Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Where It All Began...

Chapter One:

After finishing her two years of sixth-form she is off to pursue her dream of travelling the world. She finds herself currently soaking up the atmosphere on the plane as it makes its way to New York. She left her parents and brother behind where will she takes the opportunity of a gap year, to fulfil a childhood dream with her best friend, who is currently slouching in the seat beside her, sound asleep. They had always dreamed of this when they were younger, being the optimistic ones, they always believed that one day the opportunity would arrive and they would grab it with both hands.

That's when it happened. Over the summer, and the days they had off they managed to get a part-time job, which was lucky considering the current climate in London with everyone looking for jobs. Anyway they managed to earn some money and with a little persuading their parents gave them a little bit of spare cash for when they were over there. They had no idea how long they would stay there for, hopefully the entire year but of course it depended on the way in which they managed their money.

They've always had a keen interest in music; however they weren't exactly gifted in the way of vocals...
However that didn't stop Charlotte from teaching herself to play the guitar. She wasn't amazing, but she could play the few songs that she had learnt in the short amount of time she had been playing it. She had such a passion for the sound of the guitar in the back ground of particular songs, so she would always pretend to strum along to them when she was younger. On the other hand, Sophie wasn't as interested in the guitar; she much preferred the beat of the drums! She would always tap away to them on any surface that she could find, if she had a song in her head.

They both had similar tastes in music too. Some bands really inspired them, with the lyrics that we sung. They planned to stay in the areas where their favourite bands came from in the hopes that they could catch a few shows of theirs or maybe see them out and about, as I said they are optimistic, so that's what they hoped.

Being childhood friends meant that they rarely fought over anything and if they did it was silly little things which then turned into funny arguments, which they laughed at because they sounded so childish. It was normally over who the best band member was or what they fancied for dinner?

Charlotte was a mysterious type of girl, only 19. She believed in keeping herself to herself and waiting for the right person to come along, who would stick around long enough to get her complete trust and figure her out. She was always quite mischievous, happy, outgoing girl, being reserved and withdrawn when she wanted to be. Whereas Sophie always expressed her opinion, she showed how she was feeling, she wasn't afraid of sharing her emotions, which is the complete opposite to Charlotte, she felt the need to hide her emotions. People would say she's as solid as a rock but in reality she is just an emotional wreck, which was never unleashed unless she was completely alone.

Sophie was a tall girl, with dyed red hair which was pulled into a high pony tail at the back of her head (how she found it comfortable when she was sleeping on a plane I don't know?) She had hazel brown eyes and fairly pale skin. Right now she was wearing simple short denim shorts, which you could just about get away with in the typical London summer weather, but she knew that it would be much warmer over there. She paired it with a plain black vest top, long woolly cream cardigan and black VANS.

Beside her Charlotte was listening to her I-Pod wearing a 'This Century' band t-shirt, blue skinny jeans and black converse. They were in their last hour of the flight as they were almost near the magical city itself.

Charlotte's POV:

Soph began fidgeting beside me; I knew she would be awake soon. That's when the moment of truth occurred.

"Char...How much longer do we have left?" Soph groaned at me, with her deep morning voice.

"About an hour now," I smiled back, she looked so funny after just waking up it was like she had been sleeping for days.

Soph now sitting up began talking again, "You know this is it, our dream!" She huffed, still slightly exhausted.

"It certainly is. I've been waiting for this my entire life," I smiled.

"That's only 19 years you twat, you make it sound like you're 60!" She chuckled, lightly smacking my left arm.

The time passed quickly and we had now landed in New York, and now claiming our luggage. We planned our visit so far, today we just wanted to get settled in the hotel we had booked, so we could explore the big city the next day, even if that meant only having two days to explore New York.

We grabbed our luggage got through all the passport controls and finally made it outside where the hot air hit us. To be honest it wasn't too hot for me, I tanned easily so I loved the heat however I put my heart out to Soph who didn't tan quite so easily.

Once we were out the airport I hailed a taxi so we could get straight to our hotel. I didn't want to spend the day gawping at the city life around me. We loaded our stuff into the taxi and climbed in, as we set off to the hotel. Neither me or Soph uttered a word on the way, we just stared out the window at the busy city around us, it was about 1 o'clock here but it felt like early evening to us. We had some serious adjusting to do!

We waddled into the hotel our heavy luggage in tow, with pretty much everything that belonged to us inside, after paying the taxi man. We received our room key and proceeded to the lift, we made sure we shut it before anyone else got in so we were alone, we always found it awkward when other people were in the lift with us.

As soon as the doors shut she knew what I was going to say.

"Oh my, hold me! Their accents are fucking beautiful!" I pretty much screamed in the lift.

"They're amazing, but calm down a tad," she suggested.

"I'll try, it's just not as good the accents in Arizona, I mean they are just dangerously sexy!" I chuckled to her.

"Well, please don't die when we go there, I mean you managed to keep it together at the 'The Maine' gig last year," she stated.

"I was using everything to contain myself then," I truthfully stated.

Just as I said that, the lift pinged open and we got out onto the 21st floor. We strolled along the long corridors until we reached room number 432, using the room key we slowly pushed the door open and looked around at our average room. We weren't expecting much as we were on minimum budget, but to be honest it was much better than I expected.

I ran past Soph and jumped on the bed I wanted, which was the single bed nearer the window; I spread out like a star fish and grinned at Soph because I beat her to it.
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I hope you liked my first chapter...if you are reading i'm very grateful. Maybe you would like to give me a review so I know how i'm doing for my first chapter. Things will be getting better soon, as the action starts soon! Hopefully I can post again tomorrow, but we'll see :)

Char <3