Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Eleven

Chapter 11

Another day of this bliss Arizona sun. Today we were waiting for John to pick myself and Sophie up to take us to the beach with them. It had been 3 days since we last saw them but I had been texting John a lot; just about random things. He certainly knew how to cheer me up when I felt low. I decided to sit on the bench outside the hotel while I waited for Sophie to finish getting ready. I was wearing plain shorts and a vest top leaving my hair down, with my bikini underneath my clothing. I was listening to my I-pod, as I knew John wouldn't be here for another 10 minutes and it's not like I had anyone to talk to.

Crystal Clear by Young Guns was blasting through my ears when a body sat down the bench beside me. I knew it was John, he had this presence about him, I didn't even remove my earphones or turn my head but I knew it was him. He edged closer to me and took one of my earphones to hear what I was listening to. He put the earphone in his ear and looked straight ahead as he listened to music.

Finally he spoke after waiting for the song to finish, "Who's that?" he turned his head so we were face to face. I took in what he was wearing. A simple t-shirt and jeans with holes in with sunglasses covering his eyes. I eventually to my glance off of him and replied.

"Young Guns," I replied which just received a confused look from John, "a UK band," I smiled and nodded at him.

"What else do you listen to?" He asked curiously.

"Erm, I like This Century, You Me At Six, Young Guns, Deaf Havana, Don Broco, Sleeping With Sirens, All Time Low and this cool band called The Maine," I giggled, when a goofy smile spread across his face at the last band mentioned.

"Oh you like The Maine do you? I like them too, they've got a cool lead singer, who is apparently pretty hot," he wiggled his eyebrows at me, only causing me to laugh at him before I replied something I really didn't expect to leave my mouth.

"I've got to agree," I replied winking, before blushing with embarrassment and turning my head away in shame.

"Oh so you're a John Oh girl are you?" He smirked at my reaction.

"Maybe..." I mumbled, not really wanting him to hear.

"I'll leave you alone cause you're getting all embarrassed. So how are you feeling today?" He asked placed his hand on my bare leg, making me flinch under his touch. To be honest I would have flinched under anyone's touch considering the flash backs I got every so often. However I was quite greatful that he changed the subject.

"I've been worse," I smiled in response, "you?"

"The same I guess," he shrugged in response.

"How long does it take for a girl to get ready? All she needs is a bikini, beach cover up, flip flops and a towel," John wondered.

"You know these girly girls," I responded, chuckling at the thought of Sophie making sure all her outfit was matching up stairs. Just as I finished my sentence Sophie came out the front clearly ready to go. So myself and John got up before me and Sophie followed him towards his car. We climbed in and set off for the beach where we would meet the rest of the guys. John put the radio on, which I appreciated. I listening to music in the car, I can't bare the silence.


An hour later and we arrived at the beach. I loved the beach, it brought back my happy childhood memories; playing in the sand, balancing on the rocks, playing beach ball and lazing around in the water. I got out of the car unable to stop staring at the clean, golden sand ahead of me with the glistening blue sea with it's crashing waves. Those were memories that I will never experience with my brother or sister again. He can't stand the sight of me and clearly we grew up! I shook the thought out of my head and began walking down the beach with John and Sophie. John took us straight towards the other guys who were already lounging around on their towels.

We got settled down on the beach as I took my shorts and vest top off with no hesitation, I was planning on getting some form of a tan before the end of the day. I put some sun cream on just to protect myself a little, unlike the guys who decided to take the risk of getting sun burnt. I now needed someone to put the suncream on my back but Sophie can cleared off somewhere to get something with Jared. I turned to John who was sitting on his towel beside me, with his arms behind him for support while he stared at the sea. He had taken off his t-shirt exposing his tattoos like he had a few days ago. His tattoos made my heart flutter. I caught his attention quickly trying to avoid any embarrassment, "Um...John," he turned his head and gave a crooked smile.

"Yeah," he replied dragging out the word.

"Would you mind rubbing some suncream on my back? Sophie's gone and I would have asked her so I'm sorry I ju--" I stumbled.

"Stop going off on one, come here," John stopped me, and patting to part of his towel in front of him.

I threw the suncream over to him, which he caught, while I sat down in front of him. He sprayed the cool liquid onto my back and using his large hands, rubbed in all of suncream which left me feeling so flushed. I stood up, turned around offering to take the suncream from John but instead he placed his hand in mind indicating that he wanted to be lifted up. I pulled him up to his feet before taking the suncream and placing it back in my bag. I shouldn't have felt so special under his touch, he's just another band member who won't want to deal with me.

"Anyone coming in the sea?" John offered, removing his sunglasses to reveal his piercing green eyes.

"Yeah!" everyone chorused, including Sophie and Jared who had now returned.

We ran down the the sea in a race to get to the sea first. It was so calming feeling the cool sea brushing up my legs as I got deeper and deeper into the sea. I was second in the sea, there was no way that I could beat John's long legs but I used to be on the school's athletics team. Then again that was just over 2 years ago; in my past. We mucked around in the sea, throwing around a beack ball to each other which Pat had brought with him. We had been in there for a while now so I walked back out to where our towels were laid, Sophie came back and joined me while the rest of the guys played around in the sea. I let the sun dry off my now salty skin, while talking to Sophie beside me, who was doing the same.

"When are you planning on going home?" Sophie asked, keeping her eyes shut and not moving a muscle.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"Your not bored yet?" she asked.

"No! I'm so calm out here," I replied, wondering where she was going with this.

"It's just not like home," she sighed to me.

"It's more than home to me," I responded.

"I guess it's different for you," she smiled, "I might go home in a couple of weeks, you don't have to come with me, cause believe me I don't want to leave you but I miss my family,"

"So soon? This was our dream?" I laughed, "As long as you're happy, I'm happy, just remember we will always be best friends no matter what the distance."

"You're right about that one! I can see you living out here forever you know," she chuckled beside me.

"I'd love to but I have to face my family at some point, don't I?" I stated in all seriousness.

"Yes you kind of do!" she added before the guys decided to interrupt our peaceful moment.

"SURPRISE!" John shouted running over to us. I couldn't really see who he was with but there were 8 guys coming up behind him instead of the original 4. I had no idea who they were but I couldn't really recognise them from the distance. I knew it was John running because of his sexy tattoo and long legs. Shit, I didn't just say sexy! Oh no! No, no just my imagination...
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Got some good drama to come in this story but not for a while. I've had a brainwave and I now know exactly where I am heading with this story! :) Stick with it!