Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter 19

Charlotte's P.O.V

Christmas went past like a flash with the guys, I didn't hear anything from my parents or any members of my family to be honest, and I didn't expect to either. I had been away since mid September and I hadn't contacted them so I didn't expect it back, I'd like to think I don't care but after meeting John's family over Christmas meant so much to me, it made me realise that I really don't have that much of a family.

I'd known the guys from The Maine for around two months now. The time had passed quickly, after touring for a month and a half with Sophie around Baltimore, New York, Tennessee and Florida, I had been in Arizona since. Three and a half months into my break, I was desperately missing my female best friend but I found my heart belongs right here in Arizona more than it does with my family or home...

I've got to thank The Maine and their friends for a lot of things really, if it wasn't for them I surely would have run out of money by now, but John won't accept any money from me in the form of rent. I've tried everything, leaving it under his pillow, sticking it in his pocket without him noticed, up front telling him to take the money and he refuses every time and just returns. I guess it keeps our friendship alive seeing as I won't have to return home, broke and helpless.

Anyway, today is the first time that I go into the studio. If I were to lie, I'd say I wasn't excited but that would be a huge understatement, plus I'm going to lie I can't wait to see what they do in the studio, whether they're really serious or fool around, the life of a musician eh?

John grabbed his car keys heading towards the front door. "You ready Char?" Yep. He used the nickname that I gained from Soph now, it was fine by me.

"Sure, so this is like a day in the life of John O'Callaghan huh?" I questioned with a smile, at least it wasn't a forced smile anymore.

"I guess," he shrugged in return locking the door.

I walked down the driveway to the car behind him, into the brisk January air. It was a new year, hopefully a much happier yeah for me... I slipped on my new grey beanie that John had bought me this morning in an attempt to keep me a little warmer, nut it didn't seem to work, I was still cold. John seemed a little reserved today, not as open to me as usual. I shrugged and carried on, getting in the passenger seat and sitting down and putting on my seat belt.

We were almost there, I guess and I couldn't stand the silence that had consumed the car. So I spoke up, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he mumbled in return.

"Don't lie to me, I know your not," I stated simply.

"I'm just a little nervous," he turned his head away from my stare, to check his mirrors, probably avoiding me.

"What? Why are you nervous? You're just going to the studio, be yourself," I smiled, waiting for him to turn his head back.

"I don't know, I can't explain it," he smiled back now.

"Well if it's because I am coming today then don't be silly!" I persuaded him.

We carried on with the silence until we got there. I was satisfied that I knew what was his problem this morning, but I still wish he would just be himself like normal...

We walked into the studio to be met by the rest of guys. We said 'hi' and I received hugs from all of the guys, I had never been so comforted to have a good group of friends, this never happened to me. Ever. Well into the day in the studio Jared, Kennedy and John dug out their guitars and messed around with different chords, strumming and tabbing to create the sort of sound that they wanted on their new record. I quietly sat in the corner and watched them blissfully sipping on the drink I had received earlier. However that wasn't long because Garrett and Pat came over clearly bored.

"Can you play any instruments? Pat asked excitedly.

"Erm...a little bit of acoustic guitar..." I shyly replied at his sudden need to ask me a question, where all the focus was on me.

"Cool!" Pat replied, "Have you never tried to play the drums?" he sounded disappointed.

"Sorry, I've not," I sighed.

"Don't be sorry to him," Garrett added, sticking his tongue out at Pat. I just smiled at how silly they could be.

John walked over with a slight smirk on his face. He held his guitar out towards me, "Here. I know you're gonna hate this but show me what you can play," he smirked again, he had been listening to my conversation with Pat and Garrett, nosey!

"Yeah show me!" Pat exclaimed.

"Fine," I huffed going bright red. Was he really making me do this? He knew I hated all the attention to me on me so much? I haven't played it in a while, I am bound to go wrong! How embarrassing!

" should I play?" I asked nervously.

"What can you play?" John cocked his eyebrows and gleamed a smile at me. He was loving the fact that I was so nervous and hated this. He had certainly got over his nervousness this morning!

"Erm... When She Was Mine, by Lawson, Wonderwall, by Oasis, Bleach Blonde, by This Century, Therapy, by All Time Low and erm...well this is awkward...Into Your Arms," I sighed in defeat.

"That's cool that you play one of our songs!" Garrett cheered me up.

"Are you just going to hold the guitar or play us something?" Kenny smiled at me to encourage me.

"'s When She Was Mine, don't judge it's the first song I taught myself on guitar," I smiled falsely.

"We won't judge," Jared added, before I began strumming along the pattern with the chords, A7sus4, D, E7sus4 and Asus4, while tapping my foot along.

I finished the song, not looking at any of them throughout the whole song, I didn't want to face the embarrassment, but I knew I could stare down at the guitar any longer. I looked up to see them all staring at me in the same positions as they were before.

"You're good, you've got natural talent!" Jared chimed.

"Really? Well thank you," I smiled back still with rosy cheeks that felt like they were on fire.

"You were amazing! Wanna play anything else?" John smiled at me sweetly.

"Not really," I mumbled back, knowing that this was his fault to start with.

"You're still not impressed with me for asking you to play, huh?" he chuckled with an amused look on his face.

"Nope," I folded my arms across my chest as soon as John took his guitar back. Seriously though, why did he need to do that to me, he knew I'd hate it, as much as I love to play the guitar, I still didn't like the idea of playing it in front of people, I never had and never will however it wasn't as bad as it seems when you are with good friends like these. I'm just being a stuck up baby now, I need to suck it up.

A few minutes later after thinking it through I mumbled a short, "sorry" which everyone gave me confused looks for.

"Why?" John pressed.

"Cause I'm being a bitch to you," I diverted my gaze off into a random direction.

"Nah you're alright," he replied before continuing with what he was doing noticing how uncomfortable I was at that moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
You should be proud, before I made this chapter I had done 4 hours of school related work!:(

I also hope that you understood I made a little time skip, if that makes sense. Well I hope you enjoyed this, maybe this story is interesting? I don't know really, I can't really read it and think yeah that's a good story cause well it's my own and I don't think it's that great, but I'm carrying on because I like writing and I love The Maine! I honestly can't wait for their next album, I keep watching their studio updates and getting so excited:)
