Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter 16

John's P.O.V

I woke up early, as I said I would, rolling out of Charlotte's bed removing my arms from around her slowly to make sure that I didn't disturb her now peaceful sleep. I turned around and checked on her before walking out of her bedroom across the hall to my room, where I picked out some clothes to wear today before jumping into the shower so that I was fresh and awake.

I finished the contents of my coffee before I grabbed my keys and phone to head out of the front door, however I found my self running quietly back up the stairs to peep my head around the corner of her door to make sure that she was still soundly asleep. She was so I took this as my queue to get out of the house before I was going to be late. Myself and the guys were meeting up today just to run through any inspirations we had for the new album we are supposed to be creating after our break.

I was now in my car following the normal route I took when it came to going to Garrett's house for the meeting, seeing as we all took it in turns. I had my radio blasting out loudly, even though I wasn't really listening to it, my mind seemed more focused on Charlotte at this moment in time. Fortunately I made it safely to Garrett's without crashing from my lack of focus.

"Hey," I greeted the guys as I walked into Garrett's living room.

They all replied back a simple "Hey," before we all sat down on the sofas or floor to have a real discussion.

"So John have you had any inspirations at the moment?" Jared asked.

"Erm...I've written down a few lines, but nothing worth sharing at this point. It's been a bit hard with keeping an eye on Char yesterday," I replied not showing any enthusiasm.

"Fair enough, something will happen soon and we won't be able to stop writing!" Pat exclaimed excitedly.

"What's up then?" Kennedy directed at me.

"Well Char had a real bad dream the night before, she really freaked out. Screaming, shouting, crying, thrashing around. It really upset me seeing her so distressed but I stayed with her last night and I left her still sleeping this morning so she's much better, but she wouldn't tell me what her dream was about, she avoided it every time..." I sulked.

"It's clearly upsetting her, just leave her she'll tell you if she wants to share it," Jared piped up.

"I know, it's just frustrating that she has to keep everything to herself. She can't stay bottled up forever," I added still slightly ticked off but still unamused at the fact that he can't figure out her problem. If Sophie leaving was the problem she would have said, because she has before...

We continued sharing ideas, but it finished slightly earlier than I was expecting. So at 1 in the afternoon I found myself walking up the path to my house, keys in hand ready to unlock the front door.

I walked straight into the kitchen to grab a drink and to my surprise Charlotte was up and getting something to eat.

"Whoa," she jumped like a lightning bolt across the kitchen, knife in hand, "I didn't expect you back so early!"

"Neither did I," I replied my eyes rolling down to look at what she was wearing. Her hair was a beautiful mess, falling randomly around her face. She was wearing her 'Lawson' band t-shirt with a pair of denim shorts. I couldn't help but notice her tanned, muscular legs.

I quickly looked her back in the eye as she started to talk and I noticed what I was doing. A bright blush had flown onto her face, as she bit her lip and turned her head to the side to hide from my gaze. She placed the knife back on the counter before mumbling "I'll go change..."

"No don't worry, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable," I replied slightly embarrassed myself.

She continued making something to eat and had her lunch. We had been watching T.V. for about an hour now when she finally spoke.

"Do you know anywhere that I can go jogging?"

"Erm, sure there's a park not far from here that I could take you to," I shrugged.

"Cool, if you don't mind. I haven't been for a jog in a while and I really fancy it," she smiled, jumping off of the sofa to change.

A couple of minutes later she came back out in the same band t-shirt but a pair of flexible shorts and running trainers. I grabbed my keys and made my way out of the front door and into my car that was parked out the front. I got in the drivers seat and waited for her to get settled into the car too. We then set off in the direction of the park. I noticed the majority of the way she was just aimlessly staring out of the window admiring the views around her.

"You know I think I'd love to live here," she smiled.

"Why's that?" I asked keeping my eyes on the road.

"Well it's beautiful, sunny, and you guys are here!" she giggled. "It just seems to be so free out here."

"I love it here, I don't think I could see myself living anywhere else to be honest," I smiled in return.

We soon arrived at the park and Char immediately stepped out of the car taking a deep breathe, as though she hadn't breathed at all on the way here, which made me laugh a little inside. I showed her the route she could take and that I would meet her on the little hill that overlooked the small lake in the centre of the park. I used to like going to the top of this hill because it was quiet and out of the way, no-one else came up there and it over looked the beautiful park. I always went here by myself when I was upset or mad or just needed a little space when I was younger. I hadn't been here recently but I often came here when I just needed time to think things over.

I never took anyone else here. It was a quiet place that I kept to myself, however today that was going to change.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! The more you comment, the more I'll upload:)
Anyway, I have huge plans for this story, and I keep adding to these ideas, I'm just struggling at the moment with the amount of spare time I have, seeing as I have to finish my GCSEs but once June is over, I'll have plenty of time to do this story and maybe finish it...! I may also start another one if you are interested, maybe including the one and only Alex Gaskarth!

I'm seriously jealous of anyone who can go to see ATL or WATIC this year in the UK, so it's a touchy subject haha, anyway thanks for reading, I hope you like this and aren't too bored of me being a div:)

Char :)