Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Twenty Two

Char's P.O.V

Yet again, I am having another sleepless night. Well lets say I managed to get to sleep at a fairly decent hour (12am) but now I find myself awake at 3am. Staring at the clock on my phone watching the minutes tick past. It is boring believe me. I am not awake purposely, and it isn't because I am not tired I really am but I found myself having another dream. I woke up a few moments ago panicking like I was falling out of this cruel world only to find that I was just having another panic attack in my sleep. It was that same dream, over and over again.

Seeing that I can't sleep now, I only have a bunch of questions running through my head. Did he really mean what he said? Why do I go giddy and get butterflies when I saw him or heard his voice, why? He probably is just saying that because he pities me. But I can't escape the questions, why would he do this for me? Me? I'm not special.

Having now already spent a load of time staring at the clock knowing that I won't be able to get to sleep and I know for a fact there is only one thing that will make me feel safe enough to sleep; John. I didn't want to disturb him but I was going to be extremely cranky if I didn't sleep and then he'd ask why then say I should have woke him up.

I shoved the covers off of my frame, swinging my legs lifelessly off of the bed and found myself wandering into John's room. I lightly knocked on the door expecting no reply, but I did and that shocked me.

"Come here," he barely whispered, there was no power to his voice like normal.

I pushed the door slightly, peaking my head around the corner to see if I wasn't dreaming about John's response. I wasn't. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, head in hands, I wanted to ask why but I was a little hesitant, he looked distressed. I wandered over and sat next to him.

"Can't sleep?" I questioned, John raised his head to my voice, not to look at me but to look up from his hands for a change. That's when I noticed that he had dark circles around his usually bright eyes.

"I just can't shut my eyes without my mind running off with me," John stated with no emotion.

"Me neither," I mumbled back showing as much energy as John.

No more words were spoke between us, he pulled me down on his bed once he had lied down. He wrapped his arms around me knowing that it would make me feel as though I was protected from m bad dream and therefore help me sleep. I felt my eyes dropping and I knew that I would fall asleep now but I didn't want to go to sleep now, I knew John still wouldn't be able to sleep and I didn't want to be selfish bitch and leave him alone. At this point I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer...

John's P.O.V

I eventually managed to fall asleep, but it didn't seem long enough. It was around 9am that I stirred awake, Char still in my arms delicately breathing. She looked helpless and innocent lying in my arms but I knew there was a real reason that she couldn't sleep but I had a feeling that I wouldn't get it out of her, just like last time.

I said that I cared about her. Did I really say that? Do I really care about her that much? Why am I even questioning that, I know that I care about her, but do I care for her more than normal? I honestly don't know, I am confused. Last night I just had all of Joel's wise words running through my head and I knew he would only have more for me tonight. We were meant to be going out for a party tonight, to meet up and have a laugh I guess, take our minds of things.

This Century are great friends of ours so we try to meet up with them as often as possible when we aren't touring. We always had a laugh with them and I knew that Charlotte was a big fan of theirs so it would only be natural for her to want to hang out with them. Which is why, when I asked her whether she wanted to go out tonight she grinned and nodded.


Several hours later and we are now only waiting for Charlotte to get ready. Well, she hasn't been in her bedroom for long but she claimed that she was almost ready anyway. Any other girl that I had would spend hours getting ready which just used to wind me up. Joel, Sean, Alex and Ryan were already at my place, along with Kenny, Jared, Pat and Garrett because we thought we would go together, in two taxis.

I was sitting in the living room, surrounded by all my close friends who were all in some sort of conversation, when Char proposed that she was ready. She walked out of her bedroom and into the living room, my gaze immediately looked over her, she was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, which snugly fit around her feminine legs and curvy hips. She then wore and smart cream top with a long black cardigan over the top, with black heels on her feet, which weren't too high. She looked stunning and I was to make sure that I told her that tonight.

We all walked out to the 2 taxis waiting for us and climbed in, not wanting to waste anytime. Once we arrived we walked into the first club that we saw.

The loud music, loud laughter and smell of alcohol surrounded me while I stood at the bar at watched over everyone. I was going to be the one who made sure everyone got home safe, I suppose it was my turn seeing as I was always the one getting wasted, drowning my sorrows. Tonight was different, I was different, but I can't put my finger on it.

"Why you not drinking then?" Joel smirked.

"What's that supposed me mean?" I chuckled back, mainly avoiding the question.

"No seriously, since when did you not drink on a night out...Come on what is it?" Joel reassured me.

"I'm looking after everyone, I suppose it is my turn," I responded with a sigh.

"You sure about that? I don't think so, you still would have still been on the alcohol even if it was your turn," he threw back at me.

True. He was so right before I would have just drunk myself silly anyway forcing someone else to keep an eye on myself.

"I'm keeping an eye on her," I quiet mumbled, 1) for not wanting to admit it to anyone and 2) because I didn't think he would hear it with the loud sea of people, but he did. Perfect.

"Why do you care about her so much, eh?" he replied once he had taken a sip out of the beer bottle he had in his hand.

"Cause she's amazing. She's perfect," shit I sounded like such a cliche, smitten boy, fuck.

"Is she!?" Joel mocked.


"I was joking I know you mention it enough," he laughed.

"She is one of the best friends I could ask for, it's a shame she has to go," I sulked.

"Are you sure she is a good best friend?" he raised eyebrows.

"Oh I see what you are doing, you want me to admit that I like her as more than a friend, I am afraid I don't think she thinks of me in that way at all, if so it wouldn't be any good she's going back to London soon," I sulked even more, snapping at Joel slightly.

"Don't speak too soon, you might be blinded by the beauty of your friendship," Joel shrugged and left me at the bar, alone with my thoughts. Oh shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, that is seriously over due!! I am fucking shit and I am not even going to explain my excuses cause you won't care anyway, but 1 word, EXAMS.
I am working on the next chapter now, fingers crossed I can get a decent amount more written tonight:)

Thanks for the comments, subscriptions, slight readers, and recommendation!! THANK YOU.

Thanks again, Char <3