Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter 29

I made it back to John's house, swiftly opening the door and rushing indoors. I didn't want to be seen in a state. I went straight to 'my room', slamming the door shut behind me and breaking down in the middle of the floor. I allowed everything to escape from me, my screams and shouts as I cried my heart out curled up in a ball on the floor. I had no-one. There was no-one here to reassure me and I guess that was because I went back to a house where I wasn't welcome anymore.

I composed myself a little before I began grabbing my stuff. I stuffed all of the clothes into my suitcase that I brought with me when I flew over here. Everything I could think of I packed into my bag, trying not to think about the memories that surrounded certain outfits etc. I didn't want to remember those memories, they were in the past now.

I opened my door and wandered around all the rooms collected anything that belonged to me. I didn't want to leave a trace behind of me because he'd only think of me in disgust. I collected my toiletries from the cupboard in the bathroom and I made sure that I tidied any mess that I made around the house. I wanted it to look as though I never existed in this household, as though I was never here, then John could live his life and forget about me.

I stumbled back to my bag and packed my last few things. I made my bed and picked my phone off of the covers where I had left it before I went out for a jog. I quickly checked it out of interest. I noticed I had received another text from Joel and a phone call from him but that was it. I called a cab, hoping it would arrive within the next 10 minutes.

I grabbed my extremely heavy bag and begun dragging it out of the front door with my tired body. I didn't bother to stop the tears falling down because there was no point, as soon as I wiped one another one would start cascading down my cheek. I sat by the wall and within a matter of minutes the cab had arrived. I loaded my stuff in and gave directions to the driver, luckily he didn't seem to acknowledge the state that I was in.

Soon I arrived at my desired destination, I paid the cab driver with the little money I had on me and thanked him. I then proceeded to tripping out of the cab, stumbling around to the back of the car to grab my suitcase. Forcefully pulling it to the ground and closing the boot. I dragged it along behind me and begun my pursue to the door.

I knocked on the door with the most energy I could muster together and then I waited. The door was pulled open and I broke down.


Joel's P.O.V

I opened the door and to my surprise I found a broken girl breaking down on my door step. I immediately pulled her into a hug, I had my suspicions about her all day, the way she wouldn't reply much and how distant she had been this last week. I mean no-one does this without a reason to. I pulled her into the living room, sitting her down on the sofa before rushing out to grab her suitcase as quickly as possible to make sure that I could get straight back to her side.

I held her back in my arms before she squeaked out, "I've got no-one, he's not interested in me!"

"Shh," I attempted to calm her down, but more tears had already erupted causing her to shake violently beneath me again. "It's alright, I'm here."

After a considerable amount of time she seemed to calm down a bit more even though her red eyes and face showed otherwise. "Don't you ever tell yourself that you have no-one because although that idiot hasn't come to his senses, don't forget that you still have friends over here, I mean come on, Kenny, Jared, Pat, Garrett, Sean, Alex, Ryan and myself all love you. And we know that the All Time Low guys like you," I smiled at her attempting to get a smile from her, which I succeeded in, as a small smile crept onto her face.

Not long after that, she fell asleep in my arms on the sofa, so I picked her up and carried her into my bedroom, resting her in my bed so she could sleep comfortably while I preoccupy my thoughts to stop be from going to John's and beating the shit out of him.

How could he do this to her? I mean she knows the full extent of her past, even I don't know and I still wouldn't dream of causing her more pain than she was already enduring. What a foolish man. He doesn't even know what he's lost. I can't wait for him to realise what he has lost. I could have done more, I could have done more to make him realise how much he really does love her. If I could turn back time then I would, believe me! I am not one to match-make but come on she was perfect for him. She wanted him for his character, not his looks, status, friends.


Several hours later

Char had woken up an hour ago and was currently on her laptop, booking herself the closest flight out of Arizona. I sat next to her as I watched her frantically search through the several flights back to London, Gatwick.

"You know, there's really no rush for you to go home?" I told her.

"I know," she replied while she kept her concentration on the laptop screen in front of her.

"You can stay here as long as you like," I added, hoping she would stay a bit longer, maybe John would come to his senses by then, but it was no luck.

"Ah! Flight booked for 2 days time, would you mind dropping me off at the airport please?" she asked politely.

"Of course I will!" I hugged her.

"I have to do this you know, I mean I'm running out of money, I need to get my university place sorted out, accommodation, travel, fees sorted out. I'm running out of time, I'm desperate to see Soph. But mainly I need to clear my head of these memories. I place where I thought I belonged, in the end involved breaking my heart so it doesn't feel so welcoming anymore," she sighed at the end.

"I understand, I wish there was more that I could do," I honestly sighed back.

"So do I, but things happen for a reason, right?" she replied with a weak smile.

"You promise to keep in touch with us all and visit every opportunity that you get," I proceeded on.

"Come on, you can save this speech for the airport, I'm not leaving right now," she giggled to avoid the conversation.

"Are you going to say goodbye to the rest of the The Maine guys before you go?" I asked yet another question.

"I'll meet up with them tomorrow and tell them to news, but I am not going into detail about 'us' because well that's embarrassing. John can explain that to them," she twitched her fingers at the word 'us'.

"Fair enough, he can take responsibility for that," I gritted my teeth. I am so angry right now, but of only I could have done more? It's too late now I can't save her already broken heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt bad that I wouldn't be able to upload over the next few days so here is the next chapter. I'm sorry for any mistakes... Only three more sixth form taster days and I'm free for the summer!!

A massive thank you to WetheCATHLYN, AlexAddiction, Ohnojohnoh ( and anyone else ) for commenting on the last chapter they all made me grin. I'm just so glad someone appreciates what I write (proud mum moment...awkward :/)

Thanks anyway for reading
