Status: This came to a dead end, but I have so many other fics I'm working on!

Everything Better Plan

I just saw your hoo-haa!

I stumbled out of the taxi, high heels in hand, and started to make my way up the path to my porch. The stepping stones in the grass were moving around too fast for me to keep up so I walked across the grass, shoeless. This wouldn't have been an issue if the sprinklers hadn't of just turned off. Nevertheless I made it to my porch, my next mission was to find my keys and unlock the front door, about six minutes into the struggle someone tapped me on the shoulder
"Need a hand?" his familiar voice asked
"Find my keys?" I asked sweetly while handing him my bag. He saw them instantly and unlocked my door, I expected him to go back home but he picked me up, like the way a man carries his bride through their front door, and brought me into my house. He kicked the door lightly to shut it and carried me through the house
"You didn't lock the front door!" I exclaimed in a panic
"I sorta had my hands full" he laughed
"I'll do it when I've sorted you out" he said taking me into my bathroom and propping me up on the toilet.
"Why are we in here?" I asked as I gazed around as if I've never been there before
"Because you always need a bath when you come back from a party" he said, which was true, I smiled because he knew that.
"You're so sweet" I smiled
"Thanks, get in then" he said looking at me
“Close your eyes Merrick, I'm not that drunk" I demanded jokingly, because to be frank I was that drunk but I didn't want him to know that. I stripped naked, discarding my tight black dress and underwear somewhere on the floor, and got in the water, covering myself with bubbles
"I'm in" I told him and he turned round
"You always do this" I pointed out
"Do what?" he asked
"Look after me, not just when in drunk, always" I said
"Well I care about you" he said, smiling slightly
"I would kiss you right now but the bubbles are kind of forcing me to judge my movements very closely" I said, he looked stunned by my ability to string that sentence together in my drunken state
"Well then I'll just have to kiss you then" he said leaning over, at first I thought he had for the wrong impression and was for a proper kiss but he turned his head and kissed me on the cheek lightly.
"You reek!" he proclaimed
"Oh I love you to Zack" I said getting defensive. I forgot about the whole bubble situation and slipped backwards, submerging my head in the water.
"I just saw your hoo-haa!" he joked childishly
"Well you shouldn't have been looking" I said
"When do I ever not look" he said and I laughed because to be honest he 'looks' whenever he gets the chance.
I washed my face and hair and Zack went and got me a towel. He did that thing that moms do when they’re getting there kid out the bath, he stood with the towel opened out then when I got close I put my arms up and he bear hugged me, in the process he wrapped the towel around my naked, wet body.
With one swift movement he picked me up in the same way he had before and took me to my bedroom, literally dropping me on my bed, he went to my draws and got me some underwear and a random t-shirt, is it weird that he knows what I wear for bed and where everything is? I put them on after I had dried myself a bit and crawled into bed. Zack headed towards the door
"Where are you going?" I asked "home?" he quizzed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was. "No, stay here! I want someone to snuggle!" I said
"Ok, but I have to go lock your door, remember" he said as he left the room. I waited what felt like a year for him to come back, he took of his pants and t-shirt and crawled into my bed. I rolled over into his arms and he kissed me on the forehead
"You're beautiful" he whispered which made me blush
"Are you just trying to get into my pants Merrick?" I joked
"That wouldn't be so hard seeing as you’re not wearing any" he said and snapped the elastic of my underwear against my hip
"Keep your hands to yourself!" I joked, secretly hoping he wouldn't move
"And if I don't?" he said, putting his hands on my ass
"Well I guess I'll just do this" I said, biting his neck a little
"Mother fucker that hurts!" he said sarcastically, still not moving his hands. I turned over so I was facing away from him “Spoon me" I said sleepily, he moved closer to me and moved my hair away from my neck and started planting butterfly kisses on the back of my neck
"Zack, stop" I said not really making an effort to do something about it
"Do you really want me to?" he said, turning me over onto my back
"No" I said sheepishly.
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