This Is Halloween


Twiggy finished the last of his drink as he stared at the TV aimlessly. Nothing moderately interesting was on and even if it was he couldn't concentrate; Manson had just been a dick to him. He didn't wanted to hang out, walking away from him saying how "this whole weekend is fucking stupid" before slamming his door shut and staying in his dark room. Surprisingly becoming the Halloween Scrooge. He didn't even relax when Twiggy tried to follow him into there suggestively. He just snarled and told him to "Go hang out with John if you want to be a fag."

He sighed heavily at the memory switching the TV off and turning to look out the window; rain hit it fast and hard and the sky was almost black. On top of that the building was old, huge and cold. He really didn't feel like being alone this Halloween.

He stood up making his way out the room and down the long corridor, quickly spotting Pogo wondering around. He turned around to see Twiggy, stopping in his path. He was obviously just as bored as the bassist.

"Looking for Manson?" he questioned when he seen him approaching

"No, he is busy" Twiggy replied, pouting again and looking to the floor, Pogo didn't say anything but turned his mouth to a 'O' shape. Guessing that the front man was probably in one of his moods again.

"Um yeah" Twiggy looked back up in a attempt to act casual

"where are the other two?" They both starting walking again, neither of them knew where to but it was better than awkwardly standing in the hallway

"They are having a little date night"

"How so?" Pogo turned, his expression becoming slightly aggressive

"Well either watching a movie or eating.... or fucking, I don't know" Twiggy scoffed at the thought of their 'date' it was always hilarious to the others how John and Ginger could be such raging homosexuals.
Manson was always the leader of the mocking of the two for the most part. However what nobody knew was that he was jealous of them; he would give anything to be able to do what they did with the man he cared about. But he didn't. Being a asshole was a lot easier than being open with Twiggy all the time.

"Woah, woah wait a second Twiggs" Pogo turned and grabbed the bassists shoulder,
"You're saying John and Ginger are alone? Having a nice time?... together?" Twiggy went to nod but Pogo wasn't even looking at him, he was looking through him intently.

"Fuck them, lets go" he said, pulling the smaller man along.


John grabbed the bowl of popcorn and the bags of candy, moving and sitting on the bed crossed legged as he began to munch happily. He fucking loved Halloween. And what better way to spend it than watching good horror, eating then fucking, in a huge old fashioned house that was probably plagued with spirits?

He bounced happily at the thought, eating some more of the candy.

Ginger gave a amused but loving smile at the sight; John was wearing orange pants with Halloween themed prints, he got so excited when he discovered them. He was like a kid at Christmas when him and Ginger walked around the store and found the Halloween section; picking everything up to inspect and show the drummer.

The blonde looked up to find himself being watched, "What?" he said smiling stupidly up to him, his mouth still full of some form of food. Ginger shook his head laughing lightly.

"What should we watch?" he asked as he set up the TV

John furrowed his brow, really thinking which would be the best option. He opened his mouth ready to say his favourite; The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
But just then the door burst open to reveal two of their fellow bandmates,
"What are you guys doing?..... can we join?" Twiggy said, poking his head in and looking around

"Movies and pop corn looks good!" Pogo announced before the others got a chance to answer. He smiled and walked in the room. Both John and Ginger looked up sadly, the guitarist sighing in defeat. Now dreading his night.

He was not one bit happy with how he was so used to his plans being ruined by Pogo or Twiggy.

Speaking of Twiggy he had happily bounced over and on to the bed, moving close to John as Ginger set up a movie feeling slightly annoyed - his bandmates had interrupted vital cuddle and sex time, and he cursed them both quietly.

Pogo walked over to stand next to the bed, asking, well telling, John to "Move over"

John groaned slightly but shuffled along further.

"Seriously, move over fatass!" Johns jaw dropped and the bassist next to him snickered,

"I'm not fat!" he looked up to meet Pogos eyes

"I didn't call you fat, I called you fat ASS. Its your ass that is fat" John now pouting but moving over further whilst Twiggy, who had managed to get under the blankets and cuddle into Johns side giggled some more adding;

"John has a ghetto booty"

John looked down and wanted to hand his candy over, now feeling like self concious teen girl. But Ginger turned;
"Hey I happen to like Johns ass" he smirked climbing in the other end of the bed, this comment causing shrieks from the other men, not wanting to know about their friends sex lives. He looked towards the blonde and they shared a small smile, John now deciding against giving his candy away.

So the movie started, unfortunately for John he didn't get to choose but A Nightmare on Elm Street was a great selection anyway. He was trying to enjoy it as best he could but had been interrupted countless times by Pogo laughing manically next to him. He shuffled uncomfortably as he jumped at the sound of the keyboardists laugh once more. This was not his idea of a fun night.

Ginger wasn't having too much fun either, he had to deal with Twiggy cowering into him, repetitively using his arm as a shield when he would gasp, jump and guard his eyes. Squeezing or scratching the drummers hand when the scenes on the screen became tense.

Both Ginger and John where relieved when the end credits rolled up but the other two band mates shouted "Another!" eagerly. Because as dorky as it might seem, they where both having the time of their lives and completely oblivious to the others annoyance.

So after a other hour and a half (this time The Blair Which Project as Twiggy wasn't in the 'mood' for a black and white flick), they finally got restless and agreed to no more, John smiled thinking they would leave as Pogo stood. However he just stretched and placed himself on the other end of the bed, sitting up. Twiggy also climbed from beneath the blankets but still kept his place between the couple.

Soon a discussion on teen slashers began and Ginger zoned out, twiddling with a piece of candy before flicking it away, looking over to John. He looked equally as bored. He also looked adorable (and fuckable), he smirked up at him the blonde who flicked his eyes up too, smiling shyly.

"Well" Twiggy started, the drummer now listening to his and Pogos discussion
"John would be the main character - sweet, kind, innocent" Ginger laughed lightly at 'innocent', knowing all about how much of a little nympho he could be

"Seriously, look at him" Twiggy cupped Johns face and pointed it to Pogo

"Angelic" the keyboardist nodded

"Yeah, John is fucking angelic- so he would be the star?" he gave Pogo a questioning look and he sighed nodding in agreement

"Yeah, Aryan mother fucker" he mumbled then leaned back, thinking more
"I've also noticed, whores always die first, so sorry Twiggs you would be gone early" he laughed and Ginger couldn't contain his laughter either, even John had a giggle

Twiggy just pouted folding his arms; "Yeah well assholes always die early too, so you would be fucked"

"No, I'm the comic relief, I would survive with John" Pogo smiled smugly and chuckled

"But you're not funny" Ginger said

"Oh, did Norman Bates say something?" Twiggy made a 'ooo' noise and him and John laughed

"I wouldn't be Norman Bates. You'd be the fucking psycho"

"Oh and why's that?" Pogo said, actually looking intrigued

"Because you are a fucking psycho" it was Ginger and the others turn to laugh and the keyboardist just shook his head

They sighed and went quiet again, but John suddenly shuddered; "You cold?" Ginger perked up thinking he could go and cuddle him, finally.

"Well I was just then... but only my back" he looked confused slightly

"You know what that means, it was probably a dead guy touching you" Pogo announced, staring into Johns eyes intensely who scrunched his face in disgust

"Whatever, John come here" Ginger said with his arms open, John smiling and climbing over to the other side of the bed

"Ahhh attack of the homos, help me Pogo!" Ginger shook his head but smiled glad to have John now snuggling into him. Twiggy laughing but moving to Pogo.

"Seriously though, I remember a story went around my high school about that kind of stuff; Our old janitor was a asshole, he had spent time in jail; robbing people at gunpoint that kind of thing. So he somehow managed to get the job but only the night shifts because of safety or something..." The others looked up, intrigued by where this was going, there was something about Pogos deep voice that was kind of so suited to telling creepy stories.
he continued;
"...anyway, so he comes home one day, completely pissed off - not sure why but come on, he was a known scumbag. He has a roaring argument with his wife, beats her, like he always would. But this time he went too far and in the fit of rage killed her. He buried her poorly in the back yard; just throwing stuff over her in a bid to cover the corpse. Next day he apparently wakes up like nothing happened, gets his kids and takes them to a trip to the park. Maybe he was insane, maybe he wanted to kill his kids too, or maybe he actually felt bad for what he did." The others nod along waiting for more

"So they sit down for lunch and he tries to act casual with his kids asking his son; 'Are you having a nice time?' and his son goes; 'Yeah, but why have you been giving mommy a piggy back all day?'"

Twiggy whimpered, the hairs on his neck standing up and John even found himself feeling uneasy; the story being so simple but effective, as for Ginger he was creeped out but pleasantly surprised; the story being tame considering it was coming from Pogo.

"So dead people could be lingering around us right now?" Twiggy asked, looking around to the others as a heavy silence filled the room

"It is Halloween; the day the dead rise to be among us" Pogo nodded

Suddenly the door swung open; a tall figure in the doorway - the dim lights from the corridor preventing anybody from seeing its face. The four men on the bed found themselves screaming; Twiggy jumped up madly then grabbed the back of Pogo as a form of protection. Even John had leaned back further into Ginger, gripping him as he tried to crawl back. The figure stepped forward and the deadlocked man burying his head into Pogos neck; almost chocking him to death.

"What the fuck is wrong with you all?" The front man grumbled to his band who had apparently turned into a bunch of 13 year old girls

"Marilyn!" Twiggy couldn't help but squeal lightly when he seen who the unknown figure was. Releasing Pogo who coughed for air and looked up angrily.

The singer sighed but sat on the bed too he looked to the others; John who was leaning on Ginger, arms wrapped around him and Manson smirked about to pass a comment when he felt a weight on his own thighs and Twiggy hug him. So he guessed making a remark would make him a hypocrite...

"So what's going on?" Manson asked whilst lifting the empty wrappers and flicking them away

"Pogo just told us a ghost story" Twiggy said, getting comfortable on Manson

"Yeah, it was creepy" John mumbled and Pogo smirked, looking to the bowl of popcorn crumbs with a sparkle in his eye.

"You know what is creepy" Pogo breathed out, turning to the guitarist who shifted uncomfortable as he leaned closer with a worried, wide eyed glare

"POPCORN" he shouted, making John jump as the bowl of crumbs was thrown over his head and he moved wildly looking for Ginger for assistance.

Pogo sat up, throwing his head back and laughing. John sat still pouting, "Not my hair" he reached his hand up to feel the crumbs all around his scalp. Ginger laughed lightly but ruffled his blonde hair in a attempt to help.

A bang was heard down stairs.

"Did one of you leave the door open?" the frontman growled to the others; but they all shook their heads confused.

A clatter sounded and Twiggy gasped holding his hand. "If some dumbass has broken in to fuck with us" Marilyns voice raised and the others look confused

"Nobody knows we are here" John said softly but only Ginger heard and he allowed the blonde to lean into him further

A louder clatter was heard and the rain pounded on the window, the dreadlocked bassist whimpered, looking about worried; "I'm not very good at fighting..."

Thuds then sounded from the stairs, getting closer and Pogo went to step out the bed, ready to push whoever it was when the door slammed loudly and caused numerous members to scream. The singer was shocked himself but stood, opening the door as Twiggy sat up and reached his hands out in a desperate attempt to get him back to the bed. But he stood in the door way shouting; "Go away"

"Does that work?" Ginger looked to the door and Manson shrugged but still looked creeped out

"Well, I think that's enough excitement for one night. Sleep tight, boys"

"Wait, take me with you" Twiggy skips over to his side, entwining their hands as he throws the others a "good night"

"Yeah we better be going to bed" The drummer announces and John nods in agreement; freaked out but completely amazed at the paranormal experience.
They both look to Pogo awkwardly.

"Oh fine, great..." he stands groaning; "You all just have a gay old time and I'll go to my room and jerk off with fucking casper"

"Good night Pogo" John offers as he walks out the room waving his hand in their direction

He turns to Ginger smiling, both completely thankful for their alone time. However they where tired. They kissed, when they got under the covers, arms around each other. But they both yawned when they broke apart; John pouting; "Well you just wait until I've had some sleep, I will fuck you through this bed" he smirked.
Ginger laughed, "I look forward to it"

Their lips met again and they turned to fall asleep. John didn't know how long for but he had a light sleep while Ginger was in a deep slumber next to him, he awoke to see Pogo next to his bed. Sitting so he was eye level and staring at John who almost jumped out his skin.

"I haven't slept" He said casually as if that was a explanation for watching him sleep like a fucking creep.

"Jesus, what time is it?" John breathed out rubbing his eyes slightly.

"I don't know, can I get in here?" John leaned on his elbows with a confused expression then smiled; "You scared?"

"No! that's gay" Pogo said harshly, then added "I'm... cold"

With that he climbed into the other end of the bed and the guitarist rolled over, trying to relax. With in minutes Pogo had fallen asleep and was wrapped around Johns legs who groaned and laid on his back uncomfortably deciding silently next year it would just be him and Ginger for a Halloween celebration.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I wanted to write a silly Halloween fic, so here it is, very silly!
I put it up now in case I don't have time tomorrow but Happy Halloween everyone! :D