Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Twenty Six

John's P.O.V.

She had given me a heart attack, not literally but enough to freak me out completely. Seeing her lifeless body on my kitchen floor scared me. What if I lost her? The doctors had been running around her taking lots of tests and all I could do was lie to the doctors and sit there staring at the her helplessly. As soon as I saw her open her eyes at the hospital a wash of relief pulsed through my body as I smiled at her when we made eye contact. She looked a bit dazzled to be in a hospital room but as soon as I explained that she had collapsed, a look of worry hit her and she seemed to be in a bit of an odd mood. I shrugged it off, cause well she just collapsed of course she's not alright.

I pushed myself off of the hard chair beside her bed and wondered out of the room searching for a doctor. All the guys had to wait in the waiting room while I excused myself as her fiance to make sure that I could keep a close eye on her. I spoke to the first doctor I saw and they followed me back into the private room that Char had.

"Right, I see you're awake now!" the doctor smiled, waving her clipboard around.

"Yeah..." Char croaked slightly confused.

"Right, the tests that we took have come back clear. It seems that your body has been under a lot of stress recently, do you know what that could be?" the doctor inquired.

"No," Char blurted out quickly, which only made me suspicious.

"Does this mean physically or mentally?" I asked the doctor, which I earnt a glare off of Charlotte for asking questions and not speeding up the process of leaving by not asking anything at all.

"I am afraid it could be either," she replied.

"So could it be the jogging?"

"Quite possibly," she replied.

"There you go then, resolved. Make sure that you don't do too much exercise, give yourself a weeks rest before you start jogging again then. Chill, you are free to go now, as there seems to be no other problems except rest!" she smiled before walking out of the room and back down the corridor to another patient.

"There you go, that got you out quicker didn't it. But. That doesn't mean that you are getting away with not explaining this all to me," I wasn't being specific but I knew that she knew exactly what I mean as she sighed, rolling off of the bed to change into her clothes and collect her belongings.

"How did they let you in? I thought it was only family?" she questioned, which made my heart jump dramatically, I was hoping that she didn't ask that question.

"Erm...I sort of said that I was your fiance, so the guys had to wait in the waiting room for a bit," I shrugged her off, walking out of the room, glancing behind to make sure that she was following. We strolled straight into the waiting room and all of the guys jumped and went straight over to Char engulfing her in a massive group hug.

"What did the doctors say?" Pat asked awkwardly.

"Rest basically," Char sighed making a little eye contact with me as she spoke before setting her focus back on the guys.

"Right come on then, let's get you home!" Garrett announced picking Char up over his shoulder and marching out of the hospital, towards the van.

"Hi Kenny, hi Jared" she smiled and gave a little wave as they passed them on the way out.

I followed all of them out with a smile on my face. It's great to see how she interacts with my best friends, it gives me a warm, homely feeling that everything will be alright, if we are all together.

We all crammed into the van and made our way back to my house. We sat Char down on the sofa and didn't allow her to move all night, we were all getting up to get her something as simple as a drink to make sure that she was 'resting'. It turned out to be quite funny as she begged for us to let her do something while we kept pestering her by asking if she wanted anything. Char was getting irritated, she would twitch and flinch whenever we annoyed her, but we all found it funny regardless.

Once everyone left, it went quiet. Char knew what I was going to ask because she tensed up beside me on the sofa. I didn't know how to phrase it. Maybe she just wanted to forget about it for tonight, sleep on it. But it'll play on my mind and then I won't be able to sleep, that's selfish.

"I've got to get this off my chest, do you want to tell me about this 'stress' because I feel responsible?" I asked honestly.

"I don't want to talk about it right now to be honest, you have no need to be responsible for it, trust me," she replied with a yawn at the end.

"Do you promise that you will when you're ready?" I started straight into her eyes searching for some sort of emotion that would answer my suspicions.

"When I want to talk about it yes," she smiled before going to stand up.

"Woah, where do you think you are going?" I said shooting up in front of her so she couldn't walk off.

"To bed, if that's ok?" she giggled.

"That seems alright by me," I smiled before pushing her over my shoulders and escorting her to her room.

"Is this my mode of transport from now?" she laughed as the blood rushed to her head.

"Yes!" I let out a breath as I dropped her on the bed.

"You guys are too good to me," she smiled brushed her hair out of her face.

"That's what friends are for!" I sat down beside her, placing an arm over her shoulders to pull her in towards me.

"Thanks for everything today though, seriously. You didn't need to lie so you could keep an eye on me or let me live here!"

"As I said what are friends for, best friends at that. Did you just want me to let you pay out for a flat when I have room, or leave you on my kitchen floor earlier today? It just all made sense," I rested my head on her's.

"I suppose so, if I were in your position I would do the same," Char added, with another yawn.

"Exactly, and I know you would because you are such a lovely person, inside and out, now come on get ready for bed and go to sleep, rest remember!" I smiled pushing myself off her bed and walking towards the door.

"Night Char,"

"Good night Johno!" she called back making me smile and possibly having a little blush at the nickname.
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Simple. We are nearly at all the drama, nearly. Stay with me for this, then I will get started on the sequel as soon as I finish this story yeah?

Let me know what you think,