Status: Active... I have made this using my own imagination:)

I'm On a Trip

Chapter Five

Chapter 5:

We had been on our little tour for around 1 month and 2 weeks. We'd already been to Maryland (ATL), Tennessee (Paramore)-of course we didn't see them but we had a good look around- and then Florida (Sleeping With Sirens)-but we didn't see them either.

Never-mind, now we were in one of my favourite places in the world, Arizona. It was a place that appealed to me before I made a turn for the best and got caught in the world of The Maine. Their music helped me through times, they were there for me in a sense, but you know that's really stupid cause they weren't really there, and loads of girls would probably say that too.

I'm all about the rock music though; I just enjoy bands and not auto-tuned shit. To be honest I considered myself a simple creature but other people insisted I was such a complicated person, I don't know really...

I'm lying on my hotel bed, wishing I could've taken my own bed with me. Sophie was up to something in the living room while I listened to music. I had my 'Arizona' playlist on which consisted of The Maine and This Century songs. I'd get so caught up in the lyrics; they reminded me of so many old and forgotten childhood memories of mine.

It was only late afternoon and we seriously needed to get out! A few moments later...

"Let's party tonight!" Sophie burst in and stated.

"Sure, I need to get out!" I jumped up.

"Let's get ready now and just go a bit wild," she mumbled before walking round to search through her suitcase. She soon enough found herself a short black dress, ideal for a party, it was like she had everything planned!

I fumbled through my suitcase and managed to find my black heels, they weren't ridiculously high cause I'd fall flat on my face otherwise. I pulled out my favourite red dress, it was plain and simple. It came down so it rested 3 inches above my knees. I took a shower, and slipped my underwear on, then dress, it clinged to my figure but not so tightly that I couldn't move. I left my hair to dry naturally just clipping a few bits back once it was dry, I only put my mascara on as usual, cause I never bothered with the whole idea of make-up, just the odd bit of mascara every now and then.

I patiently waited for Sophie to finish getting ready; sometimes she really did take forever. Finally when she was ready she walked out of the bathroom with her perfected look. Her long red hair falling wildly down her back, her perfected make-up that wasn't over the top but definitely party-like! She was always one who was fashionable, she always grabbed attention from the men on nights out, not that I minded it didn't want to stand out to strange people, just people I was comfortable with.

"Ready?" she asked, grabbing her clutch bag.

I nodded in reply before walking out of the door behind her, locking it as I went.


Stepping out of the cab we briskly walked side-by-side into the club. We didn't have any other plans except; get a pissed and have a good time. We certainly didn't waste any time in getting a drink, we strolled straight over to the bar to grab anything alcoholic. I was definitely up for this tonight, maybe not the club atmosphere but definitely the drinking!

After a couple of hours, Soph was off dancing in the crowd. I just kept an eye on her; I didn't like the whole 'dancing' in a club thing. I sat peacefully, enjoying the drink, watching the crowd. I'd kept myself to myself all evening and that was the way it was staying. I'm not up for the whole one night stand anymore; well I'm done with relationships for now. Plus, I'm on my travels for the moment, I was free, for a little bit until I had to return.

??? P.O.V:

We had been in this pretty shit club for a while now and to be honest I was getting bored, we all wanted a break, to come out have a drink, things were getting me down right now. I'd run out of things to write, where was my inspiration now.

"Come on, we're trying to take your mind off of her," his friend stated, trying to snap him out of his trance.

"I know," I sighed.

"It wasn't your fault, she's a bitch and doesn't deserve you, clearly," his friend added before grabbing another round of drinks.

"I wish I could stop blaming myself," I responded. "It's been almost 3 months."

"We know, just let go, move on and start a new chapter," another friend suggested.

"Come on let's get drunk!!" another mentioned, definitely lightening the mood on the corner table of the club.

We took a few shots and made our way through several bottles of beer each. My vision was blurry and I was definitely drunk but my vision became clear again as soon as I spotted her. A heart-warming feeling building up inside of me, it was nice to actually have that sense of feeling again.

I'd been watching her for a while now, the guys were continually bringing the drinks over but the strong alcohol was having no effect on me anymore I was numb to it. She absent-mindedly sipped her drink, looking as though she was in pain inside but refused to let it out, she was definitely my kind of girl; a puzzle to solve.

I was intrigued by her, she certainly didn't look like she was that excited about being out but who cares. I was grabbed out of my trance when someone started talking to me.

"Go and talk to her," he whispered into my ear before standing up and walking over the bar.

I didn't want to interrupt her thoughts, but I wanted to meet her before she went. I was considering every option; I mean like what could I ask her. It would just be awkward, but I've never had a problem with talking to girls before, believe me. I was dragged out of my thoughts yet again but a girl who had approached me without me even knowing.

"Look," she began and I snapped my head towards her, "She's my best friend, I've seen the way you've been looking at her, you look like a decent guy, I'll give her your number and vice versa but watch her..."

"Is this a joke?" I asked, completely confused.

"Nope, so I'll see you in 3 days’ time around 8pm?" she giggled, only receiving a confused look from me, "at your gig.." she responded.

I grinned, "you’re fans," in response.

"Yeah, well your music helps her, she loves you guys" she smiled while handing me a piece of paper with the mystery girl's number on it before I scribbled down mine to swap it with. We swapped and she waved as she walked off.

I quickly stood up and fought through the crowd back to her. I tapped my hand gently on the shoulder and she immediately turned around.

"erm sorry, but come behind stage afterwards, just stay in the venue once everyone has gone and we'll come and meet you," he smiled while she nodded and walked back over to her slightly lonely friend. I wandered back to the table where all the guys were still drinking, I slumped back in the seat I occupied before and just smiled, I couldn't wait to see her innocent face again, I waited for the day to come around, patiently. I was going to pull out all my cards when I'm performing then.
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Hope you enjoyed the chapter, let me know what you think... *hint hint*

Right I hope to make a new chapter soon and upload it, please please please let me know what you think I'd really appreciate it:)