Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter 23

John's P.O.V.

She was drunk. That was to say the least anyway. She was pulled everyone to the dance floor going mad, I had never seen her so wild and free. To be honest it was most likely the alcohol talking. I'd be left at the bar since Joel had been, I have had the odd bit of company when one of the guys were coming back up from the dance floor to get another round of drinks.

My mind was swirling around with so many words I didn't know what to think, it was a blur, like I was drunk out of my mind yet I was completely sober. Blinded by... Blinded Nah, don't be stupid. She's just a friend. She's cool. Pretty, but cool. Wow this is awkward. What is wrong with me? I'm all jittery and nervous, excuse me I am Mr cool I am smooth. I am never one to get like this around girls. What if I get hurt again? No, I am not going to let that happen, that girl was a waste of time I will know next time the right girl comes along, sure? Right? Oh gosh make a decision now? How do you feel? Content maybe? Happy? Sad? I don't know to be honest. I am confused.

That's when I was abruptly brought out of my mind for a moment, as Char stumbled up the bar with a devilish grin on her face. She tripped the final step towards the bar and grabbed onto my arms to stable herself while I gladly supported her by securing my arms on her waist. That felt natural, oh shit, no I didn't just think that. Stop it.

"Hellooooo," she grinned happily.

I couldn't help but match that beautiful smile of hers, "Hey Char."

"Having a go-good timee there," she nodded her head towards the bar.

"Yeah I guess," I smiled at her innocence.

"Drinkkkk," she slurred with a glint in her raising her bottle up in the air.

"No no I'm not touching anything tonight," I gave her an apologetic look.

She pulled a sad face before walking off to dance again. I stared at her for what seemed like forever, but I couldn't rinse the sick feeling I got. I wasn't ready for anyone else, I was still torn up but I would never let that slip to anyone unless they noticed. Then I would feel obliged to share my problem with them but I hate to put my problem on myself. But here I am saying this when really I should be taking my own advise.

The night escalated quick rapidly in the end, everyone was pissed except for myself and Alex from This Century, Alex had consumed a few drinks but no where near the amount the rest of the group had consumed. Shot after shot, beer after beer, and somehow they were still on their feet.

"We should get them back now," I piped up.

"Agreed, lets get them into a taxi," Alex shrugged in reply before walking away from the bar and rounding up as many of them as possible. I quickly followed suit and helped him. The ones who were causing the biggest problem was Garrett and Charlotte. They were running around the dance floor, stumbling everywhere, showing no sign of being tired at nearly 3 o'clock in the morning. I knew Garrett could party but I didn't expect Char to keep her eyes open beyond 1am.

"Come on Gare, let's head home!" I shouted after Garrett as he ran off again after Char. They were practically pissing themselves they thought it was that amusing. However I just wanted to get everyone home and safe now, the stress of being the sober one...

Finally I got Garrett into the cab and now I just had to assist Char out into the cool air. As soon as I took a step outside I felt Char go limp in my arms. They were only wrapped protectively around her waist to hold her stable but I immediately felt her start plummeting to the concrete floor. I tightened my grip on her to stop her falling straight to her knees, the cold air had hit her and caused a wave of nausea to sweep over her. She soon recovered, still giggling beside me.

That sweet little giggle, so innocent and fresh. It actually made me 'over-the-moon' happy for a moment while it was still audible. It relaxed me for a few moments. I pulled her into the cab next to Garrett and begun the short journey back home.

We dropped Garrett home, letting him sort himself out. Before arriving back at my house. I stumbled through the front door pulling Charlotte in behind me, leading her straight to her bedroom so that she could get to sleep straight away. There was no doubt that she will have a major hangover tomorrow.

I settled Charlotte onto her bed, hoping she would just fall straight asleep, but I think she had different ideas.

"Come on, I think you need some sleep now," I persuaded her several times, finally getting through to her drunken mind.

"Nah, let's carry on partying!" she jumped off the bed again and began dancing around the room.

"You'll have a massive hangover tomorrow and you'll regret not getting enough sleep," I warned her, watching her fumble around the room.

"Don't be silly I'll be fine," she hummed back at me. So I decided to grab her and put her back on the bed.

"Now go to sleep," I instructed.

"Owh," she sighed admitting defeat, knowing that I won't let her carry on.

Just as I was about to leave she wrapped her delicate fingers on my wrist pulling be back around. I turned around to come face to face with her angelic eyes. Deep brown and mesmerizing. She was standing now, right before me, not looking so drunk anymore.

She lifted her hands up to either side of my face in a flash, then she went onto her tip-toes so she was almost at the same eye level as myself and before I could even comprehend what she was doing or thinking her lips met mine. I leaned down so that she could reach me properly, I didn't know what to do, it was awkward yet so perfect at the same time. A jolt of electricity pulsed through me for the moments that the kiss lasted making my heart double it's normal rate and leaving me speechless.

"That shut you up," she cockily grinned, her eyes still locked with mine like some sort of connection. She then crawled into bed and I took it as my cue to leave, turning the light off and shutting the door in the process. I rushed around to my bedroom shutting the door behind me and climbing into my bed in the darkness feeling numb.

One thing I said I wouldn't ever do I did. But she did it first. She wouldn't remember anything anyway, she's pissed. It'll all be fine, don't bring anything up tomorrow unless she does, which I doubt she will. I mean, she won't remember it and she'll be embarrassed. No. This is better off a secret. Right. That is the right decision, isn't it? I hope this doesn't turn into a huge mistake in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well you got a look into John's mind for this one...AND A KISS. I hope you like this chapter, comments and stuff is appreciated, a lot!
A fact: I have already written this chapter until I accidentally deleted it...sorry.
I am sorry I haven't been able to update this story as often as possible, I am afraid I have been to accident prone this week, earning myself several bruises along the way.
Some of you may know that it is coming up to exam season in the UK so I am going to be extremely busy with that..sorry.
Thanks for reading,