Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Three

Chapter 3:

My lay-in was rudely but not so rudely interrupted. Sophie was already up, dancing around the hotel room playing songs off of All Time Low's new album. So it was annoying that she woke me up but it wasn't exactly bad, waking up to hear their music...

"What time is it?" I mumbled to Sophie, without bothering to open my eyes, I knew I'd just see her sitting up in her bed, smiling the day away!

"Half nine!" she chirped happily.

"What happened to the lay-in?" I asked.

"That was it, what do you want for breakfast then?" she wondered.

"That was it? Are you joking, I'm tired," I moaned, tucking my head under the covers, then shouting "I'll have some toast please!" which must have sounded so muffled coming from me under the covers.

"Sure," she responded as I heard her push herself off of her bed and make her way to the little toaster that the hotel supplied. Believe me, we had prepared for the mornings buying bread, butter, milk, basically all the essentials for the morning.

Sophie brought back in a plate of toast and we just munched on a couple of slices each before I rushed off to the bathroom to have a shower. Surprisingly the shower wasn't as bad as the one in the previous hotel. I mean it actually gave out continuous hot water rather than it changing between hot and cold water all the time. Once I got out of the shower, I dried myself off with the white fluffy towels that the hotel provided and changed into an old t-shirt and joggers. When I went back to the main room I sat on my bed and loaded up my laptop that I'd brought with me.

While I was on the laptop, Sophie jumped in and had a shower, dressing pretty much the same as me. I was pretty much stalking my twitter timeline and looking at all the tweets from The Maine, All Time Low and This Century. Nothing interesting was going on really but I was quite addicted to twitter, I'd tweet completely random things normally. I was looking through some fan pictures of the most recent ATL concert and it just made my excitement build up inside more and more with each picture I was looking at. I then loaded up my iTunes and played their album out loud.

"We're going to hear them sing this live Soph!" I shouted to her as she was pottering about over the other side of the room.

She looked shocked that I had actually woken up and got excited for the concert (I was normally counting down the days/hours until the concert but it was different last night, I was tired and I needed to sleep and let it settle in that we were going to see them live in a different country!) "I know, it's going to be amazing, their home crowd, hearing them live in a different country, just everything!" she giggled back with excitement.

We continued talking for ages before deciding that we would change into the stuff we are wearing for the concert and going out for lunch. It was only 12 but by the time we got out of the door and found somewhere to eat we knew it would be 1 so we got ready there and then. I wore the clothes that I had picked out the previous night. My signature colour red shorts with black tights underneath, with a plain white vest top and red converse.


After wondering around for a bit we managed to find a little coffee shop. We strolled in and went straight over to get a table, I looked at the menu and they did snacks as well as drinks so that was good!

I went up and ordered for myself. I order a hot chocolate, chicken sandwich and a chocolate croissant, I didn't really feel like eating much, I knew I would later though when I got bored in the queue. I sat back down at the table with the tray while Sophie went up to pay for her meal. She came back with her coffee, sandwich, muffin and two packets of crisps and threw one packet at me.

"You'll need them later," she said before taking a sip of her steaming hot coffee.

"Thanks," I replied before taking my first bite out of my sandwich.

We continued talking over our lunch, just using up a bit of time that we had spare, we got ourselves another drink and before we knew it, it was 2 and Soph wanted to be at the front of the queue by then. We quickly gathered our stuff and speed walked out onto the warm streets. Luckily Soph could remember the way to the venue from the hotel which wasn't far away; I just wandered behind her as she sort of skipped ahead.

"Here we are!" she pointed as we went around another corner.

"Finally," I gasped, she insisted that we walked as fast as we could. As expected we were the only people in the queue. Seeing as it was mid-September it meant that students we at college and school, so there wouldn't be too many people there until later anyway. We stood on the pavement outside the venue; chatting and watching the world go past.

After what seemed like half an hour, a group of girls joined us.

"Are you here for the All Time Low gig?" the tall pretty brunette asked.

"Yeah," I replied back with a smile to be polite.

"You're from England, right?" the shorter strawberry blonde girl asked.

"Yeah London," Sophie replied.

"That's so cool! Are you like following them on their gigs or something?" the third girl asked.

"No, we're just kind of on a road trip around America" Sophie explained.

"That's pretty awesome, remember us!" the first brunette girl asked. "Oh yeah, this is Amelia" she said pointing to the blonde girl standing behind her. "I'm Hannah and this is Lydia," she said pointing to the strawberry blonde haired girl.

"And we're huge fans of ATL!" Lydia excitedly giggled.

"Same!" myself and Soph said in unison, we both looked at each other and began laughing.

Well we have now made some friends to bring down the amount of time we would have to queue for the gig.

After about 3 hours of us meeting some more fans and talking to them, mainly about ATL we started to see a build-up in the amount of people in the queue now it was about 6 by now and the doors opened at half past so the excitement started to build up. Myself, Soph, Hannah, Amelia and Lydia started screaming every now and the just to make everyone further back start getting hysterical, we thought it was hilarious. The fans further back in the queue began fidgeting trying to see if there was any movement at the front of line, but the only movement was us stumbling around with laughter, at their confused faces!

The time passed quickly and we were now entering the venue, we got our tickets checked and got straight to the stage! All 5 of us we standing at the front railing in the centre. Now we were getting excited. We had to stay at the front the whole time, through the support acts too, this was going to be a good night. Soon the venue was half full but I knew at the end of the support acts it would be full.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! Please give me a review, then I know how I'm doing.
Sorry the excitement isn't until the next chapter but it definitely is the next chapter!
I am going to start writing the next chapter now so hopefully I can upload it now, even though I should be doing Biology revision for my exam Monday :/ but I prefer doing this:)

Thanks again for reading:P