocket, and made my way back up the stairs, opened the door, and closed it back as I made my way back into the den, where everyone was still jumping over furniture and screaming obscenities at one another. I saw Bam hiding behind the couch, and he came up once, fired a few rounds at Novak, and Novak dove under the end table.

“GET BACK HERE DUNN!” Chris screamed, jumping over the coffee table and running after Ryan. I quietly made my way over behind Bam, and grinned as Hanna spotted me, but I put a finger to my lips, silencing him. I flicked the ‘ON’ switch quickly and shoved it into his side.

“GODDA-” His voice was cut off with a scream as he convulsed once with the jolt, and I couldn’t keep the laughter away as I began laughing like mad, not being able to stop. “You bitch!” He screamed as he kept a hand clasped to his side.

“Oh shit, you’ve done it now!” Novak yelled, and I realized what I had gotten myself into as Bam got up and I ran, the tazer clenched in my hand, determined to taze him again if he got near me.

“Hanna! Catch!” I screamed, taking the tazer from my back pocket as I saw Hanna, and I threw it at him, but Bam dove into the air and caught it.

“I got him!” Hanna yelled, but as he pounced at Bam, he landed on the tazer, and screamed, quickly getting up, and Bam laughed. I just stood, and he got up, and looked at me as everyone seemed to stop to look at us, and Hanna just rubbed the place on his arm where the tazer had got him.

“You’re going down now.” He growled, pain still evident in his voice. I backed up, the tazer still in my hand. I heard April and Phil running from the kitchen behind me.

“Just remember, you fucking started it, jackass!” I yelled at him.

“Yea, but you’ve already crossed a line!” He screamed, and he lurched forward, as did I, and as soon as we both did, I got the tazer on the right side of his neck, his on the left of mine, sending nothing but pain through me. Even as April began screaming, I just kept fighting it, my teeth clenched, and my muscles involuntarily tensed up with the high voltage. All I could hear was the continuous buzz, and all I could clearly see where his eyes, because ours were locked together, but we couldn’t stay like this forever. If anyone touched us, they’d get fried, and we weren’t pulling away from one another, because that would mean defeat. We’d pass out from pain soon, but until then we fought. I knew he was ready to give in, I could see it in his bloodshot, pained eyes, but he wouldn’t do it because he didn’t want to accept the fact that he finally met his match. I wouldn’t let him give in. Then, like someone flicked a switch, his eyes closed, and he fell, and a second later my world went black as well. There wasn’t any pain, the buzzing was gone, and what scared me the most was that there wasn’t anything at all. Soon even my thoughts were gone.

^*Bam’s POV*^
My eyes fluttered open, a groan escaping my lips at the bright light in my eyes.

“Hey, he’s awake!” I heard Ryan’s voice, and I sighed.

“Bam, can you hear us?” Novak’s voice came next.

“Shut the fuck up.” I groaned, my whole body stiff and aching, and my heart feeling like it was going to run away. I had no recollection whatsoever of what happened. “What happened, and where am I?” I asked, looking over at Dunn, who was sitting beside me.

“You and Kori tazed each other for five minutes straight, and then blacked out, and you guys weren’t responding, and neither of you had a pulse, so we had to call the ambulance.” He said, and I narrowed my eyes slightly in thought. So I was in the ER yet again… I had become all too familiar with this place. “We thought we were going to lose, you, Bam.” Ryan said seriously, and I looked over at him as the slight smile on his face faltered slightly.

“Who went down first?” I asked, looking over to Novak.

“You both went down fast, and at the same time, pretty much.” He answered. I sighed, not remembering it. But I would admit, I was getting kind of scared.

“What about the bitch?” I asked, not liking calling her by that name because I felt she could read my thoughts and was going to march in and punch me in the face.

“She’s still out as far as we know. Austin and Hanna are in there with her, Chris is down in the snack Longue with Knoxville, and your parents are out talking to the doctor.” Ryan explained quickly. I just laid my head back, as Ape and Phil came in, the doctor right behind them, and my mother began one of her short rants on how I could’ve gotten killed. Just nod and say ‘I know, but I don’t give a fuck because the bitch started it’, and she’ll go away.

^*Kori’s POV*^
I had woken up not even a minute ago, and Austin was hugging me so hard I thought I was going to stop breathing. But soon she let go, and I sighed, thankful for the air I could breathe in once more.

“You’re one tough girl, I’ll give you that much.” Hanna said with a smile from my right.

“You’ve got to stop this, Kori. You nearly died.” Austin said sternly. “And you nearly killed Bam as well.” She said and I nodded.

“I know, I know, but no one died, we’re both fine now, so just calm down.” I said, trying to calm her down and she scoffed.

“The paramedics spent ten minutes restarting your hearts!” She exclaimed.

“Austin, chill.” Hanna said, his hands out in front of him slightly. “You need a hug?” He asked, standing up.

“God no!” Austin said, seeming like she was fighting laughter and Hanna’s face fell as he sat back down.

“Alright.” He muttered.

“Oh c’mere.” I said and he stood up, and got in bed next to me, earning a slight laugh from me as he rested his head on my shoulder and pouted.

“Oh my god.” Austin muttered as I petted his head, and she just shook her head.

“So,” I took a deep breath as I looked back at her as Mark curled up in my side, beginning to act like a child. “Is Bam still alive?” I asked and she nodded. Damn.

“He woke up fifteen minutes ago.” She answered, and I slowly nodded as I took a deep breath.

“When do I get out of here?” I asked and she shrugged.

“The doctor should be around any minute, so you can ask then.”

A minute turned into an hour. But after the hour was up, he said he wanted to keep me over night. Bam too. Though I wasn’t complaining. Everyone came around, and Austin went to check on Bam a couple times, and April and Phil came to check on me. Mark was the greatest thing since television, because he kept me company all night until I fell asleep. He was turning into a really good friend, and one person I could trust in this cluster fuck of never ending insanity. The next morning when I was able to leave, I rode home with Chris, Hanna, Ryan, and April while Austin rode with Knoxville, Novak, and Phil, while Bam rode back with Missy, since she had spent the night at his bedside. And once we got home, I was drained. My whole body had this stiff feeling and my muscles ached, but the doctor said it should go away later today. I went straight upstairs to bed, ignoring everyone, even Hanna and Austin. I opened my door, and froze. The thirty or so turkeys were all still in my room, and the whole place smelt like shit. Luckily I had my duffel bag sitting atop my dresser, because I would be able to grab it and go if I ever needed to get out of here, and second, so no one could really find it. I took my foot, ignoring the loud noises and pushed a few turkeys out of my way before I climbed into the chair and grabbed my bag from the dresser, then jumped down, and ran out, shutting the door behind me.

“Knoxville!” I yelled, my voice still slightly hoarse.

“Knoxville’s in trouble!” I heard Novak announce in a sing-song voice, followed by laughter as I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“What is it?” April asked, looking at me worriedly.

“Oh god, Knoxville didn’t get the turkeys out of your rom, did he?” Missy asked from the counter and I shook my head, slowly turning and looking at Knoxville, avoiding eye contact with everyone else.

“I’ll get them out, don’t worry.” Knoxville said and stood up, patting me on the arm as he walked past and up the stairs.

“Well, I’m tired, so I guess I’ll go sleep on the couch.” I said with a tired, aggravated sigh, headed towards the den, but then stopped and turned around. “If anyone fucks with me, I know where another tazer is, and I will taze the motherfuck out of you.” I growled, seeing everyone’s expressions change slightly, and then I continued my way into the den.

“Someone’s cranky.” I heard Chris mutter.

“Someone’s wanting to get electrocuted.” I heard Austin’s voice mock.

“Fuck this, I can’t- I’m going to bed.” I heard Bam say abruptly as I sat down on the couch out of view of the kitchen, dropping my duffel bag in the floor beside me, and then Bam stormed through and over to me. “I swear after that little stunt yesterday you have a whole new hell coming your way, cunt.” He growled in my face, his voice barely above a whisper, and then turned sharply, running up the stairs, and disappearing into his and Missy’s bedroom. I just laid down, closing my eyes with a sigh. I loved how he didn’t know what I was capable of. He didn’t know that I don’t fuck around when I say I was going to do something. After what happened yesterday, I had this feeling in me; this need to fuck his life up, and that was exactly what I planned on doing.

^*Bam’s POV*^
If she wanted to fucking play this game, then I would too. This was my house, and I only play by my fucking rules, and if she doesn’t like it, or thinks she can fuck me over, then she has another thing coming. I can get her in just as much trouble as she can get me. I was scared yesterday, but also slightly off track, but now…now I realize what it’s going to take to whittle her down to nothing, and I was fully prepared to do just that. If she wanted me to stop with the pranks, she’d beg me to. If she wanted me to grow the fuck up, then she’d scream at me over it. If she wanted me to stop fucking with her, she’d break into tears. If she hated me enough, she’d get the hell out of my life. I want her begging for mercy, screaming in pain, and crying her heart out because of the hell I’ve inflicted. I would go to any length necessary. I was ready for a full on war, and I was sure that was exactly what I’d get.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of the readers, subscribers, and special thanks to the commentors:


Fair enough.

xoxo, Saleigh